Alberta Just hit the Highest Year of COVID Deaths, today - OFFICIAL Statistics
Since the Start of the Pandemic.
This morning, I busted out some of the information provided by the Province of Alberta and through the Provincial COVID and Influenza Dashboards…in case you missed it…you should read through this first:
And it was important that I got this out before hand…because it’s a lot to process on it’s own…and given that I had a couple updates that I thought were pretty important to share…needed to get this done timely.
Now…what’s important about this information is that Notley has been banging the Vaccine Drums pretty hard over the last few days…lighting twitter and all of the NDP ‘No Minds’ ablaze with statements like:

And…because she has a bee in her bonnet over Smith telling businesses in Alberta to Reconsider their position on Forcing Jabs or lose provincial funding…when there is no mandate in place…Rachel’s Hair is ON FIRE!

And what you should read into this is that Rachel ‘Purrrrrrrr me anudder dubble’ Notley would still have the mandates in place and sponsor businesses into Alberta who hold segregation policies, Against Albertans on Employment, with taxpayer money…and, she’d most likely dispatch the storm troopers to drag you from your house and into the streets to vaccinate you against your will.
Because she seemingly believes that the COVID vaccines save lives.
I did a segment on this, just over a week ago…where it was a forecast for what we’d actually be seeing…if you missed this one…check it out or loop back once you’ve finished this update:
With today’s - Hot off the Presses - COVID Update, we now see this:
As of Tuesday, November 28th, 2022 - only reported moments ago, there are now a total of 5,216 COVID Associated Deaths in Alberta - With/From.
And how this plays out is like this - COVID Deaths - Alberta:
2020 - 1,533
2021 - 1,832
2022 - to current - 1,851
Total - 5,216.
What is important to remember about this is:
2020 - Alpha - most lethal COVID variant in the Province.
2021 - Vaccinations started in January.
2021 - September - Booster program rolled out with Vaccine Passports.
2021 - Least lethal Variant - Omicron - takes over in December.
2022 - Paxlovid Made Available January 31, 2022.
2022 - Additional boosters added to the roster.
2022 - Only 11 Months in and we see the absolute highest rate of COVID associated mortality in the province since the pandemic started…
And what’s our vaccination status at?
The highest risk population = Boosted to the Tits:
Who make up…
4732 of the 5216 deaths or 91% of the Provincial COVID associated Mortality.
These are the lives that Rachel Notley keeps saying that we are saving…yet…the more vaccinations they get, the more of them that are dying, from COVID variants that are continually weakening as they mutate.
Said another way…
In the last 11 Months, people who have survived the most lethal variants of COVID - Alpha and Delta - have received 4 vaccinations and now can’t survive the weakest variant - Omicron, and are dying in greater numbers than either 2020 or 2021.
Danielle Smith doesn’t think that we need to have mandates for people based on their vaccination status…
Rachel Notley Does.
Danielle Smith doesn’t want to take your taxpayer money and give it away to businesses that prohibit people who haven’t been vaccinated…
Rachel Notley Does.
In fact…
Rachel Notley still wants you to believe the vaccines are saving lives…who wants to tell her what the Official Statistics from the Alberta Provincial COVID Dashboard look like?
If you do…ask her one question for me…since I’m still not allowed back on Twitter.
“If Vaccines Save Lives - Why aren’t they Saving Lives?”
Better yet…just send her the link to this stack.
The province has hidden the link to download the data from the dashboard. If you’d like to verify the data Click →Link
If you’re not that savvy with spread sheets and just want to have a copy of this for viewing and sharing, I’ve got ya covered!
4 tab spread sheet on my google drive, total deaths, 2020, 2021, 2022 →Link
2 more updates to go…1 will be a 2 parts, I got a lot to cover.
Before Vacay…WHEW!
Damn. Those numbers are horrific. Keep encouraging Rach to drink😂 Cirrhosis of the liver and all… Just kidding. Like they were kidding about using tanks during the freedom convoy…
It continues to be so disconcerting and upsetting that people are so blind to the truth! Will it ever change?