Apr 23Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

I think that you do a damn fine job and I’m not even a Canadian citizen/subject(?). ;)

Your work is a welcome reminder that there are still some sane people left in the English speaking world.

For me it’s also a window looking at what is happening in another country….. and how similar the corruption and other problems are.

Thank you.

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Apr 23Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

We all need 2 kinds of people in our life - people who hold us accountable (our critics) and people who are our champions (our supporters). If you're lucky and you work hard to have a healthy marriage it can be the same person. But it's rare, especially these days. Finding someone who cares enough about you to tell you the brutal truth, but also someone who'll catch you if you fail/fall is one of the truly amazing things that can happen to us, but we have to earn the trust of such a special person. And, of course, you have to have the courage to be the kind of person who offers the same in return. It's hard but worth it.

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Apr 23Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

Sorry Mrs. YakkStack… I understand the frustration a husband can cause… we are learners… though passionate at what we endeavour… I know my self after 30yrs with my spouse, I am still a beginner… I fail to see at times… fail to listen others… but mostly try and do more than I should; this does get Mrs. UnacceptableCanadian quite unsettled…

Thanks for sharing Mr.Yakk with so many… he is changing the world… many blessings… may this blessing find you well and many cheers!

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Apr 23Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

Sheldon, your wife don't have to be happy with me, as long as she is happy with you!

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Apr 23Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

Marriage is not always easy. Differing opinions are part of it and there are times when choices have to be made to keep the peace. That's the tricky part. Finding a balance that keeps both happy in a relationship is easier said than done.

While my husband and I have a lot in common, we have different approaches to situations and different opinions on a wide variety of subjects.

He has no interest in Substack or my continuing concerns about the entire covid fiasco. I detest mainstream media yet he avidly watches it. We differ on our opinion of the Russian/ Ukraine war. He seems unconcerned about WHO and its possible power grab.

On the positive side we both love family and all that it entails, we both love nature, walking, camping for months at a time, photography and reading. In other words we have enough common interests and beliefs to keep this marriage going.

Having said all that I trust you Sheldon and believe all the research you have done and compiled has been a valuable resource for many of us.

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Apr 23Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

my wife tells me the older i get the better i used to be!

not sure if i should take that as a compliment... hmm?

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Apr 23Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

My wife asks me on a daily basis whether this enriches my life or is a detriment.

I still don’t have a straight answer

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Sorry to upset your 30 year companion.i do understand how she feels though..but. we need you Sheldon. Especially those whose eyes and ears are just opening!

Bribery gets you everywhere you know..nit baubles and beads and crap like that. But hugs kisses,compassion and blatant begging . She will let you carry on for the public well being...lol. just remember to spend extra quality time with her and kidlets.


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Apr 23Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

You convinced me. And that's a tough sell. But I am a wife too...... Family first.

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Maybe you can schedule balance?

Write family time in there.

Definitely include meal times.

And carve out some time for Yakking.

Everything in moderation.

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sounds like she loves you and cares about you. and it's probably beneficial and healthy for you and your relationship that she's not down the rabbit hole too.

i imagine she's like a safe haven of counter balance to tackling the batshit lunacy of the f'd up clown world we're seeing.

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Don't for get to learn about NOSTR and get an account. It's the future of decentized information systems... you should post to NOSTR via DAMUS ios app or primal web app.

Good luck and keep up the good work

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Sheldon, you are doing a damn good job, but this isn't easy to break into. These are the most challenging times ever. The globalists said they wanted to reduce the pop. to 500 million, and just made their first major attempt. Even bragged about it. Especially Bill Gates. But who wants to really believe that? The billionaires have taken control. So there is going to be more to come. We are all so busy working, etc. that it's hard to get things in gear and rolling.

The western governments are now actively working against their own citizens. All branches of government have almost been captured, and corrupted. If this doesn't get stopped and changed, then there will be no freedom or justice. There will be no Shire, if you get my meaning.

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You seem like an amazing man who's able to take the brutal truth. Don't be offended but I'm going to recommend to you a book, written by Robert Jensen (ally to women) that talks about women's issues and how beneficial it is for men to know about these things: (just a limited preview) https://archive.org/details/endofpatriarchyr0000jens

It may give you a general idea what many women think and perhaps about what your wife would like as well.

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Sheldon, would you consider opening a Koffi account so I can support you? I can't always get subscriptions due to limited funds, but I do buy a coffee for several of my favourite contributors when funds permit.

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I'm very sorry for your loss Sheldon, he sounds like a great guy.

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