Jul 1Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

What has happened to Canada!?!? Liberals have turned it into a divided, out in left field mess. Hopefully MSM will be defunct soon once JT is gone and their taxpayer funded propaganda is no longer tolerated. Then the indoctrinated into stupidity among us might shake their heads and wake up.

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Jul 1Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

Hamas and the woke crowd ... hmmm. Popcorn time!

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Jul 1Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

In other news. For the "macabre but predictable" category we have former B.C. premier John Horgan having his cancer come out of remission. He pushed vaccine mandates and BC is still the worst of all the provinces so it's zero sympathy from me.

I don't wish vile health on others because that's just bad karma. Besides they've done themselves in by being true believers in the cult.


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Jul 1Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

Fun to read.

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Jul 1Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

I saw the term "suicidal empathy" being passed around Twitter (the name X sucks) last week. I don't know who coined it, but it is bang on. On the bright side...it is July.

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You mean the end of 2024 season? Not too likely: https://www.canada.ca/en/women-gender-equality/pride-season.html

They've claimed a full FOUR MONTHS in Canuckistan. Plus: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_LGBT_awareness_periods

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Jul 1Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

These are the two useful idiot groups that will get the country locked down...again, if the clash happens.

But the racist white folks did it.


Hang out the wangs fuckers

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Jul 1Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

Liberals Are Destroying Themselves

And One Another.

Why ?

Because They Are Each

Their Own Answer.

Living In A World

Where The Right Questions

Are Never Asked.

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Jul 1Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

Marine Le Pen’s National Rally was leading in the first round of parliamentary elections across France on Sunday. Macron’s presidential term ends in 2027. She will not replace Macron......Yet!

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Excellent article Sheldon. I hope they devour each other.

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Wake up guys! NOTHING is what it seems!

9/11: two "planes", yet the third tower (WTC7) imploded, free falling on its footprint like in a controlled demolition. It was out of reach, and all 7 World Trade Center towers needed to be rebuilt, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center... and the “owner” took an insurance policy for the WTC against terrorism, just months before, when no one was taking them … he didn’t show up for work precisely on 9/11 … just as his 2 grown up siblings. The inside information about the FUTURE 9/11 event helped masons make trillions by shorting the stock exchange: the records were deleted by the SEC so they wouldn't be prosecuted !!!


Being in favor of Israelis doesn't mean being in favor of a Zionist Israeli Government: a right of self defense never includes the “wrong” of assassinating 20 thousand innocent Gaza children. How could children be a threat !!!

Masons need a global war to justify their global government:



All we are saying is give peace a chance!

The USA has become ATM of foreign wars like Ukraine and Gaza: why?

Is it all a false flag operation as an excuse to genocide (40,000 Palestinians already, half children, killed by Israel’s raids), get the Gaza gasfield, and the canal head-port from northern Gaza to the Red Sea? Time will tell their true intentions, though it's clear that saving the lives of the hostages wasn’t and isn't the priority at all !!!


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