I have an idea as well… and it’s beyond disturbing..

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It's really fucking disturbing, dude.

We all know what's going on here...and the way the news is reporting it, it's like a nothing burger they're trying to sweep under the rug.

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I can't watch the news.

I walk by tv room, I start cursing if news is on. Wife still watches Lester.

cursing... Like I had turrettes.

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Same here! I stopped watching fox news and all news! Finally getting some peace, but theres still my phone and the newspapers to escape!

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Get links to pre 2020 comedy clips...

Animal House, Cafeteria scene to start

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Same. My ability to swear creatively has improved 10-fold over the last few years. Mostly thanks to the state-sponsored hacks on the news..

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It our next generations that are at risk. And these damn parasites are hiding the truth. I’m beyond enraged. And they have the GALL to complain that they’re being threatened.

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Lol! Watched purple hearts tonite on netflix; a lovestory!

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I don't get the media insisting on keeping to this lie. Don't they have kids?

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Mass depopulation plan, worldwide.

Wave after wave. Trying to demoralize us.

Complicit cowardly traitors.

This shit ain't over.

Me, 200k Catholic remnant... We're waiting for True Pope and Great Catholic monarch

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They are in the process of killing thousands of children by vaxx, and they'll die with dozens of symptoms their parents don't understand and are re herringed into thinking is normal, or just tragic bad luck. "Died of happiness" after passing finals.

Then, many of then will snap, and no elite or middle manager or clot shot injector will be safe until the score is evened in the minds of desperate, gaslit, bereaved parents who also have VAIDS now and just years to live. They simply won't care.

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Wow! What a comment!

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Jimmy is a beast. A righteous damn truth teller

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Like the father in Australia with the boomerang. have you seen that clip? He smashes through the car window to get at the doc/pharmacist (I can't recall which) that vaccinated his kid.

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I think that clip indicates a previous relationship with the woman in the car.

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Yes. It's gone viral. Good thing.

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Aug 21, 2022
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Ok, terrain guys.

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Aug 22, 2022Edited
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Good catch, isO.

Jimmy ain't the radical he makes himself out to be. And seems to be wishing for mayhem into the bargain. A genocidal maniac might be an apt description.

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Unrelated to your point but - it’s probably a good thing. Those kids fever drugs are shit.

They delay the body from eliminating the virus by reducing temperature…the opposite of what needs to happen.

This might be ok if the fever is running very high. But mostly these are administered for mild to moderate fevers which is stupid.

Maybe a doc can correct me on this. I only give these meds to my kids when they ran very high fevers (103) which was maybe once. They lived.

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You won't find me defending pharmacueticals...wasn't really the point, but I do agree with you.

The point of focus should be on, why are so many kids in need of these, right now, that there is a Canada Wide Shortage?

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Even if there was resistance to jabbing kids, the passive exposure from jabbed parents, and others, is a risk. It can cause a similar chimeric spike related low level lingering illness.

My document Exosomes has an overview and some earlier reference links. I haven't added any in a while. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1we_CeUrj-6awxQRc4Bq85gfNzVvgwmKbzhRSbN42DEU/edit?usp=sharing

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Retinoid Toxicity can be an ongoing change that causes more inflammation and pain. I don't usually need ibuprofen anymore but during two days of Retinoic Acid overdose (a quarter of a peach and a tiny bit of carrot) I did use the anti-inflammatory amount of 600 mg several times. From zero to nine capsules just because the farm market peach looked so good that I forgot to not eat any. Vak injury or viral infection including Sars2 potentially can cause the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome type of symptoms chronically afterwards because the liver is overactivating all vitamin A or carotenoids to the active Retinoic Acid form - which can change which proteins are being transcribed and lead to a "fight virus" inflamed state. Flu like body aches. My third in a series of posts on the two day illness flair-up - just because I ate more vitamin A foods. https://denutrients.substack.com/p/nociceptive-pain-evaluation-my-everything *I had Epstein Barr Virus as a teen and Chronic Fatigue like symptoms forever after that, ups and downs.

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Aug 21, 2022
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I don't agree with the author's reply "The point of focus should be on, why are so many kids in need of these, right now, that there is a Canada Wide Shortage?" @sheldonyakiwchuk I think there should be at least as big a focus on helping these children be in less pain. Bemoaning injuries and ongoing harmful policies doesn't help the injured improve their health and the policy writers aren't budging.

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"fight inflammation" - happier?

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Retinoid Toxicity as a result of a liver enzyme change is part of the problem in my opinion and experience. https://denutrients.substack.com/p/nociceptive-pain-evaluation-my-everything

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Aug 21, 2022Edited
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Improved nutrition, sanitation, and general health.

I am a Terrain Theory supporter.

Many nutrients have a U shape for need and tolerance. Too little or too much can be a big problem for vitamin A and it is fairly plentiful in the diet. We don't really hear that much about kids dying of measles do we? Except from the pro-vak crowd?

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A paediatrician told me the exact same thing. Let the fever run it’s course.

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Right now I'm getting over covid caught from my vaccinated nephew. He's had it three times within 8 months, all since getting vaccinated, each time worse than the last. This time it was a severe flu that laid him out for several days. For unvaxxed me, it was a cold. One-shot husband never got sick at all.

Several other friends are sick with covid (not mild) and/or other colds and flus. Definitely not normal for this time of year.

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So many will ignore this, deny it and call you a conspiracy theorist ( but maybe not as strongly stated as before)

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How many “unknown deaths” were vaccinated kids?

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If you look at the VAERS cases, some of them have no age, the researchers on Naomi Wolf’s team discovered some of those were children...most likely redacted for that reason.

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Jesus. It's hard to get a chill down my spine after the never ending covid bullshit of the last 2+ years.

But if this is really related to kids being vaxxed with the shittest vaccine of all time......than I'm definitely gonna need a spine shaped blanket.

Our Western society has become a complete embarrassment, intent on eating it's own children to feed some feeble political ends. Or just so some already rich people can wallow in just a little bit more of their own greed.


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It's worldwide.

It's bleak, but I see hope in places.

It will get darker.

But... We could be on cups of a great age. For those that make it.

God is in control, and this is chastisement. 63 m butchered babies in USA and God is gonna not respond?

I knew we were under judgment praying Rosary outside abortion clinic. 1980s.

Same jaw dropping reaction to bland reaction of fellow citizens, who had no idea. Alex berenson thinks its regrettable but we can still kill babies...

I guess we need some more of gates and harrari

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They are hitting us with everything.

I am counting on Canadians, Australian, French, Irish etc to be arming themselves...

When they come for the Heartland of America, we can fight off traitor soldiers and traitor cops..

We have retired AMERICAN VETS and retired American cops, unvaxxef cops and military. And very angry citizens pissed off and happy to die

We won't be able to handle treasonous Australian, irish, French military on top it... You will have to uprise.no guns? Bats and axes.


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And I apologize for not helping Canadian truckers. I am 62, and can't find a group to join.

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Getr, all my people are Chinese who hate CCP...

What if Chinese rose up at same time!

I fear thugs from N Korea, China flown in, escorted into our country by Pelosi, Biden , cuomo... In order to kill Americans..

But, God could raise up heroes , warriord in China, Australia etc

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Grinding my axe, sharpening my ka-bar.

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I’ve also noticed shortages of train crews, NHS staff, postmen, airport staff and agricultural workers They say it’s because these people left their jobs, hmmm, to go heaven, or so sick they can’t get out to work

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GO trains (commuter trains on Ontario) are reducing services due to staff shortages.

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Wow, worldwide then. Only one thing comes into mind

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All one needs to do is connect the dots: UN Agenda and the decision to go with a communist approach to sustainability; WEF; Event 201; 2021 Monkeypox simulation: "By the end of the exercise, the fictional pandemic resulted in more than three billion cases and 270 million fatalities worldwide."

There's every indication that smallpox will gain as a result, bringing more vaccines and deaths.

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I confess I’m one of those who stockpiled... earlier on. Also, thanks to a very accommodating family doc, I’ve filled prescriptions for several courses of 5 must have antibiotics. I absolutely DO NOT trust Kanada’s ability to provide basic support in times of need, which may be coming. I urge anyone here to follow a similar course. It’s time to bring to mind the old, old adage: “Do, or Die”.

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I should have added, none of my grand kids or kids have been vaxed so that is probably why they have been so well:)

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Now Going To Use A Live Attenuated Small Pox Vaccine Too Sheldon To Treat The Monkey Pox! :(

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Expect a smallpox pandemic next. Those who had smallpox immunization (the last shot was 1972) are needing a booster by now. This was so accurately planned.

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Here is another theory. Government will tell parents they are over dosing their kids, that will.be the cause of death - thus creating a shortage

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Why does this not surprise me! Have a feeling we will continue to see similar issues in both children & adults in the coming months & years. 😔

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Yup.. Doctors are baffled once again.

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Journalism performed by MSM has been reduced to the lowest common denominator. Tell them something to believe and they are 100% ALL-IN. No investigative thoughts or ideas. Total fools. But, Trudeau likes them that way.

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My daughter told me she can't find liquid Advil anywhere.

I swear. If people aren't connecting dots....

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