Damn. Those numbers are horrific. Keep encouraging Rach to drink😂 Cirrhosis of the liver and all… Just kidding. Like they were kidding about using tanks during the freedom convoy…

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I'd be happy to give Rachel a ride to the clinic for her next injection. Just trying to be helpful.

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It continues to be so disconcerting and upsetting that people are so blind to the truth! Will it ever change?

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Certainly changes your mind about history, doesn't it? To the victor go the spoils, and the dominant story line about how justified they were....

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Awesome deep dive Sheldon...thanks for sharing!

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Wow that is crazy …. Even if I was deaf blind and mute I’d still be able to understand what the elite and of course drunk tits herself Ragel Nutley are doing to the province country and world mass genocide or as Mr Gates would put it depopulation Thankyou for the great articles and updates Yakk 👍🏿👍🏿

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Thanks for all that info. It's the vaccinated who are having the Covid infections again. It's too bad that the Leagcy News Media just lies and covers up the truth.

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Keep hammering this home. The mRNA injections have simply failed.

In ANY respiratory virus pandemic, we would expect severely REDUCED mortality every single year as the most vulnerable are taken, natural viral evolution results in less deadly and more transmissible strains, and the population gains natural immunity through exposure.

But not only do we have MORE overall mortality, we have also have MORE SARS-CoV-2 associated mortality. And that's after spending billions on these useless injections.

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Great post. At this point, perhaps the article and statistics should be sent to Danielle Smith. I doubt Rachel Notley would even look at them, much less acknowledge doing so.

The stats are alarming given we haven't reached the end of the year yet.

I would imagine that using Alberta as a point of reference, given these numbers, it would proportionally be about the same percentages in the other provinces. While the difference in numbers in the last two years isn't huge yet, they are on an upper projectory which doesn't bode well. Most rational people would realize that this isn't working and demand answers. I keep waiting for these people to appear. I fear I'm in for a long wait and wonder at this point if it's too late.

I can't believe this makes me happy. I found out my oldest daughter and husband have elected to stop at 3 shots. My husband made the same decision months ago, 3 shots. No more.

On the flip side, I was dismayed to hear my sister and her husband just recently had their 4th shots.

I saw my husband's daughter lat week and she told me that both her and husband and 14 year old daughter were getting their 3rd shots. I asked her why, given the fact they had all had 2 and had all gotten covid. She said its supposed to keep you out of the hospital and that's why they were doing it.

As I said, I think it's going to be a long time before the rational people come back. Perhaps they won't.

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There are no COVID deaths, there are only "vaccine" deaths. There was no excess death in 2020. That started with the injection of the bioweapon. Read The Kingston Report. All of it!


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ABSP (Anything But Spike Protein) category - misinformation from usual suspects to divert attention from Spike Protein. same as no virus, metals, aliens etc. etc.

here is dr. Ryan Cole on dr. drew show a mainstream radio. the word is getting out there, so more of these karens to the rescue with more misinfo ....


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She has introduced the WEF, BillGates, and the Bill & Melinda Foundation as Partners.


Therefore, her actions should be guessed.

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If only Danielle Smith would acknowledge this in a press conference, and tag Rach's beloved AHS for having pushed the failed and deadly vaccines, she could bury pharmabro Rachel VacciNotzi, and fire the AHS in one fell swoop. Alas, we wait...

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interesting interview ... this is mainstream event, the word is getting out.


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Thanks for posting- wow I’m surprised, and happy to know the truth is leaking into mainstream. I mean seriously, they can’t hide the elephant forever!

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part of struggle, hopefully will be over soon.

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Rachel just reads from a script (follows orders) from HQ about how much she cares. Staggering that it works.

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Yes. Notice how certain catch phrases and buzz words are inserted into the public addresses by our WEF mole Politicians? Trudeau routinely uses "SAFE AND EFFECTIVE" when giving remarks to the press regarding vaccination(s), (By including all vaccines, his conscience is eased as he knows most vaccines are life saving, except the Mrna injections!). He also loves the "MOST CANADIANS" inclusive phrasing as if he's speaking on behalf of the majority of Canadians. A trait of a narcissist.

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Is it possible that you can send Rachel Notley a letter with these recent statistics?

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What is it called when someone continually ignores any truthful information that doesn’t fit their narrative? Even when its the truth? They shut you down, tell other family members, try to make you feel like you’re bad , but ignore anything kind you send them? etc!

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Thanks Sheldon for continuing to push on and showing us the truth. We appreciate all you've done. These numbers are awful and I know it's also happening worldwide.

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PUBLIC COMPLAINT AGAINST GOVERNMENTS 01/12/2022 - Action, legal action


תלונת ציבור נגד ממשלות 01/12/2022 - Action, legal action


DENUNCIA PUBBLICA CONTRO I GOVERNI 01/12/2022 - Action, legal action


PLAINTE DU PUBLIC CONTRE LES GOUVERNEMENTS 01/12/2022 - Action, legal action


DENUNCIA PÚBLICA CONTRA GOBIERNOS 12/01/2022 - Action, legal action


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