1000 advocates 13,797 emails so far today be part of the push against Bill C-293 just fill in your email and postal to send this letter

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C-293 MUST be DEFEATED because it is a comprehensive threat to Canada’s civil structure and our rights.

No term is defined and no power is limited. The grant of power is overly broad in the following ways:

1. The One Health Approach covers all sectors, and all disciplines (‘multisectoral,’ ‘multidisciplinary’). It covers 'animal, human, plant and ecosystem health’ which purports to be everything in the natural world. It includes the 'welfare Interface' which is all of citizens’ interactions with government and asserts that everything is 'central, to preventing future pandemics.’

2. There is no definition of pandemic.

3. The plan covers any 'risk' that 'could lead' to a pandemic, where risk is not defined and does not have to be a proximate or material cause.

4. It is geographically and jurisdictionally broad, impacting Canadians’ activities at home and abroad. Activities are not defined.

5. It has many other jurisdictional issues. The plan requires all levels of government and indigenous communities to overcome 'jurisdiction challenges' (which could include court's jurisdiction, provincial jurisdictions, territorial jurisdiction, and indigenous treaty jurisdiction). Jurisdiction challenges are not defined.

6. Those in charge of the plan define the ‘state of research’ in order to establish interlinking surveillance systems which erode privacy.

7. Controllers determine the working conditions of employees across all sectors; manage (restrict access to) stockpiles and thus create a Soviet style command economy in which government controls all means of production and distribution.

8. Controllers define and manage 'communication of risk to the public' and therefore create and control the narrative without challenge. They set the 'communications capacity; infrastructure for electronic platforms’; provide for elimination or reduction of meat production and consumption, and support investment in alternative proteins (e.g., bugs) instead.

9. Under the guise of reducing deforestation, the controllers determine land use in Canada, which has the power to expropriate rural, urban, agricultural and other lands and property from their owners.

10. It burdens Canadians with massive expenditures to address ‘global health equity’ and ‘global deforestation’ (aka agriculture).

11. C-293 allows the government of Canada to conclude agreements with organizations like WHO, UN Environment Program, Food and Agriculture Organization without public consultation, participation, or consent.

12. It allows for border measures such as “vaccine” passports and restriction of transportation.

13. It gives an additional unlimited, undefined grant of power to ‘the coordinator,’ allowing the Minister to 'delegate to the coordinator powers, duties and functions that the Minister considers appropriate.’ None of these powers, duties, or functions is defined within this Act.

All powers granted by this Bill are broad, excessive and create jurisdictional issues. C-293 allows through 'sustained collaboration' (undefined), embedding of those in charge of this plan in all levels of government AND indigenous communities, all for the purpose of reducing an unquantified ‘risk,’ that 'could cause’ an undefined event alleged to be an undefined pandemic.

14. C-293 grants these authorities to the Public Health Agency of Canada which, since the adoption of the 2005 International Health Regulations, has been a satellite office or focal point of the World Health Organization (WHO).

C-293 institutes a Marxist takeover of our country. The review committee is an irrelevant issue and a deceitful distraction from the purpose of this Bill, which is a severe infringement of rights on a grand scale.

All Senators must defeat this Bill. MPs must cross the floor to recall the Bill.

Provincial MLAs and Premieres need an immediate legal review of the broad jurisdictional assaults of this Federal Bill in order to pre-emptively go to Court to stop the operation of Bill C-293. The provinces must protect our rights when a Federal Bill has totalitarian reach into their Constitutional authority.

Canada as we know it, and love, will no longer exist with the enacting of C-293.

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Dammmit!!! I fly in from Toronto a day later!!!

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