The problem is the very structure of our system of government. It was designed without consideration for the possibility of tyranny. The PM appoints the GG in agreement with the king. So here we are. A captured globalist PM agreed with a captured globalist queen to appoint a vacuous, uneducated, puppet to stay out of their way. This is no way to run a democracy.

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This governor general is owned by Justin Trudeau. I don't quite understand how he has managed in 8 years to stack the courts, the senate, the GG.

Partly - Harper didn't do his job, he left a lot of empty senate seats.

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She is not my GG! Just like charlie is not my king! She was appointed by a corrupt Commie

government....the people should choose not government....but really we do not need a GG! The money would certainly be better spent on helping those in need!


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I'm not defending the monarchy, but wasn't there originally supposed to be a system of checks and balances, so that Canadians wouldn't have to just sit back and tolerate corruption from our elected officials? Same with the senate. It feels like our system has broken down, we can see the corruption, outright theft, at the highest levels, and because of the system we have, we just have to sit back and take it. At least, that's what it feels like. The person who could end it immediately would be Jagmeet Singh, but I think he is as corrupt as the rest. The group of people who could end it immediately are the dozens of Liberal backbenchers who are either afraid to speak up, or actually like what's going on. I think many people (including myself) are experiencing a level of political frustration that I do not recall in my lifetime. And fear...fear that JT has so gamed the system, that we might not be able to replace him in a free and fair election. That the dictator could figure out how to be dictator for life.

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Jagmeat and Trudnut and Freezeland likely GuiltyBeau are all World Enslavement Forum members as likely all of the cabinet members! All of them are TRAITORS to all Canadians! Everything they do is dictated by Klaus Schawb the new Hitler of the WEF! I truly believe they should all be locked up or worse for TREASON!

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I don’t know one person who doesn’t believe the elections are rigged. Many aren’t even going to bother to vote, they refuse to be part of the corruption

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I worked a polling station when JT was elected in a small community on the west coast Vancouver Island. We were still putting everything to bed and the votes needed to be submitted to the next town 100km away, ( were not submitted till the next day), when we heard the news he was elected. How many other small isolated communities all up our coast did not count.

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Is that why he carries on? The fix is in?

I think if you don't bother to vote, you're giving in to the corruption. At least it's worth one last shot, of believing voting means something. Before...you know, anarchy. Separation. Something. I don't think he could win again, and not have the people rise up. But, I've definitely been disappointed in Canadians many times, in the last 4 years.

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100% re Harper. Joe Clark did the same. But you should write to the king and his designate to dissolve parliament and tell 3000 friends to do likewise.


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I did write the Queen to pull the plug. Maybe it's a good time for us to start a letter writing campaign, re Chuck?

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Why does Canada even have this position? I mean, what does this position actually do for Canada? Zip, nada, zero!! Just costs taxpayers a whack of money!! Get rid of it completely!!

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The previous governor general did not put up with Trudeau's bullshit.

She refused to sign documents and was forced out because of her refusal.

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We need to get the hell out of the bullshiite monarchy! Pledge allegiance to our country and its PEOPLE and especially NOT to any government or organizations like the WEF, the WHO, the UN!

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Excellent Sheldon. Count me in, Sir.

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All of them are corrupt satan worshiping tyrants. They do not care about the people. They are selfish narcissist in it to fill their bank accounts.

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She is doing her job....just like her Liberal master, Tru-don't..... this is what a DEI hire looks like.....

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I will sign, as well as all my friends and family! These people need and deserve prison for what they have done to our country and it's people. There will be a reckoning!

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Dear Governor General Mary Simon,

Do your sworn duty dear lady.

You might not like the feelings you will feel when you dissolve parliament but that's the price you pay for your role and rank.

A Loyal Canadian

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You hit the nail on the head Sheldon , but don’t hold your breath. She is a perfect match for the Liberals

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She is a complete PIG of a human being.

Don't worry, the cow will be dead of a heart attack soon. PIGGY

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Hope she got all of her boosters

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"The House of Commons, but not the Senate, can be dissolved at any time by the King of Canada or by Governor General <<on the advice of the prime minister.>> If the government is refused confidence or supply, the prime minister must either resign and permit another member of the House of Commons to form a government, or else advise the governor general to dissolve Parliament." Wikipedia

However, in 1975 the Australian GG ousted the PM when he refused to call an election. So it can be done.

We need a no-confidence vote to make sure it sticks, then the GG can do her thing. But when our entire govt is in each others' pockets...this can be difficult. Maybe Poliviere will step up and put his money where his mouth is (although I doubt that too).

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She just loves to blow OUR money.....I have no use for her or charlie....Queen Elizabeth was a Queen! Charlie is not my king!

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Anyone who had a run in with Human Resources during the pandemic has quickly recognized they act only for the company. I consider this truism on a larger scale to represent the Crown Corporation of Canada/ Ottawa Inc. We are just the last to know.

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