Thank you Sheldon for breaking this down for us layman to understand. It is people like you and other sites that are exposing this for the fraud it is and bringing this house of cards down.

Also, thank you for not taking your foot off the pedal on this issue which is what our governments are counting on.

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I would have been happy if they took that site down completely - to stop people obsessing over covid. But the way they did it clearly shows they intend on hiding important data.

I also wondered about the changes to the geospatial tab. I assume, as most areas went from red to light yellow, it didn’t look as scary any more.

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Most countries including Canada further bias the data with a false definition of unvaxxed, defined as unvaxxed = until two weeks after the second jab. Most early deaths from the jab occur within 2 weeks of the first jab and are thus defined as unvaxxed. More data fraud.

UK data is better - unvaxxed (truly), partially vaxxed and fully vaxxed.

See my latest paper CorrectPredictions.ca

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Interesting stuff! Please keep posting.

FYI - there appears to be errors on the dates in the first column of your spreadsheets which threw me for a bit, until I realized that all the figures came from the data already posted in the article.

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Thank you once again for all the amazing work you keep doing to let us know the true statistics. When it comes to teasing out the true information you have my complete admiration. I am sure that most jurisdictions in Canada and all countries that pushed these failed treatments on their populations will try to obscure the truth as it becomes apparent their big experiment is failing. We can't become complacent. I hope I live long enough to see justice served.

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A telling article. Thanks Sheldon!

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Great analysis. It is criminal this doesn't have more views.

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This is great sleuthing. The stats in Ontario have been murky too. I believe this line needs revising: "As well as this colourful bar chart that indicates only 4.1% mortality in people with No Conditions:" I believe you meant 4.1% of all deaths/mortalities from C19. This line stopped me, because as written it implies 4.1% of people with C19, with no other conditions died, which I know is not what you meant.

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Not Even Sub-Human They Are Evil Vile Demons That Need Closure!

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Excellent research!!!!!

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