Sep 25Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

Anyone who thinks politicians are in it for you and me are dreaming in technicolor. This guy is no different than hundreds who came before him. Money and power are foremost, the people who actually voted for him mean NOTHING. Get used to it.

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Sep 25Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

Political parties taking out loans? Who loans the money and will it ever be paid off? Is it tax payers money going towards these loans? If so we are basically shooting ourselves in the foot!!!

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Sep 25Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

Our 8 yo is very good at sports ball. Of course little bundles of XYs being what they are, cheap shots during games ensue. Some tears coming to grips with the realization that dignity cannot be legislated; it must be embodied. One legally executed shoulder to an antogonist ends cheap shots--for all kids on both teams. He is recruited to elite level sportsball within the month.

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Sep 26Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

I thought Quebec was leavin?

Why haven't they left?

We should leave.

Why haven't we left?

Exactly what are we trying to preserve?

Oh right, our own demise.

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Sep 25Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

We'll just have to endure the Liberals. And boy will that be a challenge. They're off the charts off the rails. They will table one dystopian legislation after another Orwellian legislation. They won't stop. A government with no moral authority to govern is going to ram through bills no one wants - and potentially to the detriment of the country and its citizens.

Meanwhile, the scandals continue and revelations about how this country is dysfunctional (like we saw with POEC) in recent committees and the FIC inquiry into foreign interference. It's amazing how much the Liberals politicized all levels of the bureaucracy. They're making good people look really bad.

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I'm trying to be diplomatic. I believe this is a family stack.

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I guess we need to start showing the diplomats how to be diplomatic lol

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Near as I can tell, while Jag was elected as MP to 'Burnaby South', his constituency has been redistricted to' Burnaby Central', though his is still listed on 'ourcommons.ca' as MP for Burnaby South. On 338Canada, Burnaby Central is leaning CPC 59% to 39%, so our favourite communist is in serious danger of losing his own riding in the next election, and I don't see his latest antics as helping his chances at improving his polling numbers. Just one more reason I agree that he personally will vote 'no' to any non confidence motion forcing an early election. (His party is broke, his electoral chances are broken, or at least badly bent, and his pension would evaporate as we all know.) One interesting possible wildcard, however, are his own MPs: if at some point even 2 of them distance themselves from Jag in order to preserve their own chances at re-election as he becomes increasingly toxic, numerically that is all it would take to force an election, assuming the BQ get to the point where they have successfully milked us for everything they wanted and agree to force a NC vote with the CPC. ( Libs have 153 seats, BQ 33 and Dippers 25) Thoughts?

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NB: the past tense of "lead" is "led," as in "Zeppelin," not "lead" which is the heavy metal, ironically also as in "Zeppelin," but maybe not for about 40-45 some odd years, depending on whom you ask.

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Some BS orchestrated dance

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