Fantastic and very thought provoking article. I live in B.C. and looked at our data from BCCCD. It appears the same situation may be happening here. And I agree it has the potential for a disastrous outcome when we continue with the booster shots and start on the 5 to 11 age group. I wonder if this pattern is in the rest of Canada.

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I haven't gone through the other provinces but would imagine that the same be true. Following the earlier data on Israel, seeing what's happening in Australia, watching the case counts throughout Canada - broadly...

The way that Alberta lays it out is easily conveyed and even easier for others to verify.

Lots more information coming from the other provinces that I will be going over.

Thanks for the comment, Helen.

All the best.

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Great analysis. Here is some UK data that also supports this and shows how UK government is hiding the truth - https://theexpose.uk/2021/11/06/uk-gov-lying-and-hiding-the-fact-covid-19-vaccinated-are-developing-ade/

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Will comb through it this weekend, James.

Thanks for the link!

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Very well done Sheldon. You get a follow from me and I look forward to reading more of your research.

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Thanks Dude, Greatly Appreciated!

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Excellent deep dives! Seems everything is now a "coincidence" in the medical world. Here is a fun "coincidence" The FDA fast tracked and approved the first oral blood thinner for Pediatric Patients aged 3 months to less than 12 years of age. Pradaxa. it's been around since 2010 with some million dollar lawsuit payouts but now is approved for kids, just in time for the complications caused by jabbyjabs in young children.

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I dug into the new formulation for the 5-11 age group. Right off the hop it doesn't look to be a really good idea and this is forgetting what we know about the increases in myocarditis in under 20's.

Going after the kids is the most disgusting thing they could do knowing the efficacy of the vaccines is worthless and the risk to kids is zero.

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Man! I wish I could do some of this research asap as well.

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Excuse the typo in below post. Should have been BCCDC.

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