Bet ya dollars to donuts those same parents shot those 5 immunocompromised kids to the max with clot shots which will kill them far faster than any lack of masks.

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If they believed the shots worked...give your kids the shots - don't force every other child to have them.

If they believed the Masks worked...make your child wear one - don't force every other child to wear one.

If they don't work...no reason to force every child to do this.

Plain and simple.

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Also, imagine sending truly immunocompromised kids to school etc under the false assumption that masks work. This is negligence. Try sending police to a shooting scene and with a bullet proof vest made of paper mache.

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There's a famous Russian novel, where in it, everyone is entirely limited to the lowest member of society. So everyone must wear ear muffs that we can only hear as well as the most deaf person and everyone must wear glasses that dim our vision to the worst-sighted person, etc. The idea being you cannot make everyone equal; as you can never make a moron into a genius...but what if you could make a genius into a moron so you have two equal morons. Its sort of ridiculing the idea of equal outcomes by doing the extreme-opposite of meritocracy in a novel.

When I hear about "5 immuno compromised children's parents" (who probably go to different schools) want every other child, in every school (including school's their children do not go to) to wear masks for their child's benefit, I can't help but be reminded of this Russian novel.

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I'm thinking the judge read the same novel and thought, "Wow...what a great idea".

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Sadly our Judicial system has moved towards the personal opinion regarding covid held by the sitting judge rather than facts and scientific data. As of October 2021 it was known the shot was neither stopping infection or transmission and were useless. There are countless studies showing how masking does statistically nothing and in fact are now starting to prove harm. Lawyers needs to get the facts straight before presenting to the judges..but maybe the lawyers are of the covid narrative and choose not to…a screwed up system for sure.

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A secondary analysis struck me following this judiciary ruling: if the rights of the 5 kids minority were infringed upon as per the judge, it implies that the rights of the unjabbed were affected in relation with the jabbed majority.

Am I going too far here?

I think it's that simple.

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Exactly right, Gabriela.

The judge weighed 5 children in the balance of 810k.

The province ignored the civil liberties afforded by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms for over a million people and for over a year. And their still beating the same, "Unvaccinated are Selfish" drums that want to see more restrictions on us, because they "did the right thing".


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This judge supports wokism at it's best...

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Just ignore it. If the schools order masks just ignore them and say no. Refuse to wear it. Until people find their spine this nonsense will continue.

The legal system has been hit and miss and this is in the latter category.

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1) Agreed. Yes, the corrupted institutions reply upon our compliance.

2) The legal system, like every other institution, has been captured over the decades by infiltrators & useful idiots (the blue-hair, gender bending, stop-oil fools).

There are organised agendas being pursued in this global coup. This isn't a "mistake".

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I'm back to harp on the point that this isn't incompetence. It's a war on the citizens by several groups.

I suspect there remains a wide range of understanding in this audience about the role of various societies to infiltrate our institutions. They are real. They have operated for centuries & we hurt ourselves by not understanding who they are & their motives. Their motives include population reduction & totalitarian control of those that survive.

Below is an informative introduction of one such group, the Fabians. P.E. Trudeau was a well known Fabian & Club of Rome attendee. Part 2 of the story is linked in the notes below the video.


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I agree completely and have somewhat read up on this. Here's my theory.

There are people who believe that fossil fuel supplies are dwindling, Chris Martenson being one of these people. He's on our side by the way. If true, this is a huge problem because our standard of life over the last 150 years has advanced because of the availability of cheap energy. Energy is life. The groups that you refer to see this and (I think) want to ensure that there's enough for them, the rest of us get left out in the cold, literally.

Maybe there are people who really want to save humanity by limiting and therefor extending the availability of fossil fuels. I think most of them aren't so altruistic. Like I said, they want to horde it for themselves.

People like Chris Martenson who believe the supply is truly limited, that we are running out, look to solutions that don't involve killing off or impoverishing a good portion of the worlds population.

There are also people who claim that fossil fuels aren't really the product of 'fossils' and that the supply is not limited.

I don't know. Any experts out there from the oil patch that could shed some light?

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Thoughtful comments. Brief replies:

1) Malthusian forecasts (search Thomas Malthus) of resource scarcity have been with us for more than 200 years. They've been nonsense from the start. The Global Criminal Class (Khazarians, Fabians, Chatham House, etc.) use this nonsense to advance their aims. ex. GlObAl WaRmiNg...

2) There are no fossils found deeper than about 16000 ft. Oil & gas are drilled well below that depth every day. Oil & gas have nothing to do with fossils, no matter how many times that erroneous term is used. The Soviets operated outside the "fossil" nonsense from the start of their petroleum industry. Ever notice how all that Soviet info, evolved independently for 70 years & released in the 90s, just vanished? They had their own nonsense too.

3) Chris M & many others seem to mean well. They also make errors.

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The perception of resource scarcity has been a driver of murder and mayhem going back a long, long time. I think this is why we're supposed to trust in the providence of God.

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This is separate from the fact that manufactured disruptions to supply chains, energy & fertilizer are bringing hardship across the world. Widespread famine is highly probable by Spring (unevenly by region). It would be a terrible mistake to not stock food, fuel & other resources.

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There is a similar sentiment here in Minnesota, not far across the border, the idea that jabbing all kids every year for 18 years is necessary to protect adults. Here is what I call the genocide in a screenshot:


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As someone on Twitter posted: "Canada: If CNN were a country".

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It never ceases to amaze me that CANADIANS of all people cant seem to get it through their stupid heads that masks can't possibly work.

I mean all you have to do is go outside with a mask on on a cold morning, and believe what your eyes tell you.

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I actually know someone who did this, saw the mist but still 'believes'!

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Masking should be a preference at this point, it is a known fact now that the vaxx does NOT STOP TRANSMISSION!

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The cost/benefit analysis is for those 5 kids to wear a Single/Double/Triple mask?

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Why can’t we just give online courses for those 5 kids?

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The judge is a complete effing moron. Too bad. If the masks work, then they'll work for those 5 kids if everybody else doesn't wear one. If the vaccines work, then it won't matter if others are unvaccinated.

This is madness.

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A great question would be were those 5 children wearing masks before covid?

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Somehow this review wasn't moot, but air travel vaccine mandate lawsuit is moot.

Make it make sense please.

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