I'm so tired of this Council! Drive John Laurie Blvd in the summer and you see nothing but long grass and weeks - it looks like an abandoned lot. I was enjoying my morning coffee last weekend when a plow went by with his blade down - there wasn't even snow on the road - W....T....F?? My tax assessment went up 20% so I'm not sure where she's getting her 3.6% from. I want my money back!

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I do not like living in Calgary any more. The ruling classes have turned this city (and City Hall) in to a very mean spirited place. They seem to hate the citizens.

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Here's the thing, they're all connected - from FCM (Municipal) to Provincial Legislative powers to Federal. Even though Federal government claims to have no direct oversight, it indirectly influences through policy initiatives and funding. So you get corruption at all levels! As appeared was the case in Chestermere. It's a big club and we ain't in it, rings true.

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Gonf**k is a globalist elitist. She cares nothing for Calgary, except to make it reflect her puppet masters' plans for a total open air prison. Our roads budget is all going to put wrist thick fibre optics underground so they can monitor and control our every move. She needs to be cut out and replaced with someone who has Calgary's concerns foremost, not Schwab's or Turdo's. DOWN WITH GONF**K! We want GONEF**K GONE! Period.

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Sheldon can you do a story on the pending fluoride addition to Calgary's water system. The majoring of US states have banned fluoride to the public water supply as have most European countries. The electorate was never given the downside of fluoride before voting yes.

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What is there actually to celebrate? I am glad I am not living in Calgary or in any city for that matter.

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Kelowna council just voted to give themselves a raise, also bloating management positions within the city and increasing taxes while resident struggle w groceries. Ffs, I got a bag of groceries, no meat, and it cost me $100. It's a good thing I brought my reusable bag so I didn't have to pay an extra 2 bucks for one. What good work theyre doing, banning grocery bags so now people have to buy plastic bags for their garbages. This kind of bullshit does nothing aside from pass costs on to customers.

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There isn’t a budget because they want to memory hole the rich dynamic history of Calgary and celebrate their new DEI/woke ideology.

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