We're used to being disappointed by this crew of c*nts.

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Please don't censor yourself. Use the full impact of the word. They are CUNTS

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Just when you think Canada can't be more disgraced, up pops Cocahontas 🪶

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Trudeau needs to GO! Now! Please!

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My humble take on all this...

(1) It's time to do some stockpiling. I assume that most readers here are prep minded. Load up the basics now.

(2) Another "stockpiling" pillar is liquid cash. Make sure you have enough/plenty.

(3) Fuel costs will be a rollercoaster. Unfortunately, fuel (gasoline/diesel) storage and maintenance are not simple: oxidation, polymerization... are issues that often lead to fuel degradation (my opinion: an slightly exaggerated claim, from a temporal time of view).

(4) ...and when I say "stockpiling", getting your preferred holiday beverage is part of it!!!

(5) And for those who frown upon Gin and the likes, get your hot cocoa as it lasts.

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Fully agree with everything you've stated.

Especially the things that come from farthest away. Just wait until the US implodes during this next administration. Were already being primed for price control measures.

This country is fuxkesd. Buckle up kiddos.

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Remember the Liberals and NDP hate us! Humans are bad! Especially Canadian humans which Trudeau wants to use for his drama teacher example for the world. Canada is the leading example of what to do to save the world by killing its people. We should be proud.

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Right, they will stop the GST for the holidays, but will not take out the carbon tax, what kind of buffoons are these people. Do they really think they will save the NDP or Lieberal parties? Mind you there is so many indoctrinated and brain washed people out there. I have visions of Trudeau being hauled out of parliament in a straight jacket. At least with these two evil idiots still in charge of the 2 parties well one party they will take down the NDP and the Liberal parties. Then what are we left with a one party government. Or maybe we have had one all along.

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Canadians are very obviously in an abusive relationship with Trudeau and Singh. They called us names, take away our freedoms, try to starve us, let our 'home' be over run with strangers who disrespect us, degrade our healthcare, rob our children of their futures and on and on, but today they come home with flowers- after which the abuse resumes. We are not fooled, but the frightening thing is that many abused stay in these toxic relationships because their forgiveness can be bought by insincere and gestures which the abuser resorts to when they see their control slipping. The CPC need to hammer home that our abusers will not buy our love with this bouquet that we see right through it, that the abuse continues and that the only way to start over is to leave the relationship.

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Here's a better glimpse of our next holidays, and yes, it might not be very pleasant.



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I renewed my mortgage in September. Damn rate almost tripled. Ugh

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