So by extension- those that died of their adverse reactions, are the most protected of all. ScienceTM.

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You can't die from COVID if you are already dead.


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"PHAC recommends biweekly boosters based on findings of new JAMA study which shows vaccines prevent C19 in 100% of those who died of AEFIs."

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[Long drag on vape pen]...Yep.

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Yep is right ; )

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Adverse Events Fatal incidents.


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You also can’t pass the virus on. Who said vaccines don’t prevent transmission?

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Fightin' Bots. PRACTICE. Yah!

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they will twist themselves into all manner of knots trying to spin these dismal failures into glorious triumphs

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Every day brings new gems of retarded gaslighting. One from today: Exercise improves your jab effectiveness!


I particularly enjoyed this one from a couple weeks back: Fruit caused the clots!


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Grapefruit’s claim to fame is it reduces an enzyme that prevents metabolism of medications, like blood thinners. Quite a stretch to blame it for causing clots. Everyone on blood thinners is told to avoid grapefruit.

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21st Century REAL Snake Oil Salesmen. The rationale for the narrative is becoming more bizarre daily! Thanks!

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The desperation is palpable. Anything to stall the inevitable reckoning that is coming. It will be the Gomery Inquiry of the next decade.

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Except with ropes in public squares. Anything less is unacceptable IMO.

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the whole premise of these vaccines conferring immunity is the antibody response.

but maybe that’s a completely false assumption?

it haven’t read it yet but from your summary it seems like that paper’s not even saying ‘vax made you sicker and that’ll make you more immune to the covid’ just ‘vax made you sicker which means more antibodies’ and the antibodies seem to be either meaningless, or a liability (anti-antibody antibodies is a thing, DrBeens medical lectures on youtube are the shit, he’s covered research findings on the spike protein and the antibody issues, and the mRNA mechanisms. seriously, plus he draws illustrations for all the concepts. he’s a hero. no dumbing down because he knows we’re not stupid)

i digressed.

antibodies seem not to be the key to immunity and the whole covid scandal is predicated on lies and deception.

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If you want an 'Immune Response', light yourself on Fire...

This doesn't make you stronger...but shows a greater immune response than not being set on fire.

One idea kills you.

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Antibodies are supposed to be temporary. People with no antibodies to particular illnesses have been shown to be immune.

B- and t-cells are wildly important....but not being talked about

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Unbelievable!.....Yet so believable!!

.... A true measuring stick of safe and effective!

Sure glad we can rely on these institutions of higher learning to help us navigate through this!

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I posted this to CTV as a factual error for this story. Frankly I don't care anymore. We are in a clown world so let's start pointing it out...... thank you for the inspiration!!

This whole article is absurd and not based on any medical or epidemiological principles. So you have to take shot to get sick from the thing you are trying not to get sick from so you can make more immunity to the thing you just caught from the shot? Huh? Honestly, CTV has no journalistic integrity left. So sad how all the mainstream media journalists in Canada have allowed themselves to be bought like livestock. Shame.

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So, polishing off a quart of tequila is good for you since,

You're only killing off weaker brain and liver cells, leaving much stronger cells to take over, and,

Any incidents with drinking and driving are rare, and should be considered normal.

Taking one for the team is not only right, it's righteous!!!

Like the late Freddy M. said "who want's to live forever??"

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Gotta get me some of those bi-valent shots, tequila and whiskey!!! HOT DIGGITY!!!

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I’m paralyzed, had a heart attack and stroke from blood clots, have neuropathy and seven autoimmune symptoms. But it’s all worth it because I won’t get the sniffles (until the next variant, in a few weeks).

It could have been so much worse!

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Nice article today. Reading about vitamin intake ..nope not a believer in artificial msnufactureded vitamin pills that are chemically bound ..we are what we eat. Eat your veggies eat plenty of Fibre masticate your food you eat less , easier to digest ..works same as garbage vaccinations starting with childhood inoculations don't believe in anything that is foreign to the body ....never been a believer in any of that. Eat properly and get your physical activity in daily and you will be healthy and fit. Going for an hr walk daily is best exercise one can do its actually pretty simple. Stay away from fast foods manufactureded foods and junk food limit your intake of breads ,and sodas watch how fast you drop a few pounds .....simple life style better for your body which also feeds your brain...thats my take

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OK stepping outside my expertise a bit here, but it seems clear that having a blood serum vit D over (blank cant remember the number) is pretty impacting on how sick you get, and in northern climes with winter and all, dont you need supplemental D3 to get adequate D? I have a spot down by our trout pond where on a winter day I can 'strip down' somewhat... but I still take D3 at 3 or 4000 iu per day anyways.

And NAC, Quercetin and Curcumin, they seem to have efficacy?

Honest questions, not leading......

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This is a chicken and egg question...literally.

There are definitely those who are deficient in Vitamin D, but if you consider how well used this vitamin is and how this deficiency is linked to higher mortality rates...would supplementation actually make a difference or should we consider addressing other issues that may have led to this deficiency?

Now...the Egg Portion.

A Large Boiled Egg contains 43.5 iu of Vitamin D. You are taking 4,000 which is the equivalent of 92 eggs ->PER DAY.

Though the weather has changed, throughout the course of history, we've always had some sort of seasonality - globally - and survived without the sun for extended periods and without eating 92 eggs per day.

So...to put things into perspective...

There are issues that can cause a deficiency in Vitamin D - these issues are specific to the elderly and those who are chronically ill. There is also a large dietary consideration to this and the lack of mobility in these groups - outside exposure.

While Vitamin D is essential - reduction of inflammatory conditions in the body by lowering consumption of inflammatory foods while taking the lack of seasonal sun into these situations may not fully address this situation...but rather than having people fall into the "take 2 of these and call me in the morning" protocols of pharmaceutical care in Canada - it'd be lot more advantageous to start addressing the quality of foods, the upside-down Canadian Food Pyramid and reduce the pill popping dependency through a more holistic approach.

My 2 cents.


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I understand many folk, good friends of mine included, are uncomfortable with the concept of evolution. If that is the case those folk should perhaps skip the rest of this post.

I do not believe our bodies and their relationship to the environment is some sort of perfect balance. I believe it is an evolved relationship and quite imperfect, actually.

There is good evidence that the emergence of homo sapiens say 80,000 years ago or so, happened in the equatorial regions. Coal black skins to protect from UV. As we spread north the skins got paler and paler. Why? Our species cannot synthesize vit D. As you go north the coal black skins prevent production of D, this may have been a strong negative pressure. Those who could produce 'adequate' D got sick less often in the dark of winter and had an advantage.

So what is my point? While having pale skins allows greater production of D that does not mean some sort of 'balance' was achieved. It may still be suboptimal. Adequate and 'good' levels of D are not synonymous?

I would have to hunt down sources from 2 years ago, but my recollection is to get blood serum levels of D up to the level where infection level and severity drops noticeably requires supplementation in northern climes, in winter. When I get some time I will go and see if I can run those sources back down.

I fully agree with the push against 'take 2 pills and call me in the morning". I am imperfect and sloppy but have altered my diet substantively over the last 5 years or so as I struggle to get inflammatory foods and other bad habits out of the equation. But to supplement that anti-inflammatories such as Curcumin Quercetin are perhaps aiding what is an imperfect human biome, subject to improvement? Quercetin seems to have improved my joints noticeably. Unfortunately the 'experiment' has no control, there is no 'me' who didn't start taking Quercetin..... however in about a 6 month period with a pretty stable diet, I went from hobbling around for 20 minutes every morning to no stiffness at all. Not definitive, not at all, however it IS what folk suggest Quercetin might do.

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I prefer natural as in yep sunshine eat healthy you don't need chemically produced vitamins. Exercise fresh air and est properly no fast or junk foods no manufactured crap no canned goods no cereals except those made with real seeds like red River cereal ..don't use any sunscreen which is a carcinogenic product etc we ate what we eat

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Wait until you see the liberals introduce the bill "Z-23" to fight "zombophobia" as part of diversity and inclusion program to protect the growing community of zombies!

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You shouldn't be giving them ideas.

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I truly believe that they thought about it!

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My sister had a three day headache, migraine, the worst of her life. Totally incapacitating. Then spent a further 5 days or so unable to function and 'the worst flu of her life'. All thisa after shot 2, symptom onset within 24 hours.

Shows its working, yah! And my brother just said it was really bad for 2 days. After he found out I was an anti-vaxxer I heard no more about it.

Never mind the stroke or myocarditis or the encephalitis or the rapid cancers (2), or the aortic dissection and death (just walked down the hill and put his rifle on the tailgate, then just dropped dead - on a hunting trip had been feeling a bit tired....). And so it goes.

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Snake oil salesman is right, but there's also another word for selling yourself for a few bucks. Even a street walker doesn't sell her/his soul as these 'professionals' seem to have.

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Yeah the worse vaccine side effects are, the more useless antibodies are produced, a great deal haha

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"My vaccine doesn’t work if you aren’t vaccinated” and “My mask doesn’t work if you aren’t wearing one”, I’d have . . . love it, and your merchantile too ! 'sPecially the flsk ; )

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