Statements made by Alberta Premier Danielle Smith at a townhall had all of the lefties in a tizzy - referring to the idea of setting Covenant Healthcare to be in charge of some hospitals inside of Alberta:
The Alberta government is currently setting up a structure where the government retains ownership of facilities and leases them to AHS and is “prepared to also take away their authority to operate hospitals as well,” Smith said.
“Because if our operator isn't performing the services we need them to we're going to take (the hospital) back,” Smith said.
Seems fitting, really.
We all know the state of Healthcare across Canada and the issues that we’ve seen come from the Colleges of Physicians in each of their respective provinces. Turning blind eyes to incompetency, allowing child sexual abusers to get their licenses back and allowed to work with children again - unbeknownst to parents and of course throughout the last 5 years of COVID failures from promoting dangerous messaging, non-scientific non-pharmaceutical interventions which collapsed the economy while saving no live, to the jabs…suspending those or removing licenses away from those who have spoke against the “safe and effective” narrative and dared to bring out actual science to dispute the non-scientific and mathematically fraudulent studies about efficacy.
Without a doubt, Healthcare in Canada has been spiraling downward for years if not complete decades, it’s just over this last period in time that a lot of others have been brought out from the legacy media ether and lies regarding health and pharmaceuticals.
The system, indeed, needs to be burned to the ground and rebuilt…but at the cost of how many lives while this would happen?
The alternate, proposed by Smith…is a good start, but won’t cure the system of non-cures.
Throughout COVID, provincial and federal government officials have thrown around their own rhetoric…the anti-masks, anti-science, anti-vaxx labels, applied to Smith by a lot of these others because she’d never quite bit down on the pharma-pushed advertising campaigns on the jabberoos and we’d even seen a point in time when Federal Leader Jagmeet Singh felt the need to pay Alberta a visit to talk about our failures, when his own home province went into a state of Code Orange.
I broke this all down here:
And…welp, it’s just happened again.
In a public statement and then again through social media - X, Jag had more to say about what’s happening in Alberta, on August 30th:
While today, we’d just learned that over this Labor Day Long Weekend, 5 interior BC emergency rooms were closed.
Staffing shortages forced ERs to close in Williams Lake, 100 Mile House, Lillooet, Oliver and Merritt, according to Interior Health.
Again…another situation that if wasn’t tragic would be a lot more amusing.
BC from an outside perspective is and has been a lot worse off through the pandemic and definitely as a result of…
Firing Healthcare workers for not getting the experimental jabs, which all provinces did, was only recently rescinded in BC and even with this, full disclosure of vaccinations was a requirement. There’s no telling how many if any of these healthcare workers were actually allowed back into their jobs - nobody wants to talk about this, though.
This was in addition to legislation passed in BC where healthcare workers were MANDATED to be up-to-date on all shots and where a gag order was put in place where punishment of breaking said gag order could result in fines, removal of licenses to practice and termination - if these individuals dared to speak out against pharmaceutical interventions or even whisper about any harms that they’d seen.
Because of existing shortages - pre-pandemic, cost of living in BC not conducive to success in lower paying nursing jobs, a lot of hospitals, extended care and long-term care facilities were already short…when they fired people for no reason other than authoritarian measures, things got progressively worse to where a lot of those from BC would come into Alberta to seek medical attention - especially those who’d migrated from Alberta to BC…in addition to BC having to ship Cancer Patients into the United States for treatments.
And…along these same lines of not helping themselves out…the increase in “safe injection sites”, legalization of carrying small amounts of illicit narcotics, allowing junkies to shoot up in playgrounds and around schools, with the insane idea of “Safe Supply”, taxpayer funded supplying drugs to addicts and with at least one hospital having a vending machine for free drug paraphernalia - including crack pipes - outside of one of their hospitals, while allowing for use of some of these dangerous substances in and around hospitals.
These are all NDP and Liberal supported and sponsored ideas:
From the jab mandates through to turning streets and cities into open drug dens;
Having to offload patients to other provinces and into the US;
Forcing higher costs of living for already struggling families to support “non-toxic” drug programs;
Lessening the quality of life, exposing children their safe spaces being turned into public toilets riddled with zombified addicts;
Seeing “safe supply” to become little more than a program where druggies are afforded a revenue stream, selling off their government okayed opioids to buy the good stuff;
Where this safe supply is hitting streets across Canada…
Given the state of Healthcare in BC, if Jagmeet Singh has anything to say, he should probably begin in addressing this his home province, with his those running things - NDP, before trying to advise people who never voted for him and can already see the catastrophic failures that comes from what they advise, hey?
Just like with food supply, people need to educate themselves on how to live healthfully and stop relying on the system. This mindset of deferring to experts has been carefully crafted, and it needs to change. There are a lot of things for which an MD is not needed.
Don't believe anything he has said is important, or correct.
Except, perhaps, that he needs to hang around to secure that pension.
I could be wrong...