Unions should all be busted. Unions were started for the workers to ensure job security ,balanced equal pay, not to give the Unions power over the said workers or a place in govt . Unions have gotten to powerful within govts and have gotten way out of line. They take huge dues and do absolutely nothing for the workers.

I belonged to two Unions,not by choice but because I needed employment. I quit both Unions because they do nothing to back the due payers. Nothing. Justvyake yoyr money and tell you what you can and can't do on a job..meaning designated job description and you can't work outside of that description.. like hospital workers or city employees..you see this all the time. 6 men on the construction job 4 men doing nothing bit leaning on shovels instead of working because it it's outside their particular job description...Unions are useless.

Bust them all

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Unions are self serving for the elected officials. Have you ever been to a union meeting. One, two members show up at a local meeting so they pass whatever they want. Most members don’t care til it affects them.

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It must be understood that most Western civilization politicians are progressives and are alleged assets of entities aiming to destroy countries like ours. These outside entities aim to destroy our economies, first and foremost.

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