I just read Bieber cancelled his tour for the rest of the year for injury and mental health. Bell’s Palsey is bad enough but I heard Ramsay Hunt has less of a chance of recovery. Some may not know his wife Hailey Baldwin was hospitalized for a stroke with a blood clot in her brain.

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It's terrible...and of course, nobody is talking about this.

Sure, they can mention that he's got some health issues and is cancelling his world tour...but conveniently leave out how both his and his wife's issues have been linked to the vaccines. You'd think this would prompt more questioning by the media...but of course, it won't.

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I think it’s brought a bit of buzz to the conversation but what sucks is people are trying to one-off these cases and of course the media and deep state trying to normalize every adverse reaction...even the almost 1k athletes injuries and deaths. I showed this to my lib friend and she said young athletes die all the time of heart attacks...oh sure 🙄 They will stick to this narrative because their ego won’t give it up. I’m having fantasies of “Maxwell’s Silver Hammer” to wake them up.

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Remember when they absolutely slammed Eric Clapton for being misinformed when he said that the vaccines were dangerous and that he had a disastrous experience?

That was May of 2021.

March 29th, 2022 - Foo Fighters Drummer dead with an enlarged heart.

We're over a year later from the Clapton thang and they're still writing these as one-offs...and only listening to celebrities who haven't been stricken with adverse reactions.

Pure cowardice is what it is. These bastards should be uniting to support their own instead of looking the other way while some still endorse this trash.

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“Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” ― Woodrow Wilson

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.” – Edward Bernays – Propaganda

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All I hear now is “but look how many lives the vaccine saved.” 🙄

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The vax deaths are starting to overtake the Covid numbers that have been so overblown. Will take a bit til that will come to light. Sadly everybody will be touched by a death or vax injury.

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You'd think he would speak out. He's a coward

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Yeah, because she takes birth control and flew on a plane! LMAO! She really believed that?!

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One would suspect they had a mutual encounter with one of the more toxic experimental gene therapy lots.

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Yes - I saw his announcement. Thanks for doing more digging on Ramsey hunt. So sad. Another great singer who has been sidelined by the vacks (I’m sure) - is Celine Dion. Why is nobody asking about her? Arguably one of the greatest singers in the world and she hasn’t performed in many months. Why is nobody curious?

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From August - Country Music Singer Luke Bell found dead at age 32...Cause of death?



Yeah, the Celine Dion thing should have caught a lot more attention too...she was hit hard.

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dion may as well be dead... not a peep out of her

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ADE by another season. He looks frail. They all know now. You saw that the WA State Gov, hyper pharma shill, all of a sudden cancelled the booster requirement for government employees. All of them. They know now. So its eating them. A few of them will have a breakdown at some point and go public.

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& Western university in Ontario just “delayed” their booster mandate from October to January!

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Real wheat from chaff stuff. Biblical for real. I'm betting most won't even make the cut.

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Coincidence syndrome

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This poor kid..all the money in the world and yet surrounded by the deaf dumb and blind. What the hell is it going to take?

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It was his choice to inject...

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he must have always been surrounded by the deaf.....

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He needs to become a hero to the world and speak out against these vaccines.

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I very much doubt he will. Think of the financial repercussions if he did. Bye bye lucrative Tim Hortons donut gig and within months his music will die a slow death, never to be heard again on mainstream corporate music stations.

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I think if Tim Hortons did that he could cost them a multiple of what they pay him and if he was actually educated on what the vaccines are doing to young people that corporate music stations wouldn’t dare try to hurt him. I think the financial repercussions only occur if he makes a lame statement and doesn’t take this issue on. These places and others can’t win against a well known person who is a vocal advocate but they can against a quiet person.

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Keep in mind ... the courts are corrupted....

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Yes - he'd effectively be vapourized.

And at the end of the day - he probably believes what most people believe - that the vax is saving lives -- and unfortunately it's not perfect so it's causing some 'rare' incidents.

There are loads of vax injured who insist they'd do it over again.

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Mmmm timbeibs....all the money in the world but not healthy. So sad/angry for this young couple. Tragic.

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I have my suspicions too. And have the same suspicions regarding Celine Dion.

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On a related note the fastest growing FB page - 'Died Suddenly News' was 9.4k members less than 3 weeks ago now 210k and rising. Gobsmacked that zucker hasn't pulled the pin yet. Yep, nothing to see here folks.

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whack a mole style. Its gonna be an avalance next year.

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Bells Palsy, and Herpes Zoster elsewhere on the body are not completely uncommon conditions, even pre-pandemic. But as a primary care doc, I think that I have only seen 2 cases of Ramsay-Hunt in over 30 years. Interesting.

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I would be screaming from the mountain tops if I was him, especially since both of them have serious side effects! His career is over if he and his wife even survive! Plus why would anyone protect Kids Camps when they will be killing so many children!!! Pure evil!

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I think the same way. I went after them just over masks. They are not like us.

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It’s heartbreaking on multiple levels. First, that this young guy (and his wife) should be going through this. Second, that by their silence they’re harming others. Unfortunately, many of these entertainers are “owned” by the likes of BlackRock and Vanguard. They’re not allowed to speak out on pain of losing their income. It’s the same coercion as everyone else who took the jabs to keep jobs or stay in school. I hope the guilt is becoming crushing for those who know.

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Nothing to see here folks, move along. Just a bit of a droopy face. take your vaxes please

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When this first happened to him he said he had Ramsay Hunt Syndrome. It's not new, it's just not gotten better like he hoped. It is Bell's Palsy that occurs after Herpes zoster like you said. It's much more difficult to recover from this vs bells palsy. I believe the nerve actually gets damaged vs inflamed.

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More denial and sucking up to Big Pharma etc!

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He may be a physical wreck anyway given he contracted Lyme's disease in 2020 . Then there is a great deep state dive into that event as well that suspiciously looks like the covid situation .

Gotta love you people who are all over the data for the time being ...


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