Oh my gosh. Thank you. How would we ever know if you weren’t doing this work. Anyone keeping hard copies of your posts?

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Incredible information here! Thank you for the updates!

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"I’m not meaning to flood your inbox" - LMAO. You are a very very "lite" brew compared to Dr Paul Alexander. Keep'em coming!!

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Sounds like it’s FOIA time submitted by many!

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Such "transparency"! The embassy burning the files before evacuating on the last chopper.

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Slightly off topic but while we’re talking about hiding data…did you see the story about the proposal to hide Trudeau’s flights “for security purposes”. Like. What? Am I missing something here? https://www.google.com/amp/s/nationalpost.com/news/ottawa-asks-faa-to-block-military-planes-including-pm-and-gg-flights-from-flight-trackers/wcm/5ae334da-2f40-4180-bd54-34bcfeab5590/amp/

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They make me sick. I can't thank you enough for the research you are doing and providing us. I can't even fathom how to decifer all the data. How the hell can we move on from here when there is no truths?

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There have been ongoing, severe injustices to mankind what has happened in this pandemic; from the lockdowns, to vaccine mandates to denial of the adverse reactions, suppression of free thought and expression, effective early treatment protocols, the lies and on and on! And what I can’t believe is all the “morons’ as you say, who still believe in these injections and can’t wait til the fall for the new shots! They’re already lining up for more poisons!

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Holy fuck....what???????????????????

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Really glad I signed up for your posts. Great work.

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Permanently banned on Twitter for sharing your truth as well as others! Keep up the info sharing and I will personally continue to share it by word of mouth! Thank you

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I'd say it's getting pretty bad at HQ to have to do this.

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Unbelievable!... Well it's believable!

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They know that none of their "treatments" are working. But you are not suppose to know, so they can keep on going!

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Sheldon, I wish I was surprised, very unfortunately I'm not. It's corruption at the highest and lowest levels simultaneously..

In Australia, [China], UK and the USA, to name a few, data is, corrupted, not reported in a manner that the average person can interpret it, changed, hidden (not reported e.g. delays or no data on hosp admissions or similar, definitions changed (vaccinated), and of course adverse events data literally being removed. In addition, as we all know too, doctors being pressured not to support the reporting of adverse events related to the jab. So yes, they are corrupt, unlawful, tyrannical, totalitarian, fascist, communist... Just another day watching the world go down the gurgler... But, as I say, they double down, We Double Down our efforts too :-)

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