The push to grab ask the guns is not out of fear of what might happen when some loose cannon with nothing left to lose, cracks and climbs up a clock tower. The purpose of this gun grab is to INITIATE that action. They desperately want someone to pop a fuse and start shooting. That was give them the excuse they're looking for to bring in even more measures to monitor citizens, control your life and curate what you read. Let's not give them their wish.

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Truckers united and maintained their civility.

Violent retort will be coming from soccer moms.

Hell hath no fury...

Children have been harmed and sacrificed under the guise of protecting people that continually make up 90% of the mortality. Pieces of the puzzle are falling into place for a lot of people...and they're not going to wake up from this in a position of being comforted.

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The CDC is blaming the collapse in vaccine confidence on 'misinformation'.

Can't be because you assholes lie your asses off, right?

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By the end of 2020, there were 11 people in my age group that had died with/from COVID - 10 year age stratification.

16,714 cases.

97.3% of mortality was in those who had conditions I never suffered from.

This is the information that the government gave me in a dashboard.

It's not my fault that I read it...understood it...and was never afraid.

If this was the information they wanted me to read to convince me to take an experimental drug, they are the ones guilty of misinformation, trying to make me believe that I was even at risk.

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A site worth following for informed discussions on politics & markets. This interview is a particularly good summary of the state of our struggle. Big events unfolding in Switzerland, Japan, Thailand & Malaysia.


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Many of CDC deserve trial and the rope

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Hey John. Fancy seeing YOU here! 💖

#NoAmnesty 💔💉☠

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No Amnesty!

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That List is Massive! Criminal Conspiracy For Crimes Against Humanity!

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In a way they are correct, all the misinformation has been from them. Safe and effective.

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Of Course Not!

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Can't say it's vaccine confidence as it is the entire medical community. I get have never trusted them since working in emergency preparedness for the federal government. See first hand how the medical systems work with government. Haven't had a vaccine since either as every vaccine is a lie and takes credit for viruss etc naturally evolving to a less dangerous state.

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"Hell hath no fury" indeed.

#TheMothersAreComing 💔💉☠

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I Agree To An Extent But They Are Already Bringing In Those Measures Anyway!

Playing Psy-op Stall Tactic's & Distraction Games With Hopium All While Murdering Us With A Mandatory Death Jab!

But I Am So Looking Forward to Eating Some Bugs & Parades With Klaus Schwab & I Am Already On The Neural-Link List! :) Just sayin!

How Many More Kids Get Jabbed Before We Say Enough?

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It won’t matter at that point. It will be neighbours fighting to save neighbours. Family fighting to save family from the ruling class. when push comes to shove we will band together and bring the fight to their doorstep. Not the other way around,

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I believe this exact thing will happen.

We won't take to the streets in protest like other countries...will see random executions by citizens...we'll see families uniting and arming in protection.

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It is about damn time! So many forces at work to keep this at bay but once there’s a trickle it won’t be long before the dam breaks!

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If Canada wasn't so spread out, I believe there would already have been widespread revolt. It's one thing to protest from your own street corner, like we have been at the south end of Red Deer every weekend since this began, it's another to find and develop a mob mentality to blockade parliament buildings to not let them in...or back out for that matter. I 'd like nothing more than to start by chaining the doors shut on the provincial legislature building in Edmonton...and go from there

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Eric You Have A Brother Kevin?

I Am Kevin's Friend Scott H!

Looking More & More Like Danielle Is One Of Them!

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You're the kind of person I wish had my 6...

#NoAmnesty 💔💉☠

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This will be a truly frightening province if the NDP somehow pulls off a win. If that happens and leather face implements shots for all, that will be the day and time for rebellion. And yes, I'll definitely have your 6

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I Do Have Your Six Indeed!

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Already too ok late for that, corporations have taken over and they will dismantle any new government that tries to fight them.

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Precisely what my husband was just saying, Kelly. They're baiting us.

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The one thing they have to realize is...

They literally are the bait.

As in, they've accepted being a sacrificial lamb because when violence comes, it will come from all directions and it won't matter what side of the political aisle they stand.

It's literally as much of a game of Russian Roulette as taking the jabs, with the same extreme severity in outcome being a horrible death.

None of them will leave this unscathed. They'll either be:

A. Wounded,

B. Dead, or

C. Spend the rest of their lives in fear.

There is no Option D.

And there'll be no place on the planet that they can safely hide from their fate.

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Which is probably why they're hoping so desperately that Elon can establish a colony on Mars :)

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Remember That Time In Grade 4 Sex Class They Told You About The "Point Of No Return"!

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I'm older and went to Catholic School.

It was Grade 6... 😉

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My First Name Is Scott Do You Have The Right Guy?

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I do think they want to incite violence. And they’re doing that with a slew of things. But that’s not what the gun grabs are about. History tells us what happens after a population is disarmed. It’s called genocide. I think the government is beginning to realize that North America will be quite difficult to disarm.

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And people will go along with it!

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Case in point: Australia.

I think Australia has been a "proving ground" for so many "experiments" which were rolled out, years later, world wide.

(At least in my time and recent memory.)

Maybe because it's an isolated island in the middle of the ocean and pretty simple to "lock down".

As was recently "proven"...

One thing I know for sure: Oz never was, and never EVER will be, on my bucket list.


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they wanted us radicalized fringe minority with our unacceptable views to incite violence.

it won’t be us tho...

it’ll be those who complied then called for our death, our punishment, our imprisonment for not complying along.

those ‘unvaccinated should stop clogging up the ICUs, just stay home and die’ people got primed to accept violence.

they already don’t give a fuck about the charter.

i think things have the potential to get ugly. in so many ways.

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This is an important point, Gabby.

It's not our battle...it's those who complied and were impacted in the most terrible ways. We will be the ones sitting on our couches, large buckets of popcorn...plenty of ice in our sodas.

Watching this unfold will something that even the mainstream cannot ignore. Sure, there will be spin...but nobody will care nor pay attention.

We'll all connect the dots on the body bags filled through this carnage...

Family Doctor Executed...

Explosion at pharmacy...

Politician Shot in public...

Murder suicide in [Public forum]...

We'll normalize to this like we have heart damage in 3 year olds and strokes in children under 14...but they, those who caused this, will know that their days are numbered.

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I Will Be On Yakk Stack With Fam, At 420 Popcorn In Tow & A Scattergun Just In Case!

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Boy Scout credo.

Be prepared!

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Know It Well!

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it is our battle in that human rights matter, a lot.

and i think we will have to overcome our (i will anyway) deep resentment, and fight for those jerks’ rights in the ways we wish they had but disappointingly failed to defend ours.

which totally fucking sucks.

but i don’t want to turn into the monster that says ‘stop clogging up the ICUs, stay home and die’.

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Gabby We Must Keep Our High Ground & Take The High Road As Opposed To The Low Road The Vaxxed Took!!

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yes. steadfast and ethical.

truthfully i worry that when the information dam breaks and that ‘majority with the acceptable views’ realizes they and their families were poisoned and lied to, they will react savagely. like rabid animals.

i don’t worry at the violence, i worry about the authority’s response to the animalistic vengeance.l: what do we do with rabid animals? we put them down.

i suspect a banking/financial collapse will be rolled into the mix to direct anger and further incapacitate people into full dependence on the abusive military medical media pharma educational industrial complex system.

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Gabby I Think You Are A Really Self Confident With An Intelligent Head On Your Shoulders Young Lady!

I Would Be Honored To Meet You Sometime!

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give me lots of notice and i’ll try to roadtrip out to this team yakk stack campout! that sounds like so much fun!

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Rich Neighborhoods Are Popular!

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That's right. I've been typing since I haven't been damaged its not my fight.

We'll find out how stupid they really are targeting those who will fight on instant notice. Until then, happy practicing!

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Already Here Already In Progress!

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Sheldon, that’s exactly what the Liberals are trying to do. No guns = no rebellion. The thing is, when it does come innocent people will get hurt all because of our tyrannical government and their supporters/puppeteers’ socialistic ideology. The whole world needs to wake up and kick these assholes out forever.

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Their violent retorts will be met with vengeance by those with nothing left to lose.

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Precisely the point. Many people have absolutely nothing to lose. Live free or die trying!

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It Is Inevitable!

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innocent people ARE being hurt all because of our tyrannical government and their supporters/puppeteers’ ideologies...

we’re there.

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Indeed, Love ya Gabby!

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Chanel Built All Those Guillotines Be A Shame To Waste them!


But Never Violence!

https://youtu.be/YPvr28L0Tf0guillotines at U.S. military bases 2022 2023

"guillotines at U.S. military bases 2022 2023"

Jeez I Wonder Who Those Are For?

I Bet They'll Have Them At Summer Reform Camp!



Barack Obama Ordered Them!

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Ffs! Really?

I need to delve.

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Delve! I Like It! Good Coin Phraseology!

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The Dude Abides, Ynona Ynot Delves! Just Sayin! Yo!

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Those are for Christians. Look up the noahide laws in the US. Convert or die time. Don't think it won't happen here too.

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Nansi, Hi You Are Preaching To The Converted I Confirm Everything You Say Sister!





Bush Jr 911

Barack The Cranial Removal Tool!

Biden Bringing In Chaos For Order Out Of Chaos Ala Albert Pike In The form of Anything America Cab Do to Self Immolate!


The Luciferian Plan!

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Incidentally, you are one of only a few I've encountered who is well aware of this treachery.

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I Was Red-Pilled On Nov 22, 1963 When My Twin Brother & I Witnessed The Assassination Of JFK Live On Black & White B&W T.V From Dallas That Day!

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That's most likely the event that red pilled me as well. I watched it live on television. I was 13 years old at the time and I was not in school that day because I faked being sick and got to stay home. It left a deep impression with me.

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That would do it.

You've had many years to accumulate more pills, that's for certain.

Btw, I have a twin brother also. Sadly, he isn't enamored with my tin foil stetson. Lol

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Sadly, Trump signed too. The bastards are ALL in on it.

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Do You know Jared Kushner Owns 666 Fifth Ave New York Where Lucis Trust Formerly Lucifer's Trust Publishing Is on The Whole Penthouse Floor?

George Soros Lent Him The Money!


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Oh yes, indeed.

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Liberals are the WORST

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Don’t know what to say...but well written stack Sheldon. It is true, so much is happening so fast I can’t imagine someone not losing it soon. Keep it coming, we all need to know the truth and feelings out there

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There is a shift happening...I think we can all feel it.

Pressure is building...people are losing their homes, their livelihoods, members of their families...

We're still in the stage of denial.

Anger comes next.

A powder keg with a lit fuse.

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Had medical imaging today. The technician asked if I am vaccinated and I thought, 'Oh no, here we go...' I replied 'no, I'm not' and then the tech proceeded to tell me in a verbal flood that since her vaccinations, she has lost the ability to taste most foods, and that she thinks she has what she called "long jab". She added that a family member of hers died 6 days after her booster and that she knows which patients she screens are recently jabbed because she sees it in their lymph nodes. I was shocked. First time ever I've heard doubts expressed so openly from a HCW. When you lose the HCWs, the gig is up. The trickle is turning into a torrent.

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She's sacrificed her ability to taste food, hoping it comes back, while remaining silent to keep her job and ability to practice under Bill 36.

They all had opportunity to stand up, well before the truckers did.

While I have no faith that they will unite to stand up against the jabs...I am concerned over your same idea about the loss of the HCW's...and stated this from the selected protocols for the vaccine rollouts in Canada, given the shortage of vaccines we needed to ration, off the hop.

Why target Medical Staff in their first prioritizations?

We knew that people were dying from these, en masse, before 1% of the Canadian population was even afforded the opportunity to be jabbed. Why kill people that we rely on, to keep us safe and healthy?

This never made any sense...but I am glad they are still kinda talking.

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They Need To Reduce The Potential Backlash! HCW Expendable!

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wow. you were a safe people to share that information with... bet she’s screaming on the inside all day everyday.

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I Know Many HCW They May Be Suppressed At Work but They Are not Being Silenced Anymore Camilla!

Tide Is Turning Indeed!


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Excellent feedback Camilla.

Keep TALKING to the "vaccinated".

And reporting.

#NoAmnesty 💔💉☠

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No Amnesty!

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Amen Don

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I see it happening in the cities and In the rural areas. No one is going to take this lying down. That ship is set to sail and once it’s out of the harbour, there won’t be anyone who can stop it.

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The boats are loaded...all that's left is the direction they sail.

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Violence & Self Defence Are Two Separate Things!

God Given Right To Defend Our Family, Ourselves & Our Property!

Drop Gun Grab Laws!

We Fight Or Die In The End The Great Cull Has Begun!

Fifth Generation World War 3 Has Not Officially Been Announced!

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It won't be organized.

It's going to be messy...

It is coming.

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I don’t think anyone’s going to be announcing the war, but for those of us here, we have been seeing it unfold for a long time now. The psy-ops, gaslighting, propaganda, censorship, medical tyranny, it’s definitely a war.

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It won't be called...

We won't be uniting...

Those who feel the calling, will seek their justice.

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People With Neighbors Like These Devil's Will Exact Justice!

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@Freedom Confirmed!

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We need many Canadian heroes to step up.

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We'll all quietly celebrate them...some, maybe not so quiet.

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It's About Survival Now, Put up, Step Up Or Be Swallowed Up, No Heroes!

How Many Survivor's Will There Be Because They Worked Together & Stood Against Tyranny & Communism?

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We know they are intentionally trying to depopulate us, and they know that there are millions of us who are aware of it. And some of us who are becoming enraged that all of the institutions who are supposed to be stopping this, are instead working for them. I have just as much right to live on this planet as any other person, regardless of what they THINK they own (you only TRULY own something if you can keep others from taking it). I would not allow someone to come at me with a knife to kill me without doing everything in my power to kill him. I will not allow someone to kill me in the most cowardly manner possible just because they make laws to protect themselves. As I’ve said before, they live among us, and they are few. I, and many others, will damn our souls (if they exist) a hundred times over to erase these scum from the planet. When it starts, there will be no place on this planet for them to hide. Nuremberg never went far enough. This time we won’t make the same mistake. The 300 will be zero, Davos will be torn to the ground, everyone who profiteered from this will be punished. And THIS lesson will echo down through the centuries for the next wannabe rulers of mankind. Don’t shy away from it. It NEEDS to happen if humanity is to survive.

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I've said this same thing...there will be no place they can hide...will be no place they will feel safe...

And all of the money in the world will mean nothing when they realize this.

Some of them already are. Why do you think Trudeau travels in a caravan now?

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John Thorough & Good Was That Statement! Amen

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Violence is not right. If we go there, we've lost the battle and become the monster we're fighting against. Self defense is one thing, but attacking, even out of misery and despair, no.

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Vanda...I want you to appreciate the increase in child and spousal abuse during lockdowns.

I want you to appreciate the most precious gift in life, a child, being ripped away for no reason.

And then I want you to think of words that could comfort these families.

I agree with you...but I cannot comprehend the anguish in all of the lives that have been impacted over the last 3 years.

We weren't attacked out of misery or despair.

We were attacked for profit.

There is a large difference...

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Jesus, completely innocent endured a torturous death but did not sin. Not at all. He is the only one in all of history to talk the talk and walk the walk 100%. He showed us that love is stronger than hate and stronger than death by his life, death and resurrection.

I understand what you're saying and yes, I completely agree. I heard news today that a healthy, fit 33 year old man died of a stroke. I don't know if he got the shot but from what I saw of his double mask wearing family, I'm sure they all did.

But death is not the worst possible outcome...it's the loss of your soul...you, becoming the monster.

I have complete sympathy for those who think differently from me, my life is fairly easy by comparison, at least I think so, and I would not stand in judgement of anyone.

I didn't give in to the shots and I can't give in to this violence either.

Besides, I'm not into becoming a martyr for no good reason. And that's how you've described the man who is willing to 'legacy himself'. For what? To get arrested and thrown in jail? Possibly killed? Suicide? What will that accomplish? What would change? You think that's going to stop the vaccinators like that? The enemy would just look at him like another violent loon.

Remember this: about 85% of Canadians rolled over, some willingly and some because of coercion. Those aren't people I'm going to trust to 'have my back'.

Today I was at the city hall in my city to try to get a vaxx mandate rescinded. It will be a small victory but it will be a victory nevertheless. Mother Theresa of Calcutta worked with the poorest of the poor. She was not defeated by despair seeing suffering and death around her but focused on doing what she could, even if it meant saving 1 person. That's 1 more than would have been saved if she had 'legacy-ed herself'.

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I would subscribe to your substack, Vanda.

You have an amazing way with words...you have in every reply to my substack.

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Thanks Sheldon, I've considered it but believe it or not, I wouldn't know what to write!

I get inspired by interacting with other people. I love everyone's comments and replying to them. I spend way too much time on my computer but I've come to consider all of you, writers and commentators, as friends, allies and family.

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They May Take Our Life But Not Our Soul. Amen

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Dear Remote, that's what we've got to hang on to.

There are people who talk of some kind of biblical event happening very soon: a warning to the entire world followed by not the 'end of the world' but by the end of our times. Whether this happens or not, I don't know, I think it might but regardless, many of us posting here are closer to our death than to our birth. The Soul gets more important the older we get.

With regards to 'them' killing 'us' and the georgia guide stones. I agree. It's happening. I don't mean to sound harsh or uncaring but anyone who took the shot did so by their own choice. I know, I know, for some it was a very, very hard choice: job or jab. Others however couldn't wait for their shot and the next one, and the next one...

Critical mass is vital to winning. I don't see that we have that yet and as I said earlier, I'm not about to become a martyr for no good reason. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone else.

With regards to government gun confiscation, do think the criminals gangs in Toronto or elsewhere are worried about this?

Substack is no place to plot a revolution. What we should be plotting are ways in which to build our critical mass. We still have some semblance of free speech and democracy. Even Trudeau wants votes. When he sees opinion turning, he'll change his tune so fast even Elton John wouldn't be able to keep up.

There are many challenges ahead, not just these infernal shots: on the immediate horizon are bank bail-ins (legislation brought in by Jim Flaherty under Steven Harper), destruction of farms and the destruction of the oil industry, yes and keeping our Souls.

This is a 1 hour long video but it is a must watch:


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We Just Wanted To Be Left Alone To Live Our Lives!

They Started Coming For Us it Will Get Worse!

I'm Not Looking For A Fight But I Have Been Persecuted A Few Years Now, I Will Protect Myself As I Have To, Not Calling For Revolution!

I Will Never Sign Up For Digital ID, CBDC All Part Of The "Mark Of The Beast"!

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The Mark & The New world Order Is Already Enroute!

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"We were attacked for profit."

And we were also attacked by family, and friends, for not complying.


FEAR MONGERING by hired presstitutes.

These folks? They're still afraid for their lives, but some of them are secretly afraid and ASHAMED because they either know, or increasingly suspect they were punked.

They fucked up, and fear that their lives will be shortened as a result.

The idiots who forced me to become unemployed, with no EI, no re-employment options or opportunities, because they chose to aid and abet this obvious scam while I respectfully declined?

Cumuppence is in order.

"Karma" will be a real beotch.

(Or whatever word you want to use...)

An old Townes Van Zandt song just came to mind 😁



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Knowingly Planned The Mass Murder Of Most Of Humanity To Steal All Their Assets, & Have The Whole Planet For themselves And 500 Million Slaves!

George Soros Did That In WW2 & He Is Doing It Again!

Psychopath Watch This Psychopathic Monster!


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George Soros is a Machiavellian. His essays are on his website (georgesoros.com) and give a view into his mind and are in line with the video you posted.

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I Pray Your Not Homeless?

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You're allowed to use the real word, however a bitch is a female dog. I wouldn't insult dogs that way, unless maybe it's this one (courtesy of el gato malo substack):


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Pure Evil!

1 Timothy 6:10

King James Version

10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.


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We unvaxxed don't need to go there. They didn't get us. But 86% do have motive.

At what point do you consider it "self defence"? Here is what we've seen already on our little planet.

Forced injection appears to be humans breaking point where they will just hunt you (Austria).

Refusing medical treatment and leaving people to die? A distant second but still a factor.

Humans appear to be way more patient with war crimes (using force, fraud, deceit, duress, containment or coercion) than I thought. However once they have nothing left to lose they become very unpredictable.

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This is important to remember...it's not our fight.

The fight will be for those who complied and watched others die because of it. They will be the ones seeking retribution.

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Yes But Ready For An Inevitable Push For Us Would Be Prudent!

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What would our world be like if we’d been able to stop the Nazis or the Communists from perpetrating their evil in the world? We need to stop what the elitists have in store for us sooner rather than later. Covid was the beginning. Can you even imagine what’s next? Something even worse no doubt. It really is a matter of self defense at this point!

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They Will Not Quit Until They Have Their 500 Million Slaves Left! Already Self Defence!

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Kill or be killed. That is the choice in the end. Like Sheldon, I don't advocate violence. But I damn sure understand the concept of stopping these satanic fkers.

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Vanda I Agree However They Are Killing Our People It Is Already Self Defense!

They Will Not stop Until They Have Just 500 Million Slaves left!

See Georgia Guidestones:


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Interestingly, those stones got blown up! Lol

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By Who? Destroying Evidence? DEW Weapon Used? Manufactured Plasma Lightning Bolt?

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It was a big explosion several months ago. Never did discover by whom. A blue/grey car was seen speeding away shortly before the blast. I'll look for info.

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I Think The Car & Guy Was An Afterthought Distraction Look Here Not There!

It Was A Dewy Night!

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Perhaps, but they initiated the violence.

They violated the non-aggression principle.

Fair game.

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This War Is Already Kinetic But Because It Is Unconventional Warfare It Is Taking Longer To Recognize & Realize!

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Yep It Is On! The Gloves Have Been Dropped, The Last Straw Dropped, The Gauntlet Thrown Down, Be At The Ready!

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Let’s be honest Sheldon. There is only one outcome to the corporate globalists elites, the dystopian rulers of the new world order, the new world leaders, the WEF, the WHO, NATO, who would throw our lives away so they can live theirs to the fullest and make us their slaves. Violence is an inevitable outcome……and you are right. People are pissed and it’s only going to take one person to snap and the dominoes will come crashing down all around the elitists. There will be no place they can hide where they won’t be found. The storm is coming. They will get caught in the whirlwind.

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We've been and keep being denied justice.

There is only one way out of this...it's a reconning.

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Damn straight. I know I’m not the only one who is in agreement with you on this stance. The reckoning is coming sooner than they think.

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Some are already bugging out to their fall out shelters underground. Entire complexes exist where the deletes (as I refer to them) can live extravagantly for many years.

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Keep in mind guns don't kill . People do.

Give up your guns and what, bring a knife to a gunfight?

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Tonight's the night we're gonna make it happen

Tonight, we'll put all other things aside...

I'm about to lose control and I think I like it!

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Too Funny Sheldon! :)

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Absolutely the truth, shit needs to and will hit the fan... Just waiting for the ball to start rolling to see how it plays out.

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Maybe we should start a 'Dead Pool' for politicians and public figures?

Just to...you know...keep shit interesting?

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I'm good with that, we could easily raise the IQ level is the country within a very short amount of time.

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I don't think it's "hero" but just "human nature". Face it folks, humans are a violent lot. The biggest industry on the planet is munitions to off each other with LOL.

Ironically it's not the unvaxxed who are their biggest concern. 33 million Canadians took the shots and if 1% are violence prone that's 330,000 which is 3 for every doctor in Canada (for example). How many will go to their graves saying "It wasn't the vax" still denying it and how many will lash out? Nobody knows but the shear numbers don't bode well.

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We didn't make it to the top of the food chain without a fight.

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Yes Indeed Survival Of The Fittest & Those With Their Head On A Swivel That Bothered To Do Any Research!!

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You forgot the press..

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And the prestitue 'Experts'...yep, forget them, but they too will spend the rest of their lives looking over their shoulders.

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Great Minds! typo!

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It's human nature. OF COURSE, there will be retribution. Especially once it becomes apparent it was all political and had little to do with public health. In my circle, we've been saying for a couple of years now that violence is inevitable and when it does, get out of the way. You don't deny someone's right to earn a living and feed a family and get away with it. Academic experts pushed this unethical idiocy.

All of this was self-inflicted by the powers that be. The war on 'misinformation' is their last play. They have to deflect blame somehow. They can't even bring themselves to concede on the masks.

Fisman was one of the authors rejecting the Cochrane's review of masks in an article. Timothy Caufield, probably Canada's top misinformation spreader, linked to it.

He's part of a vulgar scientific council that put this tripe out:


The threats are credible enough that Fauci and Ardern need permanent security details protection their sorry asses. I trust it's the same for Justin when his time comes. These people won't be able to live their lives in peace.

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Yes Woke Pro-Noun Libtard Purple Hair Hairy Arm Pitted Every-Sexual University Professors & Teachers Indoctrinated Our Children With All This Filth!

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