I'm working on another Substack Email to the Elected...with all the receipts.

Going to need a lot of help for distribution and I hope you're all in! Make sure you keep me on the CC or BCC lines.

I appreciate all of those who've taken the time and kept me in the know...it's go time!

We need a large response to this!

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There is a tool here if anyone wants to send emails anonymously https://www.headsupster.com/

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I post right on Gates feed. That's why Twitter banned me. Facebook, I simply can't get banned...Zuck enjoys me? Even when I put Hitler and him together?

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I think with FB unless one trolls the daylights out of a page -- you'll be left alone --- your comment might get deleted by the owner of the page but FB won't ban.

I was letting rip on Ardern's page for quite some time with Facts and Logic --- then I called her a monster and said she would hang ... and that got my account banned - I think they may have complained to FB. I was also slamming a lot of other popular pages so it could have been the sheer volume.

If done in a not so confrontational way as in 'I wonder if this person was fully vaccinated?' I think the comments will stand + people won't be banned.

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You know your stuff.

Re Arden, I dig your style. Immensely

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Thanks, I didn't know about this.

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Let’s roll.

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Sheldon More Than Glad To Help Again! :)

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Corruption! They’ll be lining up for another dangerous shot!

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Ah, the transfer of wealth from the common folk to our various overlords is an awesome thing to behold! We will own nothing, and will be hap... aargh... (loud thud)

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I have never been tested, and as far as I know, have not had covid. I'm 66. My 73-year-old husband had one test once so he could have hernia surgery last January. He has not had covid either, not even a sniffle.

Neither of us are jabbed and we also have ZERO plans to get in line now. We are retired and they can't threaten us the way they ruin the lives of students and people who need their jobs.

Please hold out, people. The more refuse booster, the better off we all are. And don't shoot up your little kids or we will never get out of this.

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Same for me. I’m 71! I had my blood tested for antibodies to see if maybe I’d unknowingly had Covid asymptomatically but tested negative. So I guess there are many of us with good immune systems! I will hold out no matter what, even leave Canada if they come to get me!


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You’re fortunate to avoid the tests. I had to get an official test for work reasons and to attend a wedding – was so painful. Hubby and I have been taking Dr. Zelenko’s prophylaxis protocol (God rest his beautiful soul) since September 2021—no covid, no colds, no jabs.

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what if they stop your pension, your social security and seize your house? i'm have no plans to get vaccinated either but i worry about this

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I'm confident it will not come to that, but if it does, I'm old enough to die. I will not submit. Period.

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Amen Same! :)

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A future wherein the regime can mandate genetic reprogramming of our bodies is not one worth living in. This is the line.

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This Is The Line We Must Hold Against!

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Same here..... SS payments are important when added to other income for most retirees.

What if they withhold SS if one refuses a clot shot?..... Today's world is a nightmare that just won't end... It's surreal.... Utterly Frightening

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i think if they tried that, there would be an armed insurrection, provided we still have our arms. i'm just 69 and have not started collecting SS yet

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We're the same age! I took SS last year!

Good for u for Holding out to 70!

Let's hope they never dare touch OUR money.

Though if they don't make some changes by I think 2030 they are threatening that they'll only be able to pay out 80%.... (Perhaps less, don't recall the exact % decrease).

They've robbed the account for decades.

Look at all the Fed employees who may never see their full govt pension.

To say our govt is broke is an understatement.

Don't wanna think about what some of the possibilities are with future SS funds.🫤

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That's why they're so damned and determined to murder as many seniors (and younger as well) as they possibly can, to minimize the payments.

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Actually they can threaten you - at least in the US. Stop social security payments until shotted.

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Not Legally That Is Coercion! Lawsuit!

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The laws don't seem to matter any longer....

Anything goes....

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Similar situation here.

My worry is they'll threaten our SS payments

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I was raised with a healthy skepticism about government. I was encouraged to be a critical thinker, to think for myself, to make my own decisions. This is the most lacking skill in society today. I am passing this onto my children.

The speed at which the "shots" were developed made me think and ask questions. My decision was that I would not be part of a mass trial on humans for a drug that bypassed many checks and balances.

I stand by my choice, regardless of the hatred and vitriol people have spouted my way. "Antivaxxer", "danger to society", "Using up medical resources" (which I never did btw).

I also became more of the grey man. Keeping opinions to myself. When my friends, triple shot, got covid and exclaimed "IT COULD HAVE BEEN WORSE!", I remained supportive and kept my opinions to myself.

Then I got covid. Day 1 I was feeling off, still did a workout but it was pretty sub-par. Day 2 I had some minor aches and was lethargic. Day 3-4 I was very tired. Day 5 I was back working out (home gym BTW!). Day 5 also brought me the lack of taste and smell. My morning espresso tasted like shit, smelt similar to burnt rubber.

Day 7 and everything was great. No lingering "LONG COVID". I have had many colds, flus, and hangovers that were worse.

This is all bullshit and everyone who bought into it, and supported it, should have to live with their decisions. Those who took the shot under coercion, I feel sympathy for.

Now we have Roe vs Wade. "BODILY AUTONOMY" they scream. "No justice No Peace!". These same fucks supported pulling away your ability to earn for your family, to travel, to attend funerals etc.

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Completely agree with you! We were raised the same way. No jabs, no tests! All my husbands family are brainwashed and lost all common sense. I haven’t seen them in two years which is just fine for me! All my immediately family are all still pure bloods and we will stay that way. Unfortunately my youngest son had to take a covid test for work, but he is refusing the jabs. My oldest son works for a good company who doesn’t force it, even though the owner took all the jabs as well as many of the employees willingly. All of these people getting jabbed for the most part have had covid and had immunity. and didn’t listen to a word we said. They still keep getting covid!! Hmnn....We have been on the protocols similar to Dr. Zelensky! May he Rest In Peace! He saved so many lives.

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Amen Spot On! :)

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I’m out and never will take another Vaccine of any type after this BS!

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Us too! And we are 70 and 72!

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My husband has been against shits fir a very long time. He’s still mad that i coerced him into getting the first shingles shot years ago after my dr told me to get it! Luckily he didn’t get shingles from this shot.

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They are shits but I meant to type shots! lol!🤣

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Shits Works Too! LOL! :)

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Pureblood, never tested, might have had the “Moronic” in January. I’m seeing slight signs of resistance: people saying, wait, I did what they said, got my 2 shots, I’m “fully vaccinated”, that’s it! I hope people wake up. We need a Dutch Convoy now.

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At this point, I accuse the government of domestic psychological terrorism.

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PLUS crimes against humanity. The majority of them know it is disabling and killing people!

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I would like to know who these “experts” are the government consults with? A bunch of Canadian epidemiologists just came out and said Canada’s travel mandates/restrictions are ridiculous! Not to mention that every day more data and news comes out about people suffering adverse effects from the vaccine. To continue pushing vaccines after the Pfizer data dump and the mounting anecdotal evidence is unconscionable and likely criminal. These are bad people.

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The head epi. of PHAC under oath for Peckford's lawsuit said they never recommended travel mandates. Just masks and social distancing. It is clear the government is acting independent of 'science' and made this personal and political through punitive measures. You didn't obey? Here's your punishment.

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All Bought & Paid For Experts working For The WEF & WHO!

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You can get it every 6-9 months but I will never, ever get the shot. I am perfectly healthy and have been throughout this whole plandemic and will not allow you or anyone else to give me a “vaccine”injury, period!

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Ontario's hiding the data on what the Vax adverse reactions are.

Not exactly engendering trust.

That's a no to boosters, passport all the Bullshit

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I couldn’t have expressed it better. 🖕🏻💩-eau

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Same here; live in Florida; freer than most states!

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Couldn't agree more. These mf's will never and I mean never touch my family or myself. They can go get fukd!

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Nope and nope.

I am active, healthy, eat well, am outside a LOT and there is no way in he** that I am getting one jab, never mind a jab every six or nine months. Sheesh.

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Well said! I was waiting for this BS. Some believed it was 'over', and we all wanted to believe that. But as you & I know, the despot 'elite' scum have predictably doubled down as resistance to & knowledge of their dodgy plans grow. So, we keep doubling down too, that simple!!

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Yep never getting jabbed! Never, ever!

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Canadian here . So far not tested or injected. They can starve me to death. I know where my eternal home is. Glory be to God.

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Cannot believe mandatory vac every 9 months. Trouble is, most Canadians will fall in line. For science and for society. There is a reason Deagal.com had the population of Canada down from like 36 mill 2019 to 21 mill 2025. Add on 500k immigrants to replace the dead Canadians and you've got yourself a WEF heaven.

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I don't think it's mandatory. People are - with some validity - assuming it will be.

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This is how they do it. One little NUDGE at a time.

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Many of us have heard from other government folks that it will be mandatory for work and that the vac passport is coming back. This is very loud and clear in BC through Dix/Henry.

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For government work or even private? For B.C. or Federal? I just read an article B.C. is reluctant to push the boosters.


I still think there's a chance they will pull back because already it makes no sense and it will make less sense in a few months. But what do I know?

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In the US govt shot mandates are still hanging out there like a lingering odor of death. As a result private businesses still require the shots cuz they are pussies.

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On my face book page I had repeated ads from the BC gov for getting the booster but those have all disappeared now so I wondered whether the lights had come on.

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Never Comply & Be Willing To Die!

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Oh yeh. That has to play a role. Problem is, we need a leak for the Feds. Could you imagine the juice in those?

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Who/How can we request a FOIA for Tm, Trudeau and Duclos....is this hard or easy to do.......

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Fuck Dix & Henry & Vax Passport!

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I was on that website recently and can't find any charts that even indicate population forecasting, have you seen it?

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They took it down pretty fast. There are 'screenshots' of it on the Internet. It had America down to 90 million but Canada didn't get hit as hard. If memory serves me right it was reduced to something like c. 30 million.

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Rense.com has all the DEAGLE info. FYI .

God bless us all.

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Thank you...I just checked it out!!!

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Blessings are not for everyone. Yaweh is judge, after all.

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The US was 2019 population 326mil and 99 mil by 2025.

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If only. I might be able to find a job then.

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Yeh that one. I didn't realize it was up for years? Never heard it brought up and I watch and follow 'conspiracy theorists'. Lol.

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It was actually up for years.

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When people starting talking about this in 2021, they took down all their data and reverted it to 2017. Fortunately, many people did screenshots and videos of what they had for 2019/2025. There are some on youtube with commentary, but also the way back machine can bring up some of the charts

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No vax for me and never again will I get one for anything. Had covid in May, was moderately sick for 48 hours and then fine.

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