
I'm just sitting here rocking back in my chair and have reverted to a state of childlike innocence and find myself calling for mummy.

Enough of that ... back to reality... Canada was relatively late to the injection party ... so I'd imagine the same is playing out across the board in all the high vax countries... I wonder what the numbers are in Israel given they kicked off early and are into the 5th injection now...

And still .. and still... the CovIDIOTS remain oblivious to all of this ... if you show it to them they get angry and feel like stabbing you in the face.

I can't recall ever experiencing anything even remotely as insane as this ...

Twilight Zone stuff... Black Mirror... Apocalypse Now.... all mixed together

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I often use Col. Kurtz as an analogy for officials too far gone down the mRNA experiment hole.

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We train young men to drop fire on people. But their commanders won't allow them to write "fuck" on their airplanes because it's obscene!

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Look at Our World in data. I think it shows that Israel has stopped boosting.

Check for yourself and see if I am wrong. That is what i see.

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It looks to me that is just The Apocalypse, now, in slow motion, driving us slowly towards the mark of the beast.

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COVID-19 update: Deaths soar in Victoria, New South Wales updates COVID-19 regulations


See the vax rate charts....

Hmmm... so just above everyone is jabbed... and the jab Stops Severe Illness and Death...

But those numbers are running red hot....

I want to walk in the shoes of a CovIDIOT and understand what they are thinking as they read this - this is MSM stuff so they are reading it...

Perhaps they all have early stage Mad Cow disease as the spikes leaked into their brains and they just cannot compute this ... the logic function is shut down.... turning them into Booster Zombies...

More Boosters... MORE Booosters... please give More Boosters... Safe Effective Safe Effective....

How does one wake up from this nightmare?

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Great article Yakk. You should post these booster articles to the comment sections on Steve Kirsch, Igor Chudov and Toby Rogers to garner attention. This is an important topic.

PREDICTION: the psycho-criminals will not need to release another virus. Everybody I know around me that has been vaxxed is getting sick, repeatedly. 4 billion people will be getting AIDS-like 'chronic covid' with repeated re-infections by coronavirus, because of OAS and no N-protein antibodies, and boosters. It has started in all the heavily vaxxed countries.

Breakthrough infections and booster shots will be the KILLERS because both of these slowly decimate the immune system. At one point a weakened immune system will lead to all kinds of OTHER opportunistic infections, and cancers (already started). God save us all.

Marc Mullie MD, Montreal

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I saw an article recently showing a world map and the monkeypox cases that are mainly showing up in the countries with the highest vaccination numbers. surprise, surprise.

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This could very well be an adverse event in the vaxxed. The skin lesions are highly reminiscent of Herpes, a dormant virus that is activated when immunity is depressed. Peter McCullough has said so much.

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Will they even acknowledge their own effin numbers...Pfizer's document dump, etc........ANYTHING....Buehler, Buehler, ANYONE.......??????????????????

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Insanity. Meanwhile, a healthy but unjabbed inmate of the Prison State of Kanada cannot board a plane from Vancouver to Edmonton. What a time to be alive!

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All these darn facts and pieces of data are ruining the narrative of fear and hate. Thank you for another excellent analysis.

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Canadians will never wake up

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Its evident that this therapy is a failure.

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I tried explaining it like this, but maybe I'm not saying it right or maybe i dont "get it":

And no, you don't need a consistent outcome, you need a consistent way of comparing the 2 groups. In 2020 everyone was unvaxxed, so yes all deaths were unvaxxed in that time frame. Using those deaths to continue claiming most deaths r unjabbed is an example of base rate fallacy. Using basic numbers w vax rates as they are now, 86/100 are now vaxxed, 14/100 are not. 50/100 are triple jabbed. In that 2 wk period 9/100 cases r unjabbed, 91/100 are fully jabbed cases, 86/100 hospitalizations are fully vaxxed, and 84/100 deaths are fully vaxxed. Triple jabbed made up 70/100 of the vaxxed cases, 69/100 hospitalizations and 84/100 deaths. Draw the diagram. This is a single 2 week window, where the triple jabbed now exceed the 2x jabbed in cases/hosp/deaths. He has done this for many weeks, and the double jabbed have exceeded the unvaxxed for some time.

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This was something I posted when trying to tell a woman on fb that base rate fallacy did not apply as pop size was already accounted for

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Good to see your are still kicking. I was punted from LinkedIn for 3-1/2 months, took another month to decide whether I would come back. I back in and posting similar information as you on the Alberta numbers. Amazing that anybody is defending these useless shots anymore. Always appreciated the work you put in to show the the truth.

Keep up the good work! I will see how long I last on LinkedIn.

Kevin Redmond

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Ontario COVID-19 vaccinations data page (https://covid-19.ontario.ca/data) now says, "This page is no longer updated." Visitors are directed to, "please visit the Data Catalogue or the Public Health Ontario Data Tool" for the latest COVID-19 data. On June 2 the COVID-19 vaccinations data page showed that 88% of ICU patients were vaccinated for COVID. Interestingly the last update on June 10th dropped to 74% and this is the pie graph total that has been left visible on the page. Now I need to figure out how to pull this view form the data catalogue...

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I don't think this data is updated on the data catalogue at all any more.

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I don't think that you can call the boosters an abysmal failure without showing that more boosted seniors are dying than unboosted seniors. Seventy-five-year-olds are more likely to be boosted and more likely to die of Covid. Twenty-five-year-olds are less likely to be boosted and less likely to die of Covid.

It was similarly irresponsible by others to claim that myocarditis was more likely from Covid than from vaccine without giving an age breakdown. It may have been true that seventy-five-year-olds were more likely to get myocarditis from Covid, but it now appears that twenty-five-year-olds were more likely to get myocarditis from vaccine.

I understand that comorbidity may be a more important confounding variable than age, but age data is the more accessible then comorbidity data. I hope that you will consider breaking down the mortality data by both number of shots AND age, as Golden Pup has done for hospitalizations:


I think it was wrong to mandate the vaccine to young people because there were significant risks (more adverse outcomes than with other vaccines), and little benefit (little absolute risk reduction in dying from Covid), but I don't know yet whether I would go so far as to recommend against seniors being offered the vaccine (and boosters) without seeing more data.

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At this point, I've been mandated in my mid 40s, lost my job for 4 months and was allowed back w forced testing. I have no issue w them offering jabs to people, they can take as many as they want if they're that stupid (imo), but all mandates need to go. The info is out there for all to see, if they choose not to thats their problem. Anyone under 18 tho, different story. If they cant vote or consent to sex, they shouldn't be consenting to an experiment and no one else should be permitted to consent for them. 3rd party consent isn't informed consent. No one can cast a vote for a kid or consent to sex for a kid, so they shouldn't be consenting to an experiment on a kid.

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The bad guys need the witnesses gone; public health need the control group gone.

The CEO of Sociopath Inc is publically acknowledging it was the flu. https://youtu.be/NNiiuygF_HQ

Of course he'll be OK, but his underlings... they have no choice but to off the witnesses.

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Knowing the resistance will not give in is why they want to take our firearms. To make us defenseless when they come to put us in camps. In canada, I have zero doubt they'd do it if they thought they could

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If they know it, this makes them derelict. It's malfeasance. I don't see a shift in thought or rhetoric. In fact, FDA boss Peter Marks said he feels 'compels to put an end to vaccine hesitancy. " This is perhaps one of the most chilling statements yet from a captured health agency. The messaging is all screwy now. You have Gates basically saying the vaccines failed and is looking to the next pandemic, Pfizer and Moderna saying they're throwing vials out (but still working on more 'vaccines' that will inevitably flop) but 'experts' in Canada want to triple down on something that's clearly by simple observation of real-world data is failing before our eyes. The idea of using vaccines as a means to a medical end (and in this case, there is no end), has taken on dogmatic fervour.

We also need to stop listening to epidemiologists and infectious disease doctors who talk out of their lanes about immunology and vaccines. They're the main driver of the narrative.

I'm not optimistic the quacks will relent.

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The large and powerful corporations should by now realise that their customers are being killed of. I’m sure that not even a psychopath wants it’s customers killed off.

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For every dead customer, there are ten more taking heart meds for life.

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Why aren't life insurers speaking out more forcibly?

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They are no doubt re assessing their business plan as there has suddenly been a 40% rise in mortality in the 18-65 year old working age group.

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