Nov 24, 2022Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

What aren't we doing this? I'll tell you why: 61% of Canadians, when polled recently, would vote Liberal, NDP, Bloc or Green. That's why.

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

The fact that our useless "opposition" says nothing about this makes me fear for Canada. I don't know how we have fallen so far, so fast.

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

Where can we rent a tank? Just asking for a friend...since this is how we are now conducting business with people we disagree with....

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

We're not doing it because Canadians are apathetic and the corruption runs spectacularly deep.

Lametti's testimony today was through the roof sick. Blows anything before him out of the water and that's saying much.

You're right. He and Marco are two fucking retards. Unserious cuck cowards playing tough guys with people's lives for political expediency.

Politically repugnant and morally reprehensible.

These guys fearing for their lives, as they often claim, are ethically justified for what they've done. A government that fears its people is healthy. One that doesn't is tyrannical as Jefferson said. I think it was him.

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I'm literally speechless

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk


I love your articles, you’re amazing at what you do. But it’s time you wake up to the Malthusian eugenics and population reduction agenda that is playing out in real-time across the world. Key Canadian players, politicians, and decision makers have been placed into key roles over the last number of years. We are living through the top down restructuring (or attempt to) of our country to align with future plans for the most oppressive, full time surveillance, biomedical nightmare, social credit and carbon score society that makes China look like a vacation. That’s what is happening and as you know the bought and paid for media is ensuring that sheep stick to the narrative. It will become increasingly more oppressive and authoritarian especially as those who took the gem therapies still dying on mass, which will prompt the federal government to ramp back up the unvaccinated narrative so they can get public support to fill up the camps and begin their death panels.

For real - we have a country filled with sick sick sick individuals. We need a revolution of the citizens, which I believe will happen. Question is when and how bad will it be.

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

I cannot write down what I think that should be done. I just hope that the peaceful protesters have learned a lesson here.

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

A bit of a surprise, but yet not a surprise. Shared and thank you.

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

What emergency? Canadians approve: https://338canada.com/

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torches and pitchforks!

if BLM can torch a police station and be celebrated for it why can’t ‘the most discriminated against group in recent history’?

George Soros isn’t backing us and paying off the judicial system to look the other way as we burn the city to the ground.

if we were gay pride Trudeau woulda negotiated.

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It's a sickness........every where in Canada with Government leading the way to hell.


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Under Turd douche Canada has become a communist country this yellow-spined coward who is interested in being like his father and the Chinese that he loves so much would not meet with the truckers and is a pathetic piece of shit. He can no longer teach as a substitute drama teacher due to a sexual matter and then pays a family 2 1/4 million dollars to shut them up because he slept with their daughter who was a minor but truth prevails this black faced and faggot lover needs to be hung for treason and crimes against humanity if he is not stopped I guess we will get use to being their slaves however I won`t even if it means leaving Canada or making sure he doesn`t get away with it!

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Anyone that has the eyes to see can see that Canada has been subverted by foreign powers hell bent on destabilizing Canada in a creeping takeover. And our PM is fully on board with their agenda. Hell! They don't even hide their crimes anymore. We've been infiltered by the subversives of unelected Corporate Oligarchs! This invasion force is actively waging war on our economy, social structure, climate and so much more. They're in control. They occupy seats in Parliament and have installed their minions into levels of Government right down to the city halls. Face it! We live in a 3rd world banana republic. I personally believe our Nation is to far gone and the only option left is a civil war. You can't vote the corruption out of office. They've rigged the system so they'll always maintain power from now on. Trudeau is now looking at an amendment to his gun bill that'll place ALL semi-auto guns on the prohibited list!! Anyone with any senses left should immediately know something very evil is coming down the pipe at us when a Government attempts confiscation of the citizens guns! Time and time again it has been a corrupt government who is responsible for the mass murder of their own people under the deceptive guise of “gun control,” all of which the said dictators implemented in the name of total control. https://jpfo.org/pdf02/genocide-chart.pdf

The WHO just put forward its recommendations, (the WHO is an un-elected body usurping the God given rights of the people), to "steer" as they put it, National health into their hands so they can do what's best for us. Again!! Alarm bells should be blasting in your head. Corporate Oligarchs have no interest in your well being. Forced vaccination! You bet! That's their priority to protect us. This world and many of its leaders have gone insane, they see humanity as cattle. And they openly talk about the need for a global culling of the human herd by several billion!

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Every day I think I can’t be surprised further, yet every day more stuff from somewhere in the world comes out and I find myself in disbelief. Thank you, I’ll keep sharing your words and being vocal hoping it will create some ripples...

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A Tank in the Streets of London. Actually did happen.


December 2014.

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