How many are given Remdesivir? It has a high renotoxicity.

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Great article, again, Sheldon, thank you. Have any 'authorities' of any flavor ever reached out to you to solicit your direct engagement in 'better understanding' your analysis? Your plain English way of writing, your logical representation of the metrics allows ANY reader the opportunity to draw the same conclusions (based on the statistics) and demand our elected officials/appointed institutions take steps to 'improve' the actual outcomes of this vaccine experiment. One would think that ALL officials should be engaged (and horrified) with the actual results and taking actionable steps to improve. I just don't see that happening to any great degree..in fact, it appears that the actual results are being ignored. Sad state of affairs for all us Canadians.

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So..... hospitalized patients showing up, on the Covid dash-board, were admitted for another reason and tested positive with no or minimal symptoms.

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