I wonder if we could form a Union of Canadian Citizens and then go on strike from paying taxes?

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Yes please. Let's figure this one out. I'll give to a lawyer. Not kidding, if it were possible.

There ACTUALLY are no laws anymore, so why not.

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How I understand in Canada..paying tax is not mandatory..it’s just a good thing for a citizen to do..Mind you you might not get a pension or benifits but it’s not obligatory..

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I don’t think that’s correct. If it is then I wish I had known about this 30 years ago because I’m never going to see anything close to what I’ve paid in taxes and CPP contributions if/when I receive CPP benefits.

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Yes..but I was told that by a man at the tax office when I had an issue of my overpaying. I explained how they were wrong what they charged in my tax.. but would not help change it.. I said I don’t want to pay it’s wrong but I am forced to..then he said to me you are not forced to as it’s not mandatory to file taxes? I said What? Why have I been paying..he said it an honest thing to do..helps the govt..and you won’t get benefits if you don’t! That’s what I was told..

I know a couple who didn’t file for 20 years..when they finally did..they got a refund? Go figure! 🙏🏽

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

File is the keyword here.

We STILL pay via theft via our employers deductions and legal requirement to submit.

Unless you are self employed and take that risk, and well done if you do, YOU/ WE pay via theft.

You should now be pissed canucks, AND refuse the voluntary submittal of your tax forms, make the CRA do their jobs. They already have your t4.

Seeking rebates and asking for your your money back is lunacy.

Do not volunteer and build your case of salary theft against the Feds.

Stop acquiescing to vermin.

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Yes..CRA are overworked. They work 2 days a week and are upset they are being asked to work a 3rd day! Nice work if you can get it!

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wow, interesting. thanks for sharing your experience. I now have the intention to investigate this in more detail.

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Good..unless they (libs) have changed rules as per their agenda that was my experience. 🙏🏽

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My sympathy from Nebraska in the USA. (at least the time being).

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Great summary. Key here, just like when the government both broke the law and encouraged businesses to break the law (Re: health mandates and requirements for employment still enforced by the medical mafia in BC and in many job postings I’ve seen lately - clearly a contravention of labour code, civil and medical rights, right to privacy, DNA protection etc) - the OFFICIAL OPPOSITION didn’t stand up and oppose anything - they just went along with it (barring the odd passing comment from Dr. Leslyn Lewis). We hear about the “uni-party” problem in the US but it’s likely even worse here because there are at least 4 parties who don’t have the “testicular fortitude” to stand up for Canadians.

Thanks for your post (again).

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Its a uniparty here as well. Canuckistan

The choice is fake as the day is long

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

"Under the domestic and international laws of war citizens are forbidden from taking part in war on the side of the aggressor and are legally bound to disobey the orders of any Government that takes part in an illegal war or supports acts of genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes. This duty to refuse to obey unlawful Government orders includes orders to pay tax. If a government uses funds raised by taxation to wage illegal war or to commit acts of genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes, then a taxpayer’s normal duty to pay tax is reversed and becomes a duty to refuse to pay tax.”

Neuremburg 1947


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It is strange..from what I have been reading..the US deep state gives orders to the liberal party for decades. The PM would meet in Halifax with Clinton’s/Obama/Biden..Cnd like a wire frame if future comes there first then to US..watch carefully..

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The CPP invests in American ports.

Let that sink in, before these ships do.

This whole system is rotten, and if BRICS becomes a thing?

You think you're broke now.

Better been planning.

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I did not know this. TY..

Do the ppl who are in the unions not realise they are spelling their own doom? They and their families will also suffer?

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CRA only works 2 days a week??!! No wonder it takes so long to get shit done, even when it’s all computer algorithms anyway.

The military used to follow PSAC, whatever raise they fought for we got too (or part of it). Don’t know if they still do. Sad state of affairs at any rate

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I hope that whoever runs our 🤡 US govt doesn't decide this is a good idea. Of course, they will!

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Jail guards will be next.

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Plus..police..RCMP..hospitals..doctors..nurses..ect..just in time for next ‘planscemic’!

Guaranteed votes from Union leaders & their workers who are told how to vote!

If airlines go strike ppl won’t be able to leave country?

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great overview not seen 'on the ground'

trained ignorance:


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