And officially:

Canadian Government Is Hiring Guard Services for “Safe, Voluntary” COVID Internment Camps


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Yep, if you ever wondered how you'd behave as an average German learning that millions were being boxcared by your government authorities right past your town to their Graves, recall whatever you did this week, this month. Were you a "Good German"?

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

They have been intentionally destroying the " unvaccinated " control group by dumping injected people into it the whole time.

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Love your info

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

I assume these numbers are cumulative and the high unvaxxed numbers are from earlier on in the 'pandemic'? This was stated earlier but is not obvious in the current posting.

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Good stuff Sheldon! As you said, anyone who was really watching the data from Israel, VAERS, etc, could have predicted this. It STILL shocks me that people were willing to shoot this shit in their arm - and I’m talking about the ones who thought it would save them from contagion. Not the ones who were coerced. And what are they planning to bring back this fall?? The “concentration camps” make me wonder… Arm up. Nobody touches me or my family.

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

You have to watch this information weekly to see this has been happening for a long time. I post weekly in different telegram channels. Here is my latest one for an eight week period but I have this from the beginning of the year. https://t.me/c/1757876263/5017 The politicians refuse to even acknowledge this when it is sent to them weekly.

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

Nice work as always Sheldon. I suggest that these numbers and this scenario is occurring right across the world - I'd bet that it's definitely occurring here in NZ & Australia. Anecdotally, I'm noticing more & more jabbed people @ work getting the Wuflu a second time. And, more importantly, esp given dodgy PCR & RAT tests, they seem generally sicker (resp infections over & over)...

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

I was following BC's CDC C 19 reporting til they stopped reporting numbers by vax status in late July, at which time 77% of C19 deaths were in the boosted despite that they only represented 52% of the population. The PHAC numbers you post still suggest that 50% of deaths are in the unvaxed ? Something doesn't add up, and I smell a PHAC rat.

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Aug 30, 2022·edited Aug 30, 2022Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

1) There is no such thing as a vaccine, (it’s actually a cytotoxic, synthetic, mRNA, lipid nanoparticle “experimental” gene therapy complete with furin cleavage site) with disease enhancement.

2) There are no more clinical trials, for example the next “ vaccine” which is not a really a vaccine. About a year ago, Fauci changed on the NIH website, the definition of a vaccine to include the experimental mRNA gene therapy.

3) How can you have a gain of function vaccine for a gain of function virus!? Did I hear some one say it was a bioweapon?

4) So there are no reported vaccinated deaths recorded because it’s not a vaccine.

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

NSW Australia's data show that most c19 deaths had at least 2!

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Speaking of hiding the data:


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These numbers are totaled from the very beginning. *Everyone* was unjabbed at the beginning and also no one was considered jabbed until two weeks after the prick and quite a few died in that window so the unjabbed number is deceiving.

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Hey Sheldon!

Would love to have you back on the Social Disorder Podcast. I'll shoot you an email. HMU if you'd like another guest spot.

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"from June 26 to the Current reporting (July 31st, 2022) "

Was that June 26, 2020? 2021? 2022?

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