Each day I open these reports of all this abuse by Governments and the fact that Becky was INTENTIONALLY harmed by them and now they are denying her makes my blood boil. I am in the U.S., but I can’t believe how far and evil Canada has become. I know the U.S. isn’t far behind. I sure wish people would wake up. Had their not been so many people running to get these without questioning it, maybe there would have been more hope, but at this point the tyrants are in full control. We will put Becky in our prayers. What a beautiful young woman and mother destroyed in her prime by monsters.

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I think Justin Pierre James Trudeau is the vampire Dracula. So is Biden.

They continue to suck blood from innocent people.

Not everyone will die in the immediate future, and many people still think of it as nothing more than being bitten by a mosquito.

We need a way to wake them up.

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Good luck to Becky.

I can't believe this country.

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My brother, 66 years old, had the first two shots. Last year he was telling people that I had become a "flat-earther conspiracy theorist" and had lost my mind. He called me a few months ago after his second shot saying, "I am a fucking sheep, K". I said that he had been dupped just like millions of others. He has lost the strength in both legs that has not returned. He can't walk very far but has found that riding his electric bike is okay and is helping. Another friend in his 40's still has tingling in his extremities. Best friend died from brain bleed after booster, many with heart issues, and only one that I know was reported.

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All these busted people who are unable to work and cannot get $$$ from the govt... should find the nearest Pfizer office --- and park their wheelchairs out front and hold up signs referring to those working in the building as murderers.

There are many thousands in this boat so if they'd get organized and have a few dozen their every day that would make a statement - and get noticed.

Why not also target the clinic that did the injecting? Park a couple of people out front every day as a warning to those eager for shot 5.

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You definitely have some excellent ideas!! If enough injured people were able to congregate in one huge area and get noticed--it might turn some heads. These bought media heads won't show it though.. This is absolutely a crime and needs serious attention

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Staying in the control group is likely going to be the best evidence for many people and their peers since the data, reports and the immunology are too difficult/time consuming for most folks to decipher. When people talk about covid-19. I tell them I had, it sucked but I got better and I haven't had more than a minor sniffle since, despite plenty of re-exposure. I'll only give explanations if prompted or if I feel like it. Otherwise, it's "nope, don't want a transfection, don't need a transfection, end of story."

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What utterly disgusting, garbage humans. I'm sorry, I have nothing better or more profound to say.

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That's good enough. Words don't exactly cover the emotional toll of all this.

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Thank you for picking up her story, Sheldon. She and her kids been through so much already and this rejection is seriously flaring up the PTSD of the whole ordeal for her that she's worked tirelessly to repress.

Our government has a serious reconing coming, and it's of their own making. They could have done the right thing all along the way, at multiple points. But at each one they chose denial, gaslighting and outright cover ups instead. Their time has come. Justice will come through the people, not through government programs.

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another thought- Becky should file suit as a place holder before her limitation period expires; typically two years form the date of injury. She can always withdraw a suit if need be but she can't file after the limitation. Filing suit would also let them know she is very serious about pursuing this not just about appealing. This would also give her more time to gather medical proof .

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Drew, a thought- has Becky had any biopsy samples taken? It is possible for tissue samples to be stained to look for vax induced spike while simultaneously ruling our nucleocapsid protein. ( The presence of nucleocapsid would indicated natural C 19 infection as the source for any spike induced damage she is suffering.) AFAIK no one in Canada is staining for this (hmmm) but Dr Ryan Cole is as are some pathologists in Europe.

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That's a great question! I'll ask her. That would be a great avenue to look down. Thank you!

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I suspect she would have trouble finding a doc in Canada who would take a biopsy. Dr Pierre Kory treats vax injuries in the US and he might be able to offer guidance as to how to proceed on getting the appropriate biopsy samples done and to just offer guidance in general. Won't be without costs but may be well worth the investment.

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Dr. Michael Palmer lives in Canada and is on a few videos explaining tissue samples from autopsies of people that died from the jabs.

The Pfizer documents have 1,291 serious adverse events of special interest. I can't believe her Dr would literally not even diagnose her or look into vaccine injury. That is terrible!! She needs a good lawyer and Drs that know what they're looking for.. I've heard of many people that can't walk, have numbness, paralysis, etc..from these shots.






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Here’s a social media post you can feel free to copy and share:

SHA records for Covid Vaccine Adverse Reactions in Saskatchewan from January 2021-2022 via a Freedom of Information Request. Brace yourself; it’s 122 pages long and an emotional read!


To make sense of these records, a professional analysis and commentary on these records is written by an experienced Canadian physician with training in virology, public health and data analysis.


As Saskatchewan citizens, we need to start asking some difficult questions!

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For what it's worth, I shared this on Fearless Canada's Telegram group.

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This breaks my heart. I listened to Sheldon's podcast when he had Becky on. Her story needs to be told far and wide, so do the others. I am so sorry Becky. You and your family are in my thoughts.

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Twitter won't let me tweet!! I'll keep trying though.

I sincerely hope she gets some compensation.

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This whole Covid scam has brought the absolute worst out in many. But not you Sheldon! 💖. Not sure if I can lend a hand but happy to help if needed!

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I just want to note that the mere fact all testing didn't come up with a cause for her injury points to the only cause it can be, the jab. There was no tumor, demyelination, structural abnormality, etc. Healthy except for these weird symptoms shortly after jab. It points directly to the jab! These people are monsters!

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Here's a gem on how PHAC discussed ivermectin & how to suppress knowledge about it. When do these losers get marched into prison?

Sheldon: Encourage you to share this. Canadians need to know.


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The saddest part is this will continue to happen and unexplained deaths also that even this close to the therapeutic are purposely not connecting the dots.

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How sad to read. My heart goes out to Becky and family. I will share through my channels…

Keep up the good work Sheldon.

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If this is me -- roll me near the scene of the crime --- and leave me there to even the score...

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