Still waiting for them to desperately call unvaccinated people to donate…at which point, they’ll have to pay for it. Since I an ineligible for an organ transplant, why would I donate blood?
My thinking exactly, and I've also taken myself off the organ donation list. I'm only willing to donate to fellow unvaxxed, if that ever becomes a possibility here.
Yeah, I've read & heard that, too. Not only in China, where healthy donors are sacrificed, but here in the US where certain of the injured or ill are diagnosed.
I can't recall the MD who presented his insight into the practice of donor selection -- donors are invariably living -- but the principal takeaway from his talk is that the term "brain dead" was coined shortly after the first heart transplant, to permit taking the organ from a living donor. The harvesting of the organ kills the "brain dead" patient.
What added to the MD's talk was an interview with someone for whom he had advocated -- who had been labelled "brain dead" -- who survived to gainful employment, marriage and to be the father one child. This had been after a period of "brain death" longer than the hospital would normally have permitted.
A nurse I know told me these organ donor agents hang around hospitals and she started throwing them out of the operating rooms. They would badger the doctors and nurses to not administer treatments that could potentially make the organs unusable. In one case of a teenaged girl who was brain injured while her parents were out of town, the donor agent called the parents and got them to agree to stop any treatment because the girl couldn’t be saved. My friend said there was still a small chance she could have been but this effectively tied their hands.
Took myself off the organ donation when Shelia Lewis was taken off the list. Prior to that I stopped donating blood in August 2020. The fix was in and there was no point in supporting society when it was gearing up to do coerced injections.
The government's solution? They will be happy to "MAiD you" as long as you sign your organs over and let them take them. Seriously.
Pierre Poilievre has my vote next election, because he spoke up for her. (Also, I saw the video of Klaus Schwab bragging about infiltrating governments around world, mentioning Trudeau and Singh as two of his puppets.)
When I told them why I was no longer donating blood, the person on the phone became a bit frosty, likely because she herself was vaxxed and boosted. When I went to take my name off the organ donor list, I discovered that my name was already no longer on it. Not sure why, maybe when I changed provinces at some point? Back when I originally signed up, it was when I renewed my driver's licence and they gave me a sticker to put on the card. I hadn't had that on subsequent licences, but assumed that I was in some database of donors and they just stopped using stickers.
Claudia, we thought the same thing back in 2021, and it took 2 years of planning, but we have done it! Please consider looking at our mission. We've love to have you join our not for profit cooperative of unjabbed folks! Find out more at
What a great idea, good job setting that up! I would join in a heartbeat, but I live in Canada. Thanks again for all your efforts in setting up this cooperative.
The evidence is in how they have to do it. They cannot take organs from a deceased person. The organs quickly become unusable. So they declare someone brain dead, then they give the donor a paralytics so they can’t move and they cut open and remove organs as fast as they can without hurting the products and they get swept away to their new bodies as fast as they can.
I have a friend who was declared brain dead because of a medicine they gave her that just put her in what looked like a vegetative state. Ended up being a ‘rare’ reaction to the medication. She was completely awake and aware of everything but couldn’t move. They called in her family and tried to get them to sign off on pulling the plug and donating her organs. Her parents refused. She finally came out of it and told everyone what they said while she was ‘brain dead’.
I can’t remember ever actually being on the organ donor list.
Yes, I read that too. But they have some convoluted logic about the way they do it. I would have to see it to believe it, or read an official definition in a recognized medical journal. I’m not saying I don’t believe it. I don’t put it past them.
Yes, euthanasia in America is under wraps! After they killed my mom through neglect, they told us that they harvested her eyes. 👀 My one coworker Sherri told me that she begged her family to bring her food and supplements in the hospital because they double checked with her twice to see if she was an organ donor. She also pretended to take their drugs that they gave her in a cup.
But how will her directive be honored if pure blood is not kept separate? And what incentive do they have to go to the trouble to honor this or any medical directive?
Freeq, Please consider looking into our mission. We've love to have you join our not for profit cooperative of unjabbed folks! Find out more at
not only blood. Organs from vaccinated organ donors result in a very high percentage of transplant failures. Frankly, I am not surprised that organs from vaccinated donors aren't rejected because the surgeons get paid regardless of transplant success or failure.
People should think twice before giving blood anyway. Blood donation is a huge industry with only 20% going to hospitals for transfusions to people in need. The lions share is sold to the fractionation industry (a global network consisting of just four companies) which processes it for the pharmaceutical companies to use in their drugs. There are blood donation companies set up in depressed inner city areas in order to prey upon the impoverished, who have very few resources and rely upon token payments from these companies to give their blood weekly and collect their measly $20 electronic payments on their payment cards. Many of these people are disabled, many are drug users, and many are already very ill. The companies don't care. It's a huge industry.
- Pharma drugs contain human blood; how's that for spiritual symbolism?
Dr. Kay, completely agree! You've probably already seen this video (so posting it here for others who may have not: ) Please consider looking into our mission. We've love to have you join our not for profit cooperative of unjabbed folks! Find out more at
I appreciate the reference -- I watched the whole "New Cannibalism" video.
It was unpleasant to watch, not because I hadn't regarded much of today's medicine as cannibalistic, but in the side by side images of convenience, presumed cleanliness and desperation. Even just to stroll through those neighborhoods.
Have you come across “The Real Anthony Fauci” by RFK Jr? It’s an eye opener on the use of AIDS to promote useless and dangerous remedies, while enhancing the importance and funding of agencies Fauci headed.
I recommend the book -- RFK Jr has the skill of crafting a "page turner", with copious documentation to show how the horror he's describing has, and is now actually unfolding.
I recall Joe Rogan having admitted that he balked starting it at first, since it seemed too much to dive into, but when he actually began reading, he couldn't put it down.
What's of extra value is that it appears to be all Kennedy's own writing; no editor would let him put in the kind of rare words he is accustomed to use. But his story moves along quite well without turning to a dictionary.
As someone experienced in immunohematolgy (blood banking), I can confirm how unusual this is. Standard deferral guidelines for donors who have received any attenuated live vaccine is 2 weeks to, at most, 4 weeks. There is no deferral period for having received killed or synthetic vaccines or toxoids as long as the donor has no symptoms and is afebrile (body temp less than or equal to 99.5 deg F).
Though transfusion services is my passion, in late 2022 I found a position that does not involve blood banking. My conscience would not allow me to continue facilitating transfusion of tainted blood to those who were smart enough - and often sacrificed much - to not get injected. Unfortunately, shedding means there’s really no such thing as “pure” blood, though it is still much better to not have received any of the shots.
At this time, to my knowledge, no donation centers/blood banks are tracking/labeling blood products based on C19 “vaccination” status. Unless this changes, or a donation system is set up for the “unvaccinated”, there is no way to know if you’re being transfused with C19 “vaccine” tainted blood. If you know you will be having a procedure that may result in the need for a transfusion, you can utilize autologous donation (donating your own blood in advance of the procedure for your own use) or directed donation (someone you know with compatible blood who has not been injected donates for your use). Unfortunately, this will be of no value in a trauma scenario where transfusion is needed as a life-saving measure.
I have upcoming major surgery and started the process for autologous blood donation. My surgeon approved it and wrote the order. However, the hospital denied my request, stating they only approve such donations due to specific medical conditions.
Find a way to fight that! There is no legitimate reason to deny anyone autologous transfusion. I would suggest, if absolutely necessary, finding a surgeon affiliated with a hospital that will not deny your right to do this. As a blood banker, I dealt with autologous and directed donations for procedures. If anything, the testing required by the hospital blood bank for autologous blood products is far less than for allogenic blood products, because there’s no danger of antibody/antigen incompatibility or other causes of transfusion reactions.
Amen! Find another hospital to work with. Cheerful Cynic, we have helped others walk through this same process so that they would have the correct care they needed. It's an outrage and a human rights violation to deny someone this type of medical freedom, yet it is happening all over the world every single day. Please consider visiting our website and learning more about our not for profit cooperative. ( ) God bless!
I recall the embalmer Richard Hirschman's observation what the strange, long, rubbery clots he was finding in cadavers were invariably in those who had had the C shots -- with one important exception having been in one who, while unvaccinated, had received at least one transfusion of blood from someone who had had the shot.
I'm interested to find out more about that. Shot mRNA has been detected in blood post-injection. One of the biggest problems with mRNA is that it is responsible for protein synthesis, such as spike protein. (DNA, which we know has been transcribed in vitro in human liver cells from the mRNA in the shots, is also a protein, though that's the least concern in that scenario.) Foreign proteins trigger an immune response. The blood from those who have been injected may not induce abnormal clotting, but there are other potential consequences, such as autoimmunity. I am unsure if this scenario induces IgG4 class switching as in those who have been directly injected. At this point, I have not seen data on the ramifications of the "unvaxxed" receiving blood from the "vaxxed" - if any exists at this point. There is so much information to take in and evaluate in regard to this entire operation, so I may be missing something. In the meantime, I prefer to err on the side of extreme caution with transfusion.
I was a very regular whole blood donor prior to this ugliness. After the shots came out I donated once and was surprised they did not ask my vaxx status. I don't volunteer that information anyway but it seemed relevant.
Even if they ask, it won’t matter unless it’s tracked and recorded, then added as a “property” for the products made from donor blood. For example, if I have patients with special needs, I order specific products from the supplier to meet those needs. I may need packed red blood cells that are negative for specific antigens, or that have been screened for sickle trait, or that are CMV negative. Unless the system acknowledges the harmful nature of those shots, or a new system is created, this will not happen.
I wonder if they are just trying to track: willing blood donors who are not vaccinated. I am beyond cynical and am picturing a nice master list of the “willing to give blood ppl’, being shared with organ stealers, who are looking for good clean inventory!
I had both hips replaced during Covid and had to decline blood transfusion in case of emergency for both surgeries due to the hospital denying availability of unvaxed blood. Both my husband and I are pure bloods and in my husbands case he’s universal O negative. His blood is like gold!!Hahaha
Andria, please consider joining us and our mission! We would love to have you join our unjabbed not for profit community! God bless~ liz (learn more about our mission here.... )
watch blood donations come to a halt. i wouldn't fill out any form that asks my vaccination status. i don't want them tracking me. i go to doctors who don't take insurance so i won't have that "unvaccinated" ICU code on my record
ah, well my doctors don't have hospital admitting privileges. at this point, i would only go to a hospital for a gun shot wound or broken bones from a car accident
whenever my aged father was in the hospital, i never left his side. i slept in the chair next to his bed. i made friends with the nurses so they'd let me have a shelf in their fridge for the homemade food i brought in for him. i got to know where the extra pillows and blankets were so that i could get him whatever he needed without relying on the staff.
my job when he was in hospital was to make sure they didn't kill him. if that's how i felt BEFORE the pandemic, imagine how easy it became for them to kill scores of people once their loved ones were forbidden from any visitation.
The Bi-Valent covid shot was only tested on 8 mice and immediately found to have even worse waning rapid uselessness and was therefore less effective than the monovalent. Gates plans a 20 valent FLU shot to cover all Flu strains "so called" but imagine the carnage 20 different flu proteins being displayed on human cells, when just the single or bivalent Spike protein has massacred populations from Auto-immune attack of any cells daring to display even 1 or 2 spike types on the cells? CARNAGE!! BAN ALL mRNA JABS and well JUST BAN ALL VACCINES OF ALL KINDS as NOBODY EVER NEEDED ANY VACCINES EVER!! Pure poisons and the claimed diseases have never even been proven to really exist, or to be transmissable EVER! Whole thing is a VACCINATION RACKET to make populations sick.
So... I know the jabs are poison and would NEVER take v'd blood... but I was planning to write about this as well so I called the number. The very kind man (Mark) told me there is "no deferral time after any of the standard Covid vaccines" (and rattled off Pfizer, J&J, Moderna, and AZ), saying "you can donate immediately afterward as long as you're feeling well!" (Ahem.) When I asked if this was a new thing--I donate blood regularly and do not recall ever being asked this-- he replied, "well, they're always supposed to ask if you've had any vaccinations or reactions." I encourage others to call as well, but FWIW. :)
Still waiting for them to desperately call unvaccinated people to donate…at which point, they’ll have to pay for it. Since I an ineligible for an organ transplant, why would I donate blood?
My thinking exactly, and I've also taken myself off the organ donation list. I'm only willing to donate to fellow unvaxxed, if that ever becomes a possibility here.
You're right I want to take myself off the organ list too now... To use very unlady like language... f#$@ them.
Did you know that they kill the organ donor in order to take the organ ?
That made me get off the o/donor list
Yeah, I've read & heard that, too. Not only in China, where healthy donors are sacrificed, but here in the US where certain of the injured or ill are diagnosed.
I can't recall the MD who presented his insight into the practice of donor selection -- donors are invariably living -- but the principal takeaway from his talk is that the term "brain dead" was coined shortly after the first heart transplant, to permit taking the organ from a living donor. The harvesting of the organ kills the "brain dead" patient.
What added to the MD's talk was an interview with someone for whom he had advocated -- who had been labelled "brain dead" -- who survived to gainful employment, marriage and to be the father one child. This had been after a period of "brain death" longer than the hospital would normally have permitted.
I have heard that.
I think besides the deaths the hospitals caused for money, they were probably also selling the organs.
A nurse I know told me these organ donor agents hang around hospitals and she started throwing them out of the operating rooms. They would badger the doctors and nurses to not administer treatments that could potentially make the organs unusable. In one case of a teenaged girl who was brain injured while her parents were out of town, the donor agent called the parents and got them to agree to stop any treatment because the girl couldn’t be saved. My friend said there was still a small chance she could have been but this effectively tied their hands.
Took myself off the organ donation when Shelia Lewis was taken off the list. Prior to that I stopped donating blood in August 2020. The fix was in and there was no point in supporting society when it was gearing up to do coerced injections.
The government's solution? They will be happy to "MAiD you" as long as you sign your organs over and let them take them. Seriously.
Pierre Poilievre has my vote next election, because he spoke up for her. (Also, I saw the video of Klaus Schwab bragging about infiltrating governments around world, mentioning Trudeau and Singh as two of his puppets.)
Me, too! On both counts.
This guy is an Albertan.
Exactly the same
i hope you told them why
When I told them why I was no longer donating blood, the person on the phone became a bit frosty, likely because she herself was vaxxed and boosted. When I went to take my name off the organ donor list, I discovered that my name was already no longer on it. Not sure why, maybe when I changed provinces at some point? Back when I originally signed up, it was when I renewed my driver's licence and they gave me a sticker to put on the card. I hadn't had that on subsequent licences, but assumed that I was in some database of donors and they just stopped using stickers.
Join the unvaccinated blood bank, You never know if you'll need it for yourself or a family member.
Thank you for the link, but unfortunately I need an organization operating in Canada.
Claudia, we thought the same thing back in 2021, and it took 2 years of planning, but we have done it! Please consider looking at our mission. We've love to have you join our not for profit cooperative of unjabbed folks! Find out more at
What a great idea, good job setting that up! I would join in a heartbeat, but I live in Canada. Thanks again for all your efforts in setting up this cooperative.
Check out to donate unvaxxed blood for those in need.
Check out
Thanks for heads-up, Leslie! At the moment, it's not yet operational in Canada but I will join their newsletter, so I get updates.
Yup. 10k a pint and I’ll be there. Rest in peace weezy
100k if Jimmy Kimmel needs it..
Fnck Jimmy Kimmel
Damn you make me look like a cheap ho. I was selling for $100 a pint. I'm just giving it away LOL.
Did you know that they kill the organ donor in order to take the organ ?
That made me get off the o/donor list
I have two female friends that only survived the hospital because their family snuck in food and medicine to them
100% We are worth more dead than alive. Each organ they can harvest while the patient is alive but anesthetized is worth mega profit for the hospital.
I keep hearing that. Or reading it. There’s no credible evidence to prove that. The evidence is hidden if there is.
The evidence is in how they have to do it. They cannot take organs from a deceased person. The organs quickly become unusable. So they declare someone brain dead, then they give the donor a paralytics so they can’t move and they cut open and remove organs as fast as they can without hurting the products and they get swept away to their new bodies as fast as they can.
I have a friend who was declared brain dead because of a medicine they gave her that just put her in what looked like a vegetative state. Ended up being a ‘rare’ reaction to the medication. She was completely awake and aware of everything but couldn’t move. They called in her family and tried to get them to sign off on pulling the plug and donating her organs. Her parents refused. She finally came out of it and told everyone what they said while she was ‘brain dead’.
I can’t remember ever actually being on the organ donor list.
I responded to another post, but what I have heard corroborates what you have written.
Yes, I read that too. But they have some convoluted logic about the way they do it. I would have to see it to believe it, or read an official definition in a recognized medical journal. I’m not saying I don’t believe it. I don’t put it past them.
The nurses and doctors had no trouble killing people with the death drug Remdesivir.
So...I don't trust them.
Yes, euthanasia in America is under wraps! After they killed my mom through neglect, they told us that they harvested her eyes. 👀 My one coworker Sherri told me that she begged her family to bring her food and supplements in the hospital because they double checked with her twice to see if she was an organ donor. She also pretended to take their drugs that they gave her in a cup.
After they take our blood, they will put us in a "camp" for non-compliance.
If they are asking that question, I would not donate blood. You do not want to be documented as unvaccinated.
I wish I could say to so many that blew off friendships " I told you so "
.....and family relationships.
Why? 'Cause it's safe and effective, dontcha know.
And you? Are a Domestic Terrorist Misinformation-spreading Conspiracy Theorist.
...and you have lots-o-company.
Right? Or better how many friends of said, "you were right!"!!!!!!
Funnily enough, one of my friends admitted I was right all along yesterday!
No, most have too much ego or regret to admit I was right. Sad really, because they were quick to condemn me at the time.
It would be a pyrrhic victory.
Nothing to be gained.
And of course, the unvaxxed are sadly prophetic.
Thanks for using "Pyrrhic victory"; I had forgotten the expression. It aptly describes being right during a bio-blitzkrieg.
I have it in my medical records that if I need a transfusion, I refuse vaxxed blood.
I told my friend to put it on her surgery consent form, in writing above her signature. The nurse just smiled and said okay when she saw it.
They know.
But how will her directive be honored if pure blood is not kept separate? And what incentive do they have to go to the trouble to honor this or any medical directive?
No idea but we can only do what we can do.
They won't all directives can be ignored and circumvented...
Its their pony show once you are in their bed.
Freeq, Please consider looking into our mission. We've love to have you join our not for profit cooperative of unjabbed folks! Find out more at
It looks interesting. Are you in Canada, though?
This is going to be a shock to the vaccinated knowing their blood is contaminated.
Probably the point.
not only blood. Organs from vaccinated organ donors result in a very high percentage of transplant failures. Frankly, I am not surprised that organs from vaccinated donors aren't rejected because the surgeons get paid regardless of transplant success or failure.
Did you know that they kill the organ donor in order to take the organ ?
That made me get off the o/donor list
People should think twice before giving blood anyway. Blood donation is a huge industry with only 20% going to hospitals for transfusions to people in need. The lions share is sold to the fractionation industry (a global network consisting of just four companies) which processes it for the pharmaceutical companies to use in their drugs. There are blood donation companies set up in depressed inner city areas in order to prey upon the impoverished, who have very few resources and rely upon token payments from these companies to give their blood weekly and collect their measly $20 electronic payments on their payment cards. Many of these people are disabled, many are drug users, and many are already very ill. The companies don't care. It's a huge industry.
- Pharma drugs contain human blood; how's that for spiritual symbolism?
But I don't think you can get paid to give blood in Canada. I googled it and it said no and you know Google is always right and truthful 😜😜😜😜
Dr. Kay, completely agree! You've probably already seen this video (so posting it here for others who may have not: ) Please consider looking into our mission. We've love to have you join our not for profit cooperative of unjabbed folks! Find out more at
Where can I find this info?
I respect your background. This documentary is very interesting and tells a little different story:
I appreciate the reference -- I watched the whole "New Cannibalism" video.
It was unpleasant to watch, not because I hadn't regarded much of today's medicine as cannibalistic, but in the side by side images of convenience, presumed cleanliness and desperation. Even just to stroll through those neighborhoods.
Have you come across “The Real Anthony Fauci” by RFK Jr? It’s an eye opener on the use of AIDS to promote useless and dangerous remedies, while enhancing the importance and funding of agencies Fauci headed.
I recommend the book -- RFK Jr has the skill of crafting a "page turner", with copious documentation to show how the horror he's describing has, and is now actually unfolding.
I recall Joe Rogan having admitted that he balked starting it at first, since it seemed too much to dive into, but when he actually began reading, he couldn't put it down.
What's of extra value is that it appears to be all Kennedy's own writing; no editor would let him put in the kind of rare words he is accustomed to use. But his story moves along quite well without turning to a dictionary.
I heard this was happening now there's proof
To bad mainstream media has zero morals or even want to cover the actual news that's important!
Yeah I'm going to watch CBC, CTV and global tonight to see if I can catch when to this story 😜😜😜
Lol. Make LOTS of'll be waiting a while.
They got paid off big time. Control the media.. control the world.
As someone experienced in immunohematolgy (blood banking), I can confirm how unusual this is. Standard deferral guidelines for donors who have received any attenuated live vaccine is 2 weeks to, at most, 4 weeks. There is no deferral period for having received killed or synthetic vaccines or toxoids as long as the donor has no symptoms and is afebrile (body temp less than or equal to 99.5 deg F).
Though transfusion services is my passion, in late 2022 I found a position that does not involve blood banking. My conscience would not allow me to continue facilitating transfusion of tainted blood to those who were smart enough - and often sacrificed much - to not get injected. Unfortunately, shedding means there’s really no such thing as “pure” blood, though it is still much better to not have received any of the shots.
At this time, to my knowledge, no donation centers/blood banks are tracking/labeling blood products based on C19 “vaccination” status. Unless this changes, or a donation system is set up for the “unvaccinated”, there is no way to know if you’re being transfused with C19 “vaccine” tainted blood. If you know you will be having a procedure that may result in the need for a transfusion, you can utilize autologous donation (donating your own blood in advance of the procedure for your own use) or directed donation (someone you know with compatible blood who has not been injected donates for your use). Unfortunately, this will be of no value in a trauma scenario where transfusion is needed as a life-saving measure.
I have upcoming major surgery and started the process for autologous blood donation. My surgeon approved it and wrote the order. However, the hospital denied my request, stating they only approve such donations due to specific medical conditions.
Find a way to fight that! There is no legitimate reason to deny anyone autologous transfusion. I would suggest, if absolutely necessary, finding a surgeon affiliated with a hospital that will not deny your right to do this. As a blood banker, I dealt with autologous and directed donations for procedures. If anything, the testing required by the hospital blood bank for autologous blood products is far less than for allogenic blood products, because there’s no danger of antibody/antigen incompatibility or other causes of transfusion reactions.
Amen! Find another hospital to work with. Cheerful Cynic, we have helped others walk through this same process so that they would have the correct care they needed. It's an outrage and a human rights violation to deny someone this type of medical freedom, yet it is happening all over the world every single day. Please consider visiting our website and learning more about our not for profit cooperative. ( ) God bless!
I recall the embalmer Richard Hirschman's observation what the strange, long, rubbery clots he was finding in cadavers were invariably in those who had had the C shots -- with one important exception having been in one who, while unvaccinated, had received at least one transfusion of blood from someone who had had the shot.
I'm interested to find out more about that. Shot mRNA has been detected in blood post-injection. One of the biggest problems with mRNA is that it is responsible for protein synthesis, such as spike protein. (DNA, which we know has been transcribed in vitro in human liver cells from the mRNA in the shots, is also a protein, though that's the least concern in that scenario.) Foreign proteins trigger an immune response. The blood from those who have been injected may not induce abnormal clotting, but there are other potential consequences, such as autoimmunity. I am unsure if this scenario induces IgG4 class switching as in those who have been directly injected. At this point, I have not seen data on the ramifications of the "unvaxxed" receiving blood from the "vaxxed" - if any exists at this point. There is so much information to take in and evaluate in regard to this entire operation, so I may be missing something. In the meantime, I prefer to err on the side of extreme caution with transfusion.
I agree. Richard Hirschman has been interviewed at least once on The Highwire and once by Steven Hirsch, I think on Rumble.
I was a very regular whole blood donor prior to this ugliness. After the shots came out I donated once and was surprised they did not ask my vaxx status. I don't volunteer that information anyway but it seemed relevant.
Even if they ask, it won’t matter unless it’s tracked and recorded, then added as a “property” for the products made from donor blood. For example, if I have patients with special needs, I order specific products from the supplier to meet those needs. I may need packed red blood cells that are negative for specific antigens, or that have been screened for sickle trait, or that are CMV negative. Unless the system acknowledges the harmful nature of those shots, or a new system is created, this will not happen.
I wonder if they are just trying to track: willing blood donors who are not vaccinated. I am beyond cynical and am picturing a nice master list of the “willing to give blood ppl’, being shared with organ stealers, who are looking for good clean inventory!
they already know who we are simply by process of elimination of who isn't on their list of who is. Unfortunate, but true.
Right, and goes to show you they or somebody they work for, really wants the 2 lists.
I had both hips replaced during Covid and had to decline blood transfusion in case of emergency for both surgeries due to the hospital denying availability of unvaxed blood. Both my husband and I are pure bloods and in my husbands case he’s universal O negative. His blood is like gold!!Hahaha
Andria, please consider joining us and our mission! We would love to have you join our unjabbed not for profit community! God bless~ liz (learn more about our mission here.... )
watch blood donations come to a halt. i wouldn't fill out any form that asks my vaccination status. i don't want them tracking me. i go to doctors who don't take insurance so i won't have that "unvaccinated" ICU code on my record
Very smart of you. Seems impossible around here to find a doctor outside the system who has hospital admitting/practicing privileges.
ah, well my doctors don't have hospital admitting privileges. at this point, i would only go to a hospital for a gun shot wound or broken bones from a car accident
I feel the exact same way! I’ve been a nurse for over 30 years. Hospitals are scary and dangerous places. If you want to live don’t frequent them.
whenever my aged father was in the hospital, i never left his side. i slept in the chair next to his bed. i made friends with the nurses so they'd let me have a shelf in their fridge for the homemade food i brought in for him. i got to know where the extra pillows and blankets were so that i could get him whatever he needed without relying on the staff.
my job when he was in hospital was to make sure they didn't kill him. if that's how i felt BEFORE the pandemic, imagine how easy it became for them to kill scores of people once their loved ones were forbidden from any visitation.
Well, that works! Since in each situation you wouldn't be turned away at the ER no matter who your doctor is.
Wow. I wonder when Canadian Blood Services will catch up!?
In 10 years because I'm sure Trudeau controls that organization too
Because the vaccinated blood clearly poses a medical risk !
I agree. Have you seen any of the talks by the embalmer Richard Hirschman?
Speaking as a pure blood, just waiting for them to beg for my blood...ka-ching ka-ching... bahaha... Insert evil laugh...
Bwa ha ha ha ha
The Bi-Valent covid shot was only tested on 8 mice and immediately found to have even worse waning rapid uselessness and was therefore less effective than the monovalent. Gates plans a 20 valent FLU shot to cover all Flu strains "so called" but imagine the carnage 20 different flu proteins being displayed on human cells, when just the single or bivalent Spike protein has massacred populations from Auto-immune attack of any cells daring to display even 1 or 2 spike types on the cells? CARNAGE!! BAN ALL mRNA JABS and well JUST BAN ALL VACCINES OF ALL KINDS as NOBODY EVER NEEDED ANY VACCINES EVER!! Pure poisons and the claimed diseases have never even been proven to really exist, or to be transmissable EVER! Whole thing is a VACCINATION RACKET to make populations sick.
So true…
So... I know the jabs are poison and would NEVER take v'd blood... but I was planning to write about this as well so I called the number. The very kind man (Mark) told me there is "no deferral time after any of the standard Covid vaccines" (and rattled off Pfizer, J&J, Moderna, and AZ), saying "you can donate immediately afterward as long as you're feeling well!" (Ahem.) When I asked if this was a new thing--I donate blood regularly and do not recall ever being asked this-- he replied, "well, they're always supposed to ask if you've had any vaccinations or reactions." I encourage others to call as well, but FWIW. :)