The More the Vaccines Injure You, the Better It Is For You...
New Study - Jama-lama-ding-dong!
“My vaccine doesn’t work if you aren’t vaccinated” and “My mask doesn’t work if you aren’t wearing one”, I’d have thought would have been the absolute lowest points of intelligence used throughout this whole pandemic.
Until they managed to beat this.
I mean, getting Vaccinated used to mean Having Immunity…Immunity used to mean that you wouldn’t catch nor suffer symptoms from a Virus…
And when people are ‘Thankful’ that they got COVID after being “Vaccinated” and “Immunized”…and they still piss and moan about their symptoms for days on end and Long Haul COVID…we’re really scraping the bottoms of barrels on cognition.
There’s just no 2 ways about it.
But now…’The Experts’ are telling you that the MORE injured you get from JABS the more immunity you gain and are seemingly are grading vaccines on a scale of hormesis by how much you were injured and still survived…and this is a dangerous path to take.
I don’t even know where to begin…
So..I’m going to start off with a question for ya.
What is the temperature inside of your refrigerator?
For the last couple of hours in Calgary, prior to posting, it’s been hovering around 0°C°. I’ve spent the last 2 hours out in a temperature colder than your fridge as part of a personal experiment on Cold Adaptation and the use of amino acids working to increase brown fat by acting as a Probiotic working within a High Fat Diet to help improve Non-Shivering Thermogensis.
The other part…because I was making up more Flasks and Mask Exemption cards for orders of my merch…
Anyways…the idea is to increase Brown Adipose Tissue through a combination of amino acids and High Fat Diet…by supplementation and cold exposure.
You see…while I do not typically believe nor support the idea that everybody needs to supplement with vitamins daily…(just pick a better diet, man)…I can appreciate that there are certain hacks the the body that can be employed if understood. And, if you seen my chemistry kit…you’d probably want to fuck around a little too…
(I am literally working on a creating synthetic version of Sweat so that I can emulate sun bleaching on fabric using amino acids and other elements, with the use of controlled light source - laser - to Etch Fabric)
Might sound cool…Might sound insane…Whatever, man.
The protocol that I am following is a repeated exposure for adaptation…kind of like the Iceman - Wim Hof…and while I have no intention of trying to beat any of his records, the idea of being comfortable in an uncomfortably cold environment is appealing…not to mention, it burns fat.
ADAPTATION - is the key word in this…because I am not going to try and survive a Wim Hof world record for cold exposure…Not going to hang out in subzero water for hours…I am working at adapting to simply being more pleasantly comfortable without the physical trauma that your body goes through in Shivering…by an accelerated process that works to maximize the bodies potential.
Not by testing how close I can get to death and not dying.
Okay…this might seem a little complicated…but you’ve heard the words, “What doesn’t kill me, makes me stronger”, right?
This is the foundation of hormesis, but still follows my idea that you don’t take your body to the BRINK of DEATH to try and make yourself stronger…because with this idea, you could die before you realized your UPPER limits of toxicity by trying to adapt to appreciated extended levels.
Even simpler still…do you remember Iocane Powder in ‘The Princess Bride’?
You spend YEARS building up an immunity to a toxin…otherwise, you’re not going to get a second kick at this cat.
You either walk away…or you are the short fat dude who dies.
You feel me?
Okay…so, back to Today’s Lunacy.
In a news story today…”The $cience”, came in to help you try to understand why moving closer to death, feeling more suffering is not only a good thing…but the more you suffer is a BETTER THING!
People who reported experiencing side effects to the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines such as fever, chills or muscle pain tended to have a greater antibody response following vaccination, according to new research.
Having such symptoms after vaccination is associated with greater antibody responses compared with having only pain or rash at the injection site or no symptoms at all, suggests the paper published Friday in the journal JAMA Network Open.
"In conclusion, these findings support reframing postvaccination symptoms as signals of vaccine effectiveness and reinforce guidelines for vaccine boosters in older adults," the researchers -- from Columbia University in New York, University of Vermont and Boston University -- wrote in their paper.
Now…go back and read the bold part again.
Do you see what it is saying?
Can you appreciate where we’ve come from to where this is now?
I’m going to help you gain a full understanding of this.
Initially, we were told vaccines would Stop COVID and even after that failed, we moved on to:
Vaccines will Help Protect you, your family and community; to
Take your vaccines because you will kill grandma otherwise; to
My vaccine won’t work unless you have been vaccinated; to
The Vaccines would provide lessened severity from COVID; to
Vaccinated people won’t transmit as much COVID; to
Take the Jab and win this lottery; to
Take more jabs because these ones are wearing off; to
Unvaxxers are killing people by taking up hospital beds;
We need to separate vaccinated and unvaccinated people by LAW, because and back-to my vaccine will only work if they’ve been vaccinated.
Shit…how do we explain all of these un-explainable deaths following vaccinations; to,
Hey…let’s just tell them that the sicker they get, the less sicker they’ll be from COVID!
In the craziest fucking progression of failure in the history of the PLANET!
You see…it’s like this.
COVID survives in your body, causing an immune reaction, for about 14 days…thus the reason behind 14 days to flatten the curve and 14 days of quarantine if you test positive.
The vaccines, however, long past what ‘The Experts’ are predicting the time frame they will give you immunity, they bio-accumulate in your organs and tissue. - studies show between 4 months and over 1 year.
Meaning…if you caught COVID, your immune system begins to heal within 14 days.
If you’ve been vaccinated, your immune system is chronically taxed for a period of longer than 14 days, could be 4 months…could be over 1 year...nobody is sure at this point.
Meaning, if you progress in your vaccinations long enough to completely wipe out your immune system and suffer from a ‘Side-Effect’, you are in dangerous territory, my friend.
Now…if you go through the Pfizer studies or Ontario statistical data following vaccinations, it’s been widely reported that your chances of myocarditis increase after your first jab, but dramatically increase after your second.
You are a smart person…so, do you think that this risk goes DOWN after you take a third jab?
No. You do not…because you’re not a total moron.
It continues to increase.
The vaccines are staying in bodies longer than the time of recommended re-upping, meaning you are literally throwing gasoline on the fire of inflammation that is already existing inside of your immune system…meaning that when you have a reaction, you are testing the upper limits of toxicity in your body…when you can’t even be sure you will not die from each subsequent jab.
And what this “New Study” is actually showing is that because you have survived the following dose…you just survived longer than somebody else who didn’t survive this one.
Meaning…you are at a table of ‘Russian Roulette’, with the vaccines and your chances of survival decrease with each time you take a turn.
Getting sicker is not getting stronger.
These people should be not only ashamed of what they are posting, but should be held criminally liable for their actions.
So by extension- those that died of their adverse reactions, are the most protected of all. ScienceTM.
they will twist themselves into all manner of knots trying to spin these dismal failures into glorious triumphs