I was right all along. I've spent the last two years venting! The only silver lining from this is I was right and refused the jabs.

I spent last Christmas Eve and morning alone last year, missed all my youngest grandsons hockey games, missed my granddaughters high school Theatre productions, was unable to partake in a family restaurant celebration for my husband's 81st birthday.

My brother up until just recently refused to see me as did half of my husband's family until just last week.

I was unable to host several Easter and Thanksgiving celebrations in our home which used to be a family tradition.

My husband and I had to cancel a much anticipated 6 week visit to the United Kingdom in May of 2020. It was prepaid and we fought for months to get our money back.

I have omitted other occasions I have missed but at the risk of writing a way too long post I will stop.

I told my husband today that when I die I want to be remembered as someone who stood by my courage of convictions and my bodily autonomy.

Not too shabby for an epitaph!

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My story is almost exactly the same but I was also kicked out of my athletic club, where I had been a member for over 40 years. The hardest thing for me was the division in my family as we are a small one -- I'm one of two sisters and there are only two granddaughters. My parents were willing to see my husband and I but my sister and her daughters were not so have not had a family gathering with everyone present for 31 months. My parents are now 82 and this was devastating for them and who knows how much more time we will have to make up for all of this lost time? My parents winter in Florida (we all live in Manitoba) and I normally visit them for a month every winter but that has not happened either. I will never regain those cherished times that were stolen from me and I am bitter and angry. I am a Christian and have been praying for God's help to forgive.

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That's the hardest part for me too- forgiving them, as a Christian. I'm not doing well at it so far.

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I Forgive Them For I Know The Burden Of Forgiving Themselves Is Greater!

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I think it might not be as difficult if my good friend's son hadn't died at 17 years of age, one month after his first shot, last September. Went to hospital, was given Advil. No blood work drawn to check for troponin or d dimer. Dies a few weeks later. Attending doctor absolved of negligence by CPSO. Sigh.

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These People Should Hang! Every One of Them!

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I'm not a vengeful person, really, but yesterday I thought about charging all the Health Officers with domestic terrorism, treason, murder. When convicted, they'd be locked into prisons with male sex offenders claiming female status (which is actually happening, btw.) forever. Just a thought...

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Absolutely heartbreaking! My soul feels sick when I hear about these unnecessary deaths, especially in the young. We have failed to protect our children. I would like to see many of my former colleagues be tried as per Nuremburg. Just doing my job is no damn excuse.

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Heartbreaking 💔

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My gosh - me too. I've never been good at forgiveness and I don't know if I can evet get past this.

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Thankyou for sharing what you have gone through. You are right we will never get that time back again. I think that's what bothers me the most, especially because I am 72.

I was just shy of 70 when this when thing started. It sure wasn't a great way to start my seventh decade! Thankfully I am healthy as a horse and haven't had so much as even a sniffle during this entire time.

Hopefully I will get a chance to enjoy the rest of this decade!

Sending my love to you in Manitoba from British Columbia ❤️

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Sending love right back at ya, Helen!

Up until 5 days ago, I was healthy as a horse as well and no sniffles for the past 3 years. Unfortunately, I contracted covid on Monday and it has been much worse then I expected, even with Ivermectin and nutraceuticals started on day 1. Hopefully I will start feeling better soon.

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To Jbcreations65

I meant to put in my reply to you if you would let me know how you are doing and how long it takes you to recover.

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My parents are in their 80's and have been jabbed so I made sure we got some Ivermectin prescriptions last year when they were in Florida to have on hand to take as soon as we got sick. We did teledoc appointments and I got a prescription as well, which they couriered to me. Their prescription included two others as well, due to their age, but mine was just 5 IVM pills. All in, it cost me over $200 Cdn for the appointment, prescription, and courier but i felt it was worth it. My parents caught covid last week and sailed through it with their prescriptions. I haven't had as much luck but at least my massive headache, fever, nausea, and muscle pain is over. Now I am in the no smell, taste, appetite, stuffy nose, sore throat, muscle weakness phase. I just finished my prescription, which I took in conjunction with Quercetin, vitamins C and D, and zinc. I also did three times a day neti pot nasal rinses with diluted povidone iodine. All of this and it was still pretty brutal. Hopefully I will start getting my strength back soon and feeling better. I definitely did not expect to feel this bad.

I was surrounded by covid lately but had been rinsing my nose daily with success up until now. Good luck with your protocols and wishing you continued good health. If you are interested in the tele-doc, I found one on the Truth for Health Foundation website, which is also where I found the pharmacy that would dispense IVM. You just need to find someone to mail it to you. Blessings!

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Thank-you so much for responding. Your honesty and accurate description of how you are dealing with covid is appreciated.

It gives me pause for sober reflection.

We are all vulnerable and I believe that if we continue down this path of continual vaccines it will only get worse. The more we vaccinate the more variants will be created.

However I was interested in your parents experience with covid as they had been vaccinated. My husband will be 82 next week and he's had 2 shots and a booster. I've had him take some of the vitamins I take but that's about all he does. He also has been in good health. We're probably the perfect test case but there is 10 years between us.

You and I have been doing pretty much the same protecals and I think many people are as well.

The question is. Can we keep ahead of the pack?

I'm heartened to see that in spite of covid you are putting out some much appreciated content.

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I hope you feel better soon. I guess no matter how healthy we are, everyone at some point will

get covid. The only comforting fact is the vaccinated are just as vulnerable as the unvaccinated.

I'm amazed you were able to get hold of Ivermectin if living in Canada.

I have several things on hand should I get covid. One is Xlear which is available in most Health Food stores. I use it if I have been exposed to anyone who has any kind of virus and should I get covid it is recommended to use 4 times a day. It's a nasal spray and the idea is to stop the virus from going any further. Another interesting product seems to be Melatonin! I don't normally take it but from the research I have done it is an excellent product to use at night if you have covid.

Because I don't have Ivermectin I keep Quercetin and Zinc on hand and do take it from time to time.

I have been taking vitamin C, D and K2 on a daily basis since March 2020.

I have also found that taking a combination of Coloidial Silver with Oregano oil is very useful for warding off any potential viruses. There have been countless times that my grandchildren have been ill with flu, colds etc. and if I am around them during this time I always take the above mentioned combination. So far I have been lucky.

Two weeks ago I visited my daughter and my granddaughter had a terrible cold. I hugged her and spent the afternoon with her but when I came home I used the nasal spray and the Silver with Oregano for a few days and never got her virus.

I imagine I am preaching to the choir with all this information that you most likely have but thought I would pass on my experiences and what I use during these times.

Take care of yourself.

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Psssst- the vaccinated are MORE vulnerable!!!

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So sad!

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I want "She did not comply" on my headstone.

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Great Epitaph Helen I Love You!

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Thankyou remoteviewer57. I started subscribing to various substacks last September of 2021. I think it's what has kept me sane And knowing there are so many wonderful people like you that are out there.

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In Japan, there is a proverb from the Middle Ages, "Don't let them know, let them depend on you." Similar to Putin.

In modern terms, using Propaganda information is the cheapest and most efficient way to don't let them(=good citizen) know.

BillGates definitely uses this and will continue to do so.

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What a sad story! I’m so sorry for your heartache I have had heartache but nothing like yours ; in fact I’m still not talking to my brother because I refused to get vaccinated. Some acquaintances or out of my life now too. 🥲

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You are the bomb!!!!!

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Well done!

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When the vaccines became available I was initially eager to get into line with the others and get “safe”. But as a geneticist the assurances about the vaccine made no sense to me. How could a vaccine that does not stop transmission and infection stop a pandemic? How can introducing mRNA into our cells and having the cells begin expressing that mRNA's foreign protein be safe and effective? What about suppression of the immune system? What about accidentally triggering autoimmune disease? I decided to read the Pfizer Summary Application to the FDA to try to reassure myself that Pfizer and the government knew what they were doing. To my horror, I saw multiple red flags which my training in genetic epidemiology had taught me to look for. I concluded the vaccines were likely not safe and they certainly were not effective. I decided I would not get the vaccine. I told my grown children to not get the vaccine. I wrote to my member of Parliament, to my member of the Legislative Assembly, my premier and to Mr. Trudeau, as well as to various individuals at the federal and provincial level of public health, and to the media expressing my concerns as a credentialed and qualified expert. I was ignored. To my astonishment and dismay any other credentialed and qualified expert I knew of, many far more qualified and experienced than I was, who shared my views were actively banned from social media and many were fired from their jobs. Since I was retired there was not much the censorous authorities could do to punish me. I was just ignored.

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So sorry!

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I cannot even begin to describe the horror of the mandates. In the first place these mandates were very deeply offensive to me because they violated every basic principal of human bodily integrity and personal freedom I knew of. My fellow Canadians were being coerced and enticed to accept the vaccine without informed consent. The pressure was incredible. In my small town, as soon as the mandates came into effect, everyone immediately knew who was and who not vaccinated. Led by Prime Minister Trudeau with his ugly talk about the unvaccinated, everyone in my town who had not had the vaccine became an instant pariah. We were banned from all community activities. We could not take part in sports, social events, weddings, funerals. The nearby town of McCreary had a huge fair outdoors with multiple activities for everyone but the unvaccinated were banned. Further, no children were permitted to attend these activities unless their parents were fully vaccinated. There were children, innocent little children, who had to stay in their homes and watch out the window while the children of the vaccinated got to play in bouncy castles and enjoy circle dancing. My own eight year grandson refused to give me a hug when I went to visit him (violating public health orders I might add) because his teacher had told him because I was unvaccinated, if he hugged me, he might kill me.

The next few months were very hard. I was depressed. I was anxious. I felt so isolated I cannot begin to describe it. My husband and I knew if one or the other ended up having to go into the hospital we would be separated. We would die alone because the unvaccinated were not permitted to visit the hospital or to have visitors if hospitalized. Every single day we scoured the news looking for some sign of when things would be worse. A neighbour wrote on his Facebook page how the unvaccinated should be driven out of town, burned out if necessary, for our crimes against society. My husband and I started locking our door at night and keeping bear spray and fire extinguishers beside our bed. After New Brunswick announced the unvaccinated could be denied entry to grocery stores and Quebec banned the unvaccinated from big box stores we got really frightened that we would soon be denied food and medicine. Pastors were being arrested for the crime of holding church services attended by the unvaccinated. We worried about being rounded up and sent to camps.

We began looking into how we could escape Canada and go to the USA where my husband is a citizen. Because of the mandates I would have to risk crossing the border on foot illegally in winter as a refugee but things were turning so frightening for us it seemed we were heading to that being the lesser of two evils. We even briefly discussed a mutual suicide pact in the case one of the other of us got sick instead of being separated and left to die alone, hated and abandoned by Canadian society. Although we decided we would not go ahead with our mutual suicide pact, the fact that we even discussed this illustrates the depth of our depression and despair. And our main reason for that decision illustrates how alienated from Canadian society we felt at the time. If we were both dead, who would take care of our dogs?

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I am almost in tears reading your very moving account of your experiences during this terrible time. Hugs to your dogs.

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Strange to press the "like" button on this. It is love to you both. Thank you for taking the time to write this, as painful as it is. It is like a death we are all experiencing of what we held sacred in all our relationships-- an essential compassion. Gone almost overnight. The grief is unbearable. We're all with you in this.

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Oh my goodness! So sorry for your pain! And I thought our US leaders were bad! Trudeau was worse!

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I am so sorry 🙏🏻

Stay strong 💪🏻

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I can’t hit the ‘like’ button for this. Things never got that bad here ( Maryland, USA). Bad, but not like that. I’m sorry.......

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PS: If the US Supreme Court hadn’t ruled against Biden’s planned mandates, all hell would have broken loose. I really believe that the government would have tried to force everyone to get the shots... probably leading to bloodshed.

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The assorted mandates have mostly but not entirely been suspended. However the governments at both the federal and provincial levels have told us repeatedly they can bing them back anytime they want to.

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the big question now is- will your neighbors make nice like nothing ever happened, the ones who suggested burning you out? now they know who they really are under the veneer of civility and you know too. let's hope that their disappointment in themselves in greater than your disappointment in them.

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Most act like it never happened and I try to act the same way but there is wall of ice between us, at least that is how i feel. Some still won't speak to us. If I try to talk about it I get told, "Well it was a choice, you made your choice and choices have consequences."

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wow! that sounds like a rehearsed line written by a PR firm: "what to say to your unvaccinated neighbors now that you've been proven wrong."

this is so similar to what my Spoleto Festival assistant of 30 years said to me when she showed up at my house one day- without even bothering to text me- to drop off the personal stuff she cleaned out of my desk.

when i asked her how the Festival went, since i was completely ostracized from it, she went on about how the crew were the best people, so talented and nice, as if working with me for 30 years had been not so great. now, i knew this was bullshit because a costume designer told me that the costume department wasn't any good and the theater called me one day to ask if i could help out in an emergency. i told them to rot in hell.

now, a caring friend might have said something diplomatic like "well, we missed you of course and it was different but all in all it was a good experience" or something like that.

i also know that the Festival had tripled the pay rate for interns hoping to encourage some "diversity" in hiring. so instead of college costume majors wanting hands on experience and the chance to work with a legend (me), they got unskilled people who just wanted the money and quit the minute the work was too hard.

so then i said something about being sorry that things had turned out this way- after all, it was my job for 40 years and was supposed to be my job until i decided to step down or die- and that i didn't think it was right for an arts association to be discriminatory and she said "you made your choice and the Festival honored your choice and moved on. i saw no discrimination."

maybe she missed the part where the festival would not sell a ticket to anyone who wasn't double vaxxed and boosted, showed photo ID and wore a mask. and wouldn't let 5 year olds in because at that point they weren't allowed to be vaccinated. i guess the governor here thought it was discrimination because he signed a bill into law making such discrimination illegal.

now i think about all the times i saved her ass when she got too high strung and the only thing between the angry production supervisor and her was me. now i wonder if she was always secretly jealous because she could never move up while i was there. not that she did- they hired someone from the outside and not that she had the personal skills to do the job but that's never stopped a person with ambition. i think about the time when john and i drove up to DC for the march against the mandates and had dinner with her in virginia. we were so happy to see each other, having missed out on our annual time together due to the pandemic. now i wonder if the last time i spoke to her on our front porch, when she dropped off my things and basically told me that it was my own damn fault that i lost my job after 40 years, will be the last time i ever speak with her.

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I am truly horrified at what vaccinated Canadians did to the unvaxxed. It is not that far off from what the Nazis began with in the 30s and 40s. Trudeau is a horrible pos and needs to be voted out. He stoked so much fear and hatred. I'm sorry you had to go through all of that just to have bodily autonomy. It should never have happened. We welcome you to the U.S. but not sure how much longer we'll be free either. Many of us will fight to the death to keep our freedoms. That may be the difference between us and Canada. You have already gone down the road to socialism and are speeding up quickly on that road to fascism. We're not far behind it seems. Hang in there and know you are brave and fearless for doing what you did. Congrats!!!

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I’m so so sorry. It was all so unnecessary and it breaks my heart hearing these stories. Luckily I had a network of support, even though most around me chose to get vaccinated. I never felt alone. Even most of my vaccinated friends never shunned me.

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I was right all along..

After 25 years as RN I knew in March 2020 that it was a psy-op Event 201.

Every principle and guideline of infectious disease and pandemic management thrown out the window...

Ridiculous fear porn from MSM and talking head WEF government plants....

Absolutely dangerous and negligent coercion with experimental pharma poison....

Mindless compliance from almost all society...

Silence and cowardice from my supposed health care colleagues that only gave a shit about their $$ and not innocent public...

Fired with 45 brave freedom fighters in Nov 21 and reported to my college as "disgraceful "...

Part of a big lawsuit with 500 people Rocco Galati...

Wouldn't do a damn thing differently...

Freedom is not Free!!

Ps moving to Alberta next year as it is the only province I respect.

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Best wait til after the election in AB next May. If Rachel Notley gets back into power, all bets are off.

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Unfortunately that's true. The government in Manitoba and at the federal level has made it very clear they will bring it all back again anytime they want.

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Note the conservatives in - they are the only ones who haven't lost their minds.

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I hope your lawsuit is successful and you take them for everything they're worth and more. It is the only thing that will stop this insanity. Money talks as they say and bullshit walks.

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RESPECT! Thank you for fighting for us all. I've been humming Four Strong Winds for comic relief. Weather's good there in the Fall... etc. Hard to think about starting from scratch again but we all know this, like everything else, ain't over til it's over. Best of luck to you!

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#Iwasrightallalong. What I have learned through this process of being threatened for my job and not backing down, scowled at, belittled and told I’m a danger to society is that being right is a state of mind and no longer something I feel the need to jam down someone’s throat. The vilification is knowing I am a critical thinker and steered me correctly. People have right to believe what they want, even if it’s at their own peril. I have adopted a thought process of “maybe the world does need to be culled” based on an observation of how easily people are duped. In April of 2020 I posted a single post on FB that said, “what will the world do when it finds out it’s been lied to”. We are about to find out. Popcorn is made, let the show begin!

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I miss chatting with you, dude.

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I read everything you write. While I support you from afar, you capture a lot what my sentiments have been through this whole process. I often ponder how big a go fund me account it would be if it was to gather money to pay the electric bill on frying a few of these fuckers! I’d donate heavily!! Miss our convo’s as well.

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Trudeau - FAILED

Freeland - FAILED

Singh - FAILED

Duclos - FAILED

Mendicino - FAILED

Kenney - FAILED

Hinshaw - FAILED


I can go on but you get the point. It is not my being right, it the FAILING from ALL the people you expect you can trust. NEVER I will trust ONE of them.

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You missed BC's Bonnie Bullshit.

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Good one. And let's not forget Adrian Dix. I could never trust him after his sordid past in the NDP under Glen Clark. Why he was ever allowed back in politics is beyond me. Once a liar; always a liar.

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The Ropes Won't Fail!

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You can count on one hand the churches and church leadership, pastors, ministers, other religious leaders who FAILED miserably in their expression of their “faith” in the God they preach about. When we needed help with our faith they were telling us to wear masks and to get vaccinated because that is what you would do if “you loved your neighbors”. After very actively serving in my church for about 50 years I no longer go along with their doctrine or the beliefs they have allowed to rule their decisions during the pandemic. Since God is everywhere I am blissed to find his presence in the fellowship of many like minded beautiful new friends and in my own spaces. It is only with His grace and love that we can do this journey one day at a time with serenity. May each of us find our way with His help.

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And i could go on and on about all our failed leaders too!

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Them most of all! They were the ones people actually needed and should have been able to count on!

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You missed Roussin.

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I've never ranted so much in my life. I could not believe people were buying into the obvious propaganda. BUT IT'S A PANDEMIC. Ok, doesn't mean you need to lose your @#^&%%# life! I couldn't knock sense into anyone. They were all connived it was going to last a few months and that I was going to be the old man yelling at clouds telling kids to get off my lawn.

Now look.

LOOK at what your consent did.

And the government. I want to know exactly who were the geniuses who thought it was a good idea to divide Canadians like this. I don't think we're going to recover from this part of the scam. They messed with the Ph levels in people's psyche.

Brains are broken, Consciences compromised.

They deserve a massive back of the hand for what they did.

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I'm thinking full frontal fist, not back of the hand.

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Knife Hand Through Skull Comes To Mind! Fist's Of Fury!

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I now know how Cassandra felt in that old fable. She was cursed with the ability to see the future but having no one believe her. Every death or disability due to an adverse hits me deeply. And I am convinced it is going to get much worse. I hope I am wrong this time.

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I’ve lost friends, can’t talk about my views with my children and got lambasted for being an antivaxxer…even though I am fully vaxxed other than with the death jab.

I had never experienced discrimination this badly in my life time. I’m not a victim…I’m proud of standing up for my beliefs. You lemmings must feel real proud of yourselves now.

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I didn't identify as antivax at the start of this, although showing up for stitches or something and getting a tetanus shot was as far as I needed to go. Now that the definition of antivaxxer has mutated into the variant: anyone who asks questions, I'm proud to use the term.

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You didn't need that tetanus shot either. Just wait and see what all this is going to do to the supposed vaccine schedule. Most of it is shite! A lot of it is very harmful. Mark my words, it will crumble.

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Agree. On the tetanus shot, now I know better. On the schedule, it's so tragic that more kids will be harmed by the addition of covid shots, and yes, you are right about the crumbling too, once the evidence becomes overwhelming, whenever that will be... So far, no one around me is getting any messages.

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People disgusted me with their virtue signaling...as if they knew what they were talking about. They were clueless and still are. It’s silly to say how incredibly pissed off we are because that doesn’t come close to how we are really feeling! You feckless idiotic, virtue signaling pieces of shit! I hope you take a 5th and maybe 6th or 7th booster!!!

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Yes a lot of the time I feel that way too. I went in for a blood test and I am allergic to scents and yet I was forced to sit in a chair doused with scented disinfectant. Even as I pleaded, the person spraying down the chairs sprayed down the chair right next to me and then yelled at me to shut up. I got yelled at by people for not following the arrows, for not using the hand sanitizer dispenser properly, for not putting my mask on until I got to the store's door. My husband had a blood test and I wanted to go pee and I got yelled out and threatened by security because I just walked to the washroom without going through screening (the washroom being right next to the exit) and because I wasn't a patient. It was insane. Everyone was angry all the time.

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Scratch the surface and you’ll find lots of little dictators drunk with power!

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I was right all along.

I kinda want to vent but then….Many if us here have the ultimate prize these days - Pure Blood. Many of those around us have realized that they made a bad decision and took the clotshot (but recognized too late). Many more can now self identify as cucks. I’m enjoying the slow burn of their realization. Hell mend them. (And I’m glad to be a proud member of the pure blood team).

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I like your descriptive words! Clotshots!!

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#IWasRightAllAlong oh hell yeah. “Trust me, I’m a doctor” now has a much darker undertone than the old jokes. The “science” was actually “political science”, and everything they tried to shove down our throats was at best worthless, at worst deadly. I will NEVER forget what they did: from the Rothchilds right through to some government/medical/educational/industry flunkie who just “followed orders”. They all deserve severe consequences

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(I'm not a gynecologist, but I'll give it a look)esque.

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I will tell you what pisses me off the most: these maniacal psychopaths are trying to ruin my son's future, our children's futures. Yes, I was right all along, from day one and I'm nobody. All these fucking somebodies who do know better, but who remain silent and continue to go along to remain in the "cool crowd" deserve a prison cell and many deserve worse. I will never, never forget what they, actual people, did to us the last three years. Never. I've been apolitical for most of my 60 plus years on this earth, but I'm awake now and hope I can contribute in a meaningful way to right this sinking ship. Freedom!

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My 15 year old daughter wanted to grab a bite to eat with her girlfriends…all her friends were vaccinated. She wasn’t.

There was snow on the ground and it was cold. They went to eat. She was able to enter the restaurant to order but was not welcome to dine inside.

She took her meal and sat outside in the blowing snow. Her friends joined her.

Grown ass adults sat inside warm and watched a child sit out in the cold to eat her meal.

Shame on them. Shame on society.

My heart broke that day.

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But, your daughter learned what it takes to do the right thing. Sometimes it's hard.

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My heart broke reading this. My daughter was 13 and lied about her age everywhere.

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I must first describe the impact of the lockdowns. Like everyone else I was terrified of the virus and what it could do. However from the beginning the approach made no sense to me. I had been peripherally involved in the preparations for the next pandemic after the SARS1 outbreak. Since the major aspect of my work is the effect of environmental conditions on different variants of human genes and the common metabolic pathways, as well as having spent three years in a postdoc on infection related innate immunity, I simply could not understand what the government was doing. You simply cannot eradicate an airborne respiratory virus with an animal reservoir. Masks do not stop such airborne viruses. Two weeks to flatten the curve is all fine but when the two weeks is up, then what? The harms caused by the policies the government undertook obviously far exceeded any possible benefit by every standard I had ever been trained in. Due to my grave concerns about the direction the nation was taking I became a signatory to the Great Barrington Declaration. I felt puzzled, bewildered, and great angst on behalf of my fellow Canadians, especially the children. The video of a policeman assaulting and arresting a 12 year for the crime of wanting to ride his skateboard in a public park closed by the lockdowns left me in tears. It quickly got far worse.

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So sad and scary! My fear is that it will happen again!

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The government has basically promised us it will unless we all get more vaxxes of course.

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Vote differently next time.

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I was right all along, as far as no interest in a shot, even though influenced at first by the term "novel", as in 'no immunity', a new one on me. Upped the probiotics, D3 and Zinc washed down with elderberry fire cider, concerned mostly for the high-risk diabetics in the area. When Dr. Northrop was cancelled and a smart investigative reporter questioned the PCR test, fog cleared. Reaching out to others was futile. Even those I've learned from, agreed with on the harms of industrial medicine, were begging for the chemical cure. Former friends attacked quite viciously.

"We always thought you were crazy." is hard to forget or forgive.

One of my brothers, convinced in a long call to skip the shot for a list of reasons was re-convinced by his wife I guess to "follow the science", talking to me thereafter in that soft placating voice you use for someone on a ledge preparing to jump. I stopped taking his calls.

It's me that's intolerant. Still can't listen to blather about covid causing myocarditis and such mediaspeak that passes for conversation without speaking up, nicely. With concern and logic.

Sneered at in the local store, yelled at in the post office. "When are you stupid people going to get your shots?" It was all my fault-- the idiotic masking and zoo-like plexiglass stalls, the constant fear. It would all be over if we would just do what we were told. Trust the experts.

Thanks to the vax pass I couldn't go anywhere but grocery shopping for months on end.

Zero social life, even on holidays.

My property was vandalized, all four car tires flattened. Twice.

My small business failed. It's wholesale. Orders just stopped.

Fiona blasted through, power was off for a week for my neighbour and I (she has family here, I don't.) although that was solved for everyone else within days. No one came around to see if I was OK. No one offered the use of their generator although their lights were on. It was a disaster, people have lives, and I get all that, although the silence was huge.

Everything is a choice. I decided to enjoy being invisible, which is working so far.... Man's rejection is God's protection and all that.

Much thinking about a possible saviour complex (Who, me?) has been interesting, also concluding that I really don't want to be around anyone for whom critical thinking is scary and dangerous. Getting better at being alone all the time and finding absurd comedy in the whole situation. It's fun beyond the pale.

Running water is nice to have, but what I missed most after the hurricane was this kind of communion. We don't know each others' lives, but we do share qualities of heart and soul. Grateful for this health freedom community across many stacks & especially this one. Thank you all.

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You saved yourself from the shedding and spreading the vaccinated do.

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