Few CTV articles catch my attention…mostly because I have almost every CTV feed blocked on Social Media - except for one, apparently…
And because of the headlines posted on this, I can remember why I continue to block them…When you read the headline, you really will not get a sense of what’s actually going on here and even if you were a CTV Atlantic subscriber, you’d probably have just breezed past this without a second thought:
Parents pulling children from class over presentation…
See…seems innocent enough but had piqued my interests enough to actually click through…and when I did, was absolutely disgusted at what I’d read and even more so because they’d either tried to slip this past the public or downplay what was actually going on here.
When you dive into the cesspool of this story, you learn that the presentation that parents were pulling their children from was focused on sexual identity, gender diversity, and relationships – all part of the curriculum.
All a part of the curriculum?
Disturbing, because who approved a mental disorder - gender dysphoria - as being factual information about relevant or actual sexual or reproductive health?
Getting past all of this…what was going on is that even children who didn’t want to be a part of these uncomfortable conversations, where one of the presenters was a Social Media Influencer who’d posted lewd content that kids were allowed to view, is that children were literally held hostage and not allowed to leave.
Riggs said she was upset that students who wanted to opt out were not allowed.
"When I asked him about it, he said, 'mom I didn't want to be there, but they weren't letting us leave,'” said Riggs.
"My son came home from school yesterday. He was telling me about the interactions he had with the influencer," said Greg Austin, another parent whose son attends the school. "Mostly for me as a parent, we had no idea that anybody was coming to talk to our kids."
Austin said his son didn’t feel good about the presentation.
"He could see people were not comfortable and that other people asked to leave, and they weren't allowed to,” said Austin. “There wasn't any other option."
Parents were notably PISSED OFF about this, hearing from their traumatized children and took it up with the School Admin…
And instead of backing down, Administration sent an email home to parents telling them to “piss off”, and that this information was required as a part of the “Inclusive Education Policy” and that if they didn’t like it, they could contact their MLA.
I don’t know about you…but as a parent and grandparent, I’d be taking to the streets with pitchforks - uniting others against this.
These people work for us…are paid by us…and when they decide that they can just go ahead and do whatever the fuck they want, it’s time to send some messages.
Now, this was in Halifax…but you can appreciate, left unattended, this parasitic movement would consume all provinces, all schools and at all levels. We sat back, ignorant to what was happening and allowed SOGI into our schools, snuck in through the Trojan Horse of pronouns…and it’s time for this to come to an end.
On the Alberta Side…Smith and the UCP are working on legislation to combat some of this, especially on the mutilation of children through gender reassignment surgery…but will it be enough?
It’s time we become more aware of what is being pushed onto our future generations…
It’s time we become a part of the solution.
Become informed.
Become engaged.
And let’s protect our children from this force fed lunacy!
Truly don't like saying these words. But it's necessary.....parents need to be mote active and informed / self educated on what the " system" is / has/ and will be doing to your kids. Parents have the responsibility of being PARENTS .parents out their trust into the teacher without even learning about students teacher, they effect schooling yo be a day care while they work to support the family, but they are not being involved in what actually happens behind those closed,locked doors. They don't even try!! .I know I had kids in the system too, I also scrinitized what the teachers were going to teach my children.i can guarantee you. That the teachers were not allowed to teach my kids SEX,ANATOMY OR OTHERWISE. I had made them sign my paper work restricting my kids from such classes. It was library time.AND I SHOWED UP AT THE SCHOOL TO ENDSURE THAT THEY WERE EXEMPT. I THREATENRD LEGAL ACTION IF I CAUGHT ONE OF MY KIDS IN SAID CLASS.
I aldo had a principal FIRED for inappropriate touching of behinds as the students walked into school each morning.
Yes parents need to be more active when it comes to their kids attending school. Its not a paid day care. Its a school SYSTEM
And, unbelievably, the BC NDP still won the seats in the large populated areas of Vancouver and Greater Victoria. Hopefully when the votes are all counted , John Rustad and the Conservstives will pull ahead and form the government. He specifically wants to end SOGI. Sad that my riding is so blind to the consequences of SOGI. The parents are still believing it's an anti bullying program. Good for Surrey for turning Conservaitive.