So frustrating. Trudeau knows the optics of this appointment and he doesn’t care. He probably already knows the outcome of his Uncle Dave’s inquiry. The rules and laws don’t apply to him. This is his way of showing Canadians he is untouchable- he’s laughing at all of us as he collects another undeserved pay raise on April 1st. Trudeau without a doubt was elected by the CCP. Canada needs an impeachment process. #TrudeauForTreason

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I haven’t been as sad in the last three years as I am today, even when I lost my job over the clot shot. We are screwed and no one is coming to save us.

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No way in Hell a Criminal hires a family friend, or work associate to judge if he is guilty?! Where are the Opposing parliamentary parties/senate fighting for Canadian Citizens? Demand a Legal Public Jury with NO Liberals on board.

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So what are we able to do about this obvious slap in the face?

It's one thing that he won't ever answer direct questions but that only makes it impossible to say that he's lying about every one of his transgressions. Is there anything he's done that is a provable felony? I'm just spitballing here but if so, every one of us can file charges at the local RCMP. If they don't follow through then they are being complicit and therefore chargeable also.

Please feel free to roll with this thought in whichever direction it needs to go, but I'm fucking sick and tired of Trudeau the tail wagging the Canada dog. I'm not willing to wait any longer for that knight in shining armor to come save the day, I think that knight needs to be someone like us

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"Canada is a group of people who individually can do nothing, but who, as a group, can meet and decide nothing can be done."

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The DICKtator has no morals and every day proves this! What breaks me are the support he still gets from Canadians who obviously at this point, have been dropped in their heads or they feel that communism is for them?

People are getting angry and at some point something has to give and I pray at some point those in the ivory towers get to swing for their crimes against Canada!

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We’ve known that Turdeau is utterly corrupt. He’s going to stack the deck in his favour. The only way this scum leaves will be if he’s forced to.

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Banana. Republic.

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Indeed, investigate JT for treason. He has committed this crime more than a couple of times. I don't get how the justice system stands back and lets him do it. He is no PM but a lowly traitor to our good country.

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Atlas Shrugged ; Ayn Rand

"When you notice that to produce you need to get permission from those who do not produce anything; when you check that money flows to those who do not deal with goods but with favors; when you realize that many become rich by the bribery and for influence more than by your work and that the laws do not protect you against them, but on the contrary, they are the ones who are protected against you; when you discover that corruption is rewarded and honesty becomes a self-sacrifice, then you can assert, without fear of being wrong, that your society is doomed."

How Unfortunate

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Are we the taxpayers on the hook for an already known outcome ? What a farce this government is and the people who don't care to even question the ethics .

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Oh my goodness........caught in Alberta


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Endless corruption…wake me up from this nightmare!

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The details of how the Chinese Communist Party has almost hijacked Australian politics are detailed in the next book. Basically, they use their families and relatives in China as hostages to mobilize overseas Chinese.

Clive Hamilton: : Silent Invasion, Hidden Hand

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Even if Trudeau was investigated for his numerous crimes and for treason, he'd simply appoint a bought and paid for corrupt lackey to head the investigation, rig the jury and install his corrupt legal minions to throw the verdict his way. It is what it is. Canada has become a banana republic with a dictator at the helm.

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