Someone who works for the airlines was complaining today that flights have been cancelled because they are short staffed....and she was all upset because no one wants to work or they call in sick........ I asked her how this could be fixed...she said it can't....I said I disagreed...she said then how would you fix it...I said to hire back all the unvaccinated workers and she said, "well, they can't do that!!!" I said, "why not? The jab doesn't stop transmission or illness!".... she says, "because it wouldn't be right.".......!!!!!!!!!!

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These people are still stuck in stupid.

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The only cure for stupid is More Boosters.

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You are, Not Wrong!

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The thing is ... the boosters only kill some of them... we need more effective methods:

The Zombie Anatomy: How to Kill the Living Dead


Top 5: Ways to kill a zombie


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Don't worry, the big pharma will take care of that! Slowly but surely.

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And with attitudes like that, they deserve all the "Flu with a side of Covid" combos they lined up for. ("Uh, sorry I didn't order that". " Au contraire, Madam, you got exactly what you ordered. We just call it the Vaccination Surprise now. Bon appetit"

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"Flu with a side of COVID" will be the new "Schnitzel with a side of purple cabbage".


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You made me hungry.

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Yea it wouldn't be right to reward people for having a spine and standing up for their rights. No we can only reward the compliant, obedient ones who can't question authority.

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I work in the education system and it already starts there..... a lot is catered to the kids exhibiting inappropriate behaviour or special needs....yes, these two things are important and needs to be addressed but the rest of the kids miss out on attention and the experience they should be granted....

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Wouldn't be right? Oh my goodness.

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Meaning that they are not really ready for amnesty....we forgive them and they continue to punish us....

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I do believe this is what Yuri Bezmenov referred-to as "de-moralization" nearly 40 years ago.

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The winter of our discount tent.

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You should be a content writer for Canadian Tire.

I laughed...and then ordered a tent for curbside tomorrow!

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If the economy keeps going the way it is, tents might be considered luxurious living.

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I hope we are wrong.

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yep it's gunna be brutal. We had a big wave of coof in germany a few weeks ago. it hasn't been that cold yet. a really amazing autumn but it's coming but little things like the rubbish not being picked up on time due to shortages. literally every cafe having a sign asking for staff. and everyone coughing and spluttering. I've got friends now who are sick literally all the time. not 100% but 95% of them jabbed to the hilt.

the pure blooded are also getting sicker as they're surrounded by sick filth bloods.their immune systems are absolutely fooked. it's not looking pretty.

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They'll continue to blame us, while they are the true pandemic rats.

Things were divisive when people only feigned their COVID symptoms for free money...wait until these motherfuckers actually get sick.

I hope we're wrong!

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the amount of mid broadcast suddenlies happening and just suddenlies in general is really not slowing down.

i did a post about a week ago on LED lights being the next big killer. check it out

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Sadly what Belgian virologist Geert Vanden Bossche has been warning about from the beginning. I imagine he will take little pleasure from having been proved right if this does indeed become the case.

My daughter is having her first baby at the end of December. I’m wondering whether I should take a crash course in delivering babies just in case all the midwifes are off sick!

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Youtube will have a DIY for that

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Unfortunately being a Pure Blood does not provide protection from the mutated viruses that breed in these diseased CovIDIOTS.... we can still contract their illnesses.

But we do have intact immune systems - so unlike them -- we will be less likely to contract them -- and highly unlikely to end up in the hospital or dead.

of course they are told that this is these are the outcomes of taking the boosters - so they will continue boosting duh

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I did get covid in April - from my vaccinated husband - but I never had more than a runny nose (I have an enlightened doctor who confirmed my initial scepticism of the jabs and prescribed Ivermectin so I had it ready). We’ll have to see what happens with the new variants and hope that our immune systems cope.

I still can’t get my head around the question of whether those who invented these jabs were really, really stupid thinking they could control a respiratory virus with an injected jab or really, really clever in that they could predict what would happen (they also needed to be pretty warped too).

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The experts made it worse. Way worse. Like really bad worse.

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There is absolutely no way they could have done worse.

They completely fucked up every single call and decision they made.

Now...I'm not going all tin-hatted brigade talk here...and certainly not trying to say that they "Were Planning Genocide", but if they actually were, what would they have done differently?

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At this point, we can't rule it out.

To me, the kids getting sick is directly correlated to having shut down schools and wearing masks when they came back. We messed with their developing immune system. The fact they were not in danger and not vectors was a perfect opportunity presented by nature to allow the virus to burn through this demographic. The 'experts' got it backwards. It was the adults giving it to the kids; not the other way around so the specious claim it was to 'protect granny' was outright wrong.

Rather than admit error and course correct they come back with the same recommendations PLUS mRNA they don't need.

Add this all up and you get this mess brought to you by our credentialed medical expert class.

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We should never consider burning children to save adults.

That's been our 'Go To' for 3 years now.

It's so disgusting.

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Using kids as human shields to protect adults from disease has been going on for decades. It's only now that it has become blatant.

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I was going to make this point, centuries even.

They're easy targets for superstitious and/or cowardly adults. The modern era has added using them as pawns for profit. Led by.....the medical establishment.

This should be blatantly obvious for all to see.

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“Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.” Sadly, I think there is a whole lot of stupid running our institutions/governments. Not to mention greed...

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When actions make people appear too stupid to breath, malice should be suspected

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Actually I don't think they fucked up ... it's all going according to plan

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yup. i have been saying this since summer of 2021 when i researched which vax is best at prevention of transmission (found no evidence, there was none. same with preventing actual infections, no evidence.) but the vaxxed were all like ‘you’re safe, i’m vaxxed’ and i knew that they would become unsafe (biohazards).

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We've got to reach out to Bhattahcarya and Kulldorff.

They've got to rewrite the Great Barrington Declaration. There's no way they could have foreseen this lunacy and now they have to reassess this all from scratch.

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You're not wrong at all. One of my daughters and her 3 children all had the first two shots ( I believe it was Pfizer for all) in the first six to 8 months of 2021. Since then they have had colds and flue more times than I can count. They all came down with covid Christmas 2021. Now my 17 year old granddaughter has covid for the second time. I am so angry I can hardly speak.

And now, everyone is talking masks again.

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Shortened interview https://www.bitchute.com/video/bV9AGc3sufGm/

Full video https://www.bitchute.com/video/8hiAICfBdk2m/

Canadian doctor's interview talking about the deaths of 80+ Canadian doctors and his banning by AHS and the College of Physicians

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I was struck in the interviews by the hope that Danielle can cut the head off the snake.

OK Danielle. Then do go all in. Nothing held back. Gamble (an enormous gamble) that exposing AHS corruption can be done in a way that is irrefutable. Balanced against the factual matter that so many Albertans are just bought in to the narrative. And the entire MSM against her.

God help us, that it comes to this. Our premier angling for 4 years, while the entire MSM against, and what to do? The sheeple are so very scared, so very indoctrinated, so clinically manipulated, can they see? It all hinges on that. How many brainwashed normies can vote for Danielle? 10 seats in Calgary....

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Great interview. Nice calm fact based discussion.

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We must avoid any hospitalization where we would need a blood transfusion. Due to the high rate of vaccination, the blood supply may be contaminated with spike protein and graphene oxide. They will try to force vaccines into your system one way or another.

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There is no way to get around vaxxed people. They are everywhere, coughing, getting sick but not staying home, because they are "safe". Sometimes I feel it's my imagination when I've been around people who are vaxxed, but I think they shed. I don't know when they've been boosted because I sure as hell would stay far away from them for at least 2 weeks. They are shedding during that period. We really do need protection from them. Maybe a hazmat suit should be a gift this Christmas.

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I am at the point I just want them to line up and get their 5th, 6th, 7th, etc. in a big hurry and get this over with. Why delay the inevitable.

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Yep - I support a monthly shot.

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He went a bit off the rails in the full interview, made it seem like he's got an agenda which takes away some credibility. But it sure sheds light on the corruption in the medical community

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Just in case more evidence was required to proven that the vaccinated do spread it amongst themselves.🤣


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Hmmm..I refer to this as. Pre meditated murder. Always did ! It's part of the world genocide.conxocted by the elite who control political parties. These elite.people are very deranged. Mostly from power of money and control..the elite are mentally ill. Beyond medical help so may I suggest we offer them what they are offering depressed kids. How about sone euthanasia for the mentally ill elites. Turn the tables on them.

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For those with children, there are animal models showing ivermectin likely works for RSV, as well as being efficacious for Covid

@26min. episode 293 https://thehighwire.com/watch/

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I have to say, everytime ivermectin is looked at with some rigour it just looks more and more useful.

Anecdotally - we had some sort of respiratory problem with our cats. Moderate careful doses of IVM and it cleared right up. No more sneezing cats with boogers coming out their eyes and nose.

Careful with dogs. Especially collies, very restricted doses or not at all. Somehow for dogs IVM is pretty dangerous, instead of having absurdly wide safe dosing limits it is more like a regular drug - careful on dosing. FYI.

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