We’re getting to the point where we need a separate Linux box & hard drives that are NEVER online….

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“Google is scanning or openly looking through files/folders, maybe even images that are stored on your personal Google Drive”

The only surprising thing is that you are surprised. The whole POINT of “Google Drive” is to rummage through your data just as the whole point of Gmail is to rummage through your email.

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Indeed!! Rule 1, limit Google (in particular) by all/ any means!!

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I remember a time when I thought all those things were "so cool". Now, not so much. Tried to restrict all tracking, history, access, etc.., on my phone and what happened - damn thing wouldn't work properly! So yeh, we were set-up by Big Brother for sure. I don't keep anything on my laptop, use a thumb drive and clear it all but there is always a record of what you do online. No TV, no smart appliances, never had an Alexa, ear buds or wearables, didn't activate On-Star - but it doesn't really matter in the end. They still have ways of knowing everything about you, especially if you are a person of interest.

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Non existent!

This guy, Glenn Meder, knows a thing or two about these 'psychopaths.'



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I have a faraday bag for my iPhone when I'm concerned about being tracked.

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What is that thanks

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do you have google where you live?

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It's a bag with metal / wire shielding to block all emf transmissions.

It should block the RF signal from the phone as well as Wireless and Bluetooth.

It may not stop GPS, or RFID, depending on the structure of the bag.

Useful for credit cards and car keys, to stop cloning.

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Thank you so much

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Erik Prince CIA devised a phone that can’t be hacked or followed. Go watch TuckerCarlson interview with him, it will make your hair curl, if you were one of the nieve ones who believed you have privacy with them

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It's never been safe. Ever. Just protect your stuff as best you can.

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Save everything to an external hard drive. I've been following this for awhile. I'm sure it's all tied into the online harms act coming up. The problem is when you're reading through the information on Google about this invasion, it's difficult to understand. I believe that's on purpose so we don't know what they're really up to. I don't have my TV in the same room as my phone. I don't have my phone in the bedroom. Etc. Don't allow the video to access areas. My daughter, the nerd says we're already being observed. She said we'll have to make a decision about letting go of our phones, but what about laptops? Clear browsing history on a regular basis.

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We all know what the solution is. But who is actually willing to give up their devices these days?

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Happened with me on my Windows Microsoft computer - it did an upgrade and all of my past posts saved on my hard drive and some passwords disappeared - happened a couple of times now - keep the bulk on a thumb drive, which reminds me, just pulled that thumb drive from this online computer - while I'm here added this part of my latest post, hope you don't mind: There are 194 Countries, in WHO and in each case, it is the Politicians who drove the WHO false Covid Pandemic from February 2020, by putting in place "Disinformation Laws" from May 2020 to June 2023 to force as many to get vaccinated as possible. Those same people who we the majority, voted into Politics to look after us and our interests and they live amongst us - what seems to be the case is that Big Pharma pays them large lump sums when they quit Politics - but how can that be, the Politicians are paid huge incomes from the public purse, with lurks and perks, to keep them honest - surely any Big Pharma paid Politician is corrupt, as were the decisions they made to get everyone vaccinated, without knowledgable consent the purpose of the vaccines, or their Military end game, being what?

Don't you think it interesting that nobody has challenged Moderna about their patented Covid-19 virus CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG in 2013 - they stick with the Wuhan variety, even when evidence shows otherwise, or say they don't know where it came from - why is that?

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You are correct!!

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Sorry, the posts which disappeared were on the subject of Covid, me being an anti vaxxer - naughty me.

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Don’t use wifi when you are out and about. They can hack your phone in minutes.

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Pardon my bluntness but only an idiot uses Google drive for anything they value. If you don’t have it on YOUR hard drive you don’t control it and you can lose it without notice.

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Stop the world I want to get off!

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The easiest way to give up the device is to not buy or use them in the first place then you won't miss them. We refused the smart meter, no smart TV, no Apple Watch, only old flip phones for quick phone calls. No GPS in the car, paper maps still work. We don't do QR codes for discounts, menus, points, "health" passports or whatever else they want to use the creepy things for. Google doesn't know what I'm up to because I checked and they have no info. If I had the time, I'd learn how to transfer over to Linux, that will come though.

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Yes, BB is watching, and frankly they have been watching (spying without due authority) for quite some time.. Every time we agree (or not) to those pesky T's & C's, we give permission. Similarly, even if we don't agree, or are even asked, by not questioning, we give 'tacit' approval (implied, inferred, or understood without being expressly stated)...

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