You can be sure all country health officials in negotiation with Pfizer were aware of this from the get-go. That makes passports and mandates illegal, a big lie! Someone has to pay for this extreme level of corruption!

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Douglas ol's son, even I knew the study never looked at or claimed these toxins stopped transmission, so for sure as heck THEY knew.

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By "speed of science", she means speed of greed and psychopathic indifference.

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"People need to go to jail for this."

I would rather that they hang.

Or be thrown screaming into a volcano.

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We can go full "Carlin" on them and bring back an American tradition ... DUELLING. Gates and Fauci up first. Now "Tiny Tony" is a small target so the betting on how many rounds he'll last will be good.

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They are changing their own goalposts and need to be called out on this. The phase 3 trials are woefully underpowered BY THEIR OWN ADMISSION where hospital admissions are concerned and the placebo groups were vaccinated in almost their entirety by mid April 2021.



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Brave Sasha Dissects how the DOD has Taken Over Big PharmGod, please protect this woman.

Sage Hana


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Even if this info was on MSM there would be people that still believe the jabs were tested and are safe and effective. Everyone involved in this scheme knew exactly what they were doing and they have accomplished a whole lot of harm in more ways than one. Tim Tam is back to wearing her mask again and making false statements. If I gave my dog 3 rabies shots in 1 year and he still got rabies I am pretty sure I would be questioning the vet.

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"At the speed of science"? ROTFLMAO. These clowns wouldn't know science if they tripped over it.

And those deals that Trudeau signed with Pfizer & Moderna on our behalf and paid for with our money. When do we get to see those details? The Israeli citizens have been told 2050. You read that correctly. Wait 3 decades to see the deal?

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I also want to see the contracts signed with all the media to "keep us safe" from real information. How did any real journalist think that could be a good idea?

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Had not previously. Thanks, I think, although stomach is churning.

The CEO of Thomson-Reuters is on the Beard of Pfizer. Or was until recently. Can't keep up with everything, but even recent tenure there, whatwitheverything, is criminal in the light of news strangulation.

Where does one start? With the marketing?

EVERYONE please watch this: https://www.c-span.org/video/?465845-1/universal-flu-vaccine. From C-span, which is irrefutable. It's an October 2019 meeting to market the flu into something sexy, like cancer... Like they did with HIV, he says, and if anyone has read The Real Anthony Fauci you know what that means. No more spoiler alerts, but listen to the dialogue!

I must have sent this to fifty independent news sources. Unresponsive. Maybe now's the time to try try try again.

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With mRNA technology near the 3 decade mark in age, how can anyone with an IQ higher than room temperature be expected to believe they had no idea it wouldn't stop transmission. Absolute lie and they need to be investigated by a coalition of citizens outside of gov't and DOD and held to account.

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When will Trudeau and his Health Department be investigated and prosecuted for fraud?

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Is there truth to the rumour that the Trudeau Foundation is profiteering from this?

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Great question. Is anyone investigating this angle?

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David Martin was saying so awhile ago, also talking about Canadian gov't contributions to Wuhan gain-of-function research through UBC. He hasn't been on my radar lately. Don't know. What brought it to mind was a recent public message to Justin from his half brother, who said, among other things, that he had a strong sense Justin was being pressured.

I would imagine with something this big they would all have an "Ooops" exit strategy, the way Gates is now being "candid" about the shots being not as advertised, along the lines of "we did the best we could..." They think they have parachutes ready.

So, the pressure might be fear of such revelations coming to light. He's possibly implicated, and yes it's well worth looking into.

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That's not all. Because of the Feds changing the approval regulations right before the vaccine rollout, Health Canada had to approve the vaccine or any other drug without evidence that they safe or effective.

Alberta Lawyer that's practices in Drug Approval cases makes it clear what's going on.


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Well, you know...easy come, easy go...... I want to sue someone...... who do I start with.....

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I believe that Janine Small who answered the question in this video was there to replace Albert Bourla who refused to attend and testify before the European Parliament's special committee on Covid 19. He was expected to face tough questions on how the secretive vaccine deals were struck.

In particular it was the cozy relationship between Bourla and Von Der Leyen that they were interested in regarding the preliminary negotiations for the EU's biggest vaccine contract for up to 1.8 billion doses of the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine which concluded in May 2021.

Bourla's cancelation was two weeks before the scheduled investigation after he tested positive for Covid 19 for the second time since his first diagnosis in mid August!

How bloody convenient.

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Did he ever get ‘fully vaccinated’? Israel wouldn’t admit him previously because his shots were not up to date. As a veterinary doctor, you’d think he would know better.

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Yes. I'll put on some sunscreen so you don't get a sun burn.

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I'm no vaccinologist, but I remember looking at the mechanism that these shots were purported to employ when they were first revealed in the latter half of 2020, and saying to myself "There's no effing way that teaching the body to manufacture a protein is going to block transmission of a virus".

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Yep. Intramuscular vaccines can’t prevent transmission anyway as they don’t produce mucosal immunity and therefore don’t prevent the vax from infection and transmitting via the nasal pathways.

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Yep! I was saying this on social media early on, after doing my own research on the technology. No one cared!!! Even when it proved itself in real world data!!! Infuriating.

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This video is circulating Twitter which is good. Perhaps a few more will awaken to the LIES. Imagine those that trusted the untested science and are injured. And their lives will never be the same. Not all Science is good science. I will never forget. Someone needs to pay. Lets not forget all who are complicit all must pay.

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