Jul 26Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

Bat shit is right. One day I pray that she spends a significant length of time at the crowbar hotel. It saddens and sickens me what has happened in BC under her reign of terror.

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Jul 26·edited Jul 27Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

The Guillotine, as opposed The Gallows: No ambiguity, no possibility of faking it. Her execution must be public, and televised. Nothing less is adequate. And for those of you who think that's utterly barbaric? "Au contraire mon ami"! That is "amnesty". She should be publicly burned at the stake for what she's done.

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The sad thing is many of my acquaintances think she did a great job. It's going to be hard to convince my friends to vote for the BC Conservatives as they see that the Cons are attacking "their" B.Henry. Even if they like the other parts of the Conservative platform. Our popularion is extra brainwashed here in BC.

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Jul 26Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

If you read the fine print, healthcare workers have to disclose their covid vaccine status and all other up to date vaccines ( measles, chicken pox etc etc ) and Nat bit get a job. The first headline sounds great but an employer can decided if this unjabbed employee can work in specific settings. So, I doubt they will.be able to work in more acute units.

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Jul 26Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

This could be right. They lifted the vaccine mandate at BC Parks and Recreation but they still asked on the application if you had the covid vaccine???? Why would they care if it had honestly been lifted? Such a stupid judgement society. Anyway she didn't get phoned for an interview and she was highly trained in fitness.

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Jul 26Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk


Yup. Just a mandate by another name.

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Sorry. Typo. " Might not get a job ".

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Jul 26Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

The mandates were never based on anything other than political science- which is also the "science" behind why they have been dropped: The BC Cons, who have been lobbying the NDP to drop the mandate, are polling neck and neck w the BC NDP and we have an election this fall.

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Jul 26Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

We need to get rid of the totalitarian type NDP in BC.

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Watch "The Chekist" sometime, and understand that "murderous incompetence" is the only flavour these people come in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_RSDqBn0bA

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Jul 26Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

You make a great point, seems highly likely that is why the mandates have been dropped. But what about Bill 36? Does it not still make C-19 vaccination mandatory in BC?

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Jul 26Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

I wondered about that too, Maureen. I wonder if they'll amend it?

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I suspect it will take lynch mobs howling for blood to squeeze any kind of responsibility out of these imbeciles.

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Jul 26Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

Hang Henry high!

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Won't be damned high enough!

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Jul 26Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk


Alberta is still giving the CJabs & saying they are safe.


So is BC.

We have all seen the Evidence

Crimes Against Humanity

Yes, it is good that the mandates are gone.

It isn’t enough.

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Jul 26Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

When you say Alberta is still giving the jab, its AHS, not the government. Danielle Smith is planning to pass an updated Bill of Rights in the fall stating vaccines will not be mandated by the government.

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Respectfully, I know that.

Danielle knows the Truth That The CJab is bad.

The Fall doesn’t cut it. You tell that to the families who lost loved ones, the vaccine injured. They are still promoting it is safe, when all the evidence proves otherwise. They are giving it to babies.

Crimes Against Humanity. This is NOT about politics.

It is About Saving Lives.

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That's big of her considering any "Vaccine Mandate" is in direct violation of "The Nuremberg Code, The Helsinki Declaration, UNESCO's Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (Article 6), The UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Article 7) and 6 Major Federal Statues including "The War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity" Act... 🤔

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All though during covid, people didn't have to take it, but lost their jobs if they didn't take the shot.

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Cocksuckers made me walk away from mine. Between November 2021 and July 2022 their piece-of-shit scam cost me at least $37,500. Will I ever be compensated? I doubt it.

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AHS is still pushing it and recommending it

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Wait till October / November and the WHO / WEF catamites throw their "Bird Flu" wheeze into high gear. 🙄💩

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Well will see how many people will buy into the narrative. I know in some circles you hear the powers to be want to make it compulsory and of course we have Bill Gates promoting 500 vaccines before 2030. God forbid!

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I still see enough people masked, midsummer, here in the lower mainland. BC has the right kind of customers that will buy the Bird Flu and beg to overpay!

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would not surprise me

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Jul 26Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

She is an evil, sociopathic, authoritarian, tyrannical, nazi'ish horror show, all wrapped up in a pretty pink, warm and fuzzy, soft voiced facade. I secretly believe she wrings the necks of chickens for the sport of it. The day that blight on humanity is gone will be a happy day for all. She, along with her boot licking buddy Mr. Dix and front boy Eby, have left the BC Healthcare system in a burning, ruined heap.

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Jul 26Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

At this point I don’t trust any of this. Why do this? and why now? and why even promote that it’s happening?

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Prov election in the fall

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Jul 26Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

When the announcer mentioned their names on the radio, I thought maybe they were resigning. Too bad.

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Jul 26Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

Mainstream Medical (reluctant to call a profession) is still “practicing” by endorsing Jabs. No one anywhere out of any College of Physicians and Surgeons has come forward to say the (still) experimental mRNA Jabs are bad for you, even though Pfizer and Moderna studies prior to their “Operation Warp Speed” release indicated as such. Big Pharma gives out too many freebies to bite the hand that feeds them.

In 1976, 32 deaths resulted in the halt of then coined “Operation Warp-Speed” vaccination program. https://live.fullfact.org/online/swine-flu-vaccine-1976-covid/ . Armstrong kept his own records saying 52 people died. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/corruption/gates-admits-700000-people-may-die-from-his-vaccine/

I challenge anyone to find the reports of how many died from the 1976 Swine Flu Vacccine and what amount was paid out to the litigants (USD 131 million) of which I believe only half was ever paid out. All seems to be obliterated on the WWW.

The point being millions have now died from the Vaxx yet Mainstream is still flogging “get your booster!” There seems to be (2) camps within, one th at won’t talk about any virus and the other pro-Vaxx. Both are scared to death of having their medical licenses pulled.

When the litigation proceeds to finding medical doctors and Politicians liable, only then will you see any Mainstream entity say anything against the current Narrative - being these “Vaccines” (still experimental and not fully approved, not vaccines but gene therapy poisons) are bad for anyone.

Thanks, Sheldon.

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Jul 26Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

Canadian Press maintains one.

Petty C-graders rule over us.

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Jul 26Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

Hahaha what a disgusting human being. Dix, Eby, Henry you name it, all should be held accountable for their very poor decision making. Vote THE NDP PARTY OUT OF BC!.

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Jul 26Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

Why would anyone listen to a lietician, ever?

Or a bureau rat?

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"Lietician" LOL. I'm using that one.

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From Feargus O’Connor Greenwood’s “180°: Unlearn the Lies You’ve Been Taught to Believe”; Page 544:

“Mandatory vaccination violates the Nuremberg Code, Declaration of Helsinki, UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (Article 6), UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Article 7), US Constitution and, given what we have seen in the previous chapter, the Hippocratic Oath.

It’s time to re-ask the question we first met at the beginning of Chapter 1. Do you think at this point in the proceedings obedience to a corrupted authority is a good idea?”

It was “Butcher Bonnie” Henry’s job to know these things. It was “Butcher Bonnie’s” job to know these were untested, unlicensed, experimental drugs for which all safety protocols were suspended in development. It was “Butcher Bonnie’s” job to know they thus – over and above what O'Connor wrote quoted above – came under the terms of the Nuremberg Code, the Helsinki Accords and the Geneva Conventions. It was “Butcher Bonnie’s” job to re-assure the public that – assuming “Covid-19” even existed and I personally very much always had my doubts – that it was a very mild infection at worst, and nothing to worry about...

Instead “Butcher Bonnie” did everything in her power to exacerbate panic and hysteria.

Thus I can’t answer any of your questions, but I pose one of my own which I proffer in limpid sincerity:

“Why isn’t “Butcher Bonnie” Henry shackled naked to the floor of a rat-infested dungeon awaiting her appointment with the executioner? She should be publicly burned at the stake for what she’s done.

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Bonnie Henry is nothing short of a hardened criminal. R.I.C.O. crimes against Canadians. Bioweapon poison jabs. Just saying.

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That is one monumental understatement: She makes Joseph Mengele look like a piker.

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Hi Capt. Roy .... mass extinction event is what we are all facing. They want us dead. We are the carbon footprint they want gone. I'm old so I have nothing to loose. Be Blessed.

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At 65, I wish I was 85, or better 95. I want "out." That said I suspect "they" will eventually understand what eliminating their carbon footprint actually accomplished -- that, and the true consequences of worshipping The Father of Lies... 🤔

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Fight the good fight Capt. Roy ... for the sake of our children. I worked at C.A.E. Inc. from 1974/2018 when I retired to this insanity. Please be strong ... till the end. We will win this. I'm a life long practicing Christian and NOTE: G-D/JESUS is the most sane in existence and the devil is the opposite INSANE ....so that's why the world is nuts, hell is rising but the devil is a loser. Be Blessed. I will pray G-D make you as strong as a man can ever be .... for such a time as this .... to the tearing down of strongholds ....Be Blessed. You are a Captain of where ever your feet go. Some of us got your back.

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You needn't drop the "o" from "God" Patricia: I am not Jewish, neither are you. 😇

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Hi ...sorry it's a habit. Your right.

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Gee, I wonder if this is starting to hit the true believers at the upper echelon of BC politics?


True believers or cheats? Who thinks Bonnie took the real shots? Maybe she is THAT stupid LOL. We can hope. "Dare to dream Arnold, dare to dream" - Kokanee commercial

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It’s a good question TRM. I had one former friend, a medical doctor of 30 years who evidently drank an entire jug of the Koolaid all on his own, took 4 doses of The Lethal Injection; when I tried to enlighten him as to the reality of the Fraudemic, cut me off. So holding an MD degree with decades of experience is no guarantee of a functioning intelligence.

On the other hand, Butcher Bonnie is in a high office / position of trust so it was/is incumbent on her to know of the reality of “Covid” and The Lethal Injections... Thus no matter how you slice it, this woman has been grossly criminally negligent and malfeasant at the very least; is guilty by now literally millions of times over, of “Crimes Against Humanity” under Canada’s War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity Act which by the way subsumes The Nuremberg Code... 🤔

Moreover, I look at the way Charles Hoffe MD was treated by Butcher Bonnie / The Ministry of Love – pardon me, Health – after he submitted a warning letter regarding his experience with The Lethal Injections; also by allowing The Lethal Injections to be taken by children as young as 12 on their own judgment – a 12-year-old doesn’t begin to have the life experience to make such a decision – and without their parents’/guardian’s knowledge or consent; in addition permitting infants of 6 months and up to be given The Lethal Injection even if the thoroughly co-opted/criminal CDC itself stated they were not at risk of “Covid”... ? 😱

To this failed musician who thinks too much, this is not merely indicative of an extreme degree of malfeasance and dishonesty; this is indeed the behaviour of an extreme psychopath. Bonnie Henry is a mass murderer on a level with Lenin or Stalin; the most notorious woman serial killer that I’m aware of, Elizabeth Bathory (600 girls / young women) doesn't even come close.

But I guess we’ll have to see if Bonnie keels over from myocarditis or a turbo cancer in the next year / 18 months before we’ll know if she drank the koolaid herself. 🙄💩

PS As for John Horgan’s misfortune? Ask me if I care.

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ChatGPT = Propaganda, Psychological propaganda. I hope you see that.

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