At the end of every science article related to COVID, especially, you read this "The Atlantic’s COVID-19 coverage is supported by grants from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation."

Chan Zuckerberg is Mark Zuckerberg's wife and obviously tied to Facebook which is not a medical authority.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is connected to the J&J vaccine...conflict of interest?? https://www.rwjf.org/en/library/coll...

This organization is also funding vaccine projects......We also received $46,369 from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation in this quarter. SciCheck’s COVID-19/Vaccination Project is made possible by a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.


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Of course.

They know full well what's coming. They're afraid.

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I don't think they are afraid. They are determined. They will not let covid "go to wate". They are on a mission to destroy our country, our freedoms and return us to a feudaliatic siciety. They are sick, tyrants who have become more emboldened because most of us did shit about what they did to us

Get ready after Nov 2022 elections. The narrative will shift and 2.0 will arrive.

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I'm afraid you're right... Literally afraid. The dictator "wannabes" are driven by "unnatural" ((Satanic?) forces. Money is not what they desire. Power and the transhuman "eternal life" with dominion over all the rest of us--soon to be made--robots is what they're after.

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Ugh. But I fear you are right. As a moderate scientist and a lifetime rationalist, it was very hard to comprehend that such a quaint old word such as 'evil' might have reality in our 'modern enlightened' world.

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Spot on Trisha

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Of us?

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No, actually this was in plain site from the beginning....I was posting this everywhere since Dec 2021...I couldn't effin' believe that no one found this a conflict of interest..... mind blowing.... they took off this info after each article starting in March 2022....but the archived articles show this still.....

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Had a meeting today 25 people in a room. One with a mask. Eventually she took it off. That was interesting. Had a phone call. The lady's 4 year old daughter had pneumonia. 3rd time on antibiotics. Vaxed child. Those conforming aren't seeing the connection always. But at least there were 24 people discussing life and the one masker abandoned her Doctrine

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This pandemic has been run by tragedy, escaping conceived tragedy and social conformity.

We need a lot bigger numbers to swing this pendulum...and then make it all stop.

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This site needs to go on bumpber stickers stoptheshots.ca

Highway signs stickers in over passes. Time for some guerilla action. You save my loved sheeple. Iv save yours. Itc works like this I put out signs and stickers that eyes I don't know will see. You put out signs and stickers that you don't know what eyes will see. My sheeple get my direct mail and start seeing proof in not alone. Your sheeple get your information and start seeing you're not alone. Get this site everywhere. A lady rolled out a huge sign on a busy intersection and marched with her Candian flag. The honks she got! We aren't done trying. Big wars historically needed big mobilization and big effort. We are the people ready to save our world. We aren't done being smart being clever. We aren't done by a long shot!

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Small victories are still victories as we can watch the spell break in real time LOL.

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#daniellesmith is spot on by standing up to the WEF! Wake up Canada!

Be proud of Danielle, the World is recognizing the value of #daniellesmith!

#alberta #canada #CharterOfRightsAndFreedoms

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What's coming for them, perhaps this winter, perhaps next, is a highly evasive & pathogenic "Variant X", emergent from the evolutionary pressure created in a billion people with immune imprinting, unable to neutralize the virus.

That will have immense impact on society, restricting resource availability. It's very late if you're not stocked-up to ride that out & keep yourself healthy for several months (minimum). People tend ignore warnings. At your own risk.

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Yea that's what Gert Vanden Bosche was talking about. It's five minute after midnight by his watch.

The more shots the worse their immune system gets. We'll see shortly.

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Yes. Geert has been pretty much 100% right on every prediction. On another note I was in Walmart and Shoppers yesterday. Bare shelves in places. Cold medicines and any kids cough and cold are either gone or picked over. Betadine throat gargle (flccc recommends for Covid) has been on “back order” for months.

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There never was any virus. The 'vaccines' are bioweapons.

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I'm torn on the former (more reading pending). 100% on the latter.

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I know what you mean on the former. Still clinging to a lifetime of assumptions & what we are told as kids. The discord between yes-virus and no-such-thing camps is tragically divisive. Science is about debate and exploration, and only the virus side is getting funding, so the no-such-thing people seem, and are, beyond the pale in the original sense of being outside the fence/barricade. If they were presenting an alternative causality more specific than Terrain Theory it would be easier to agree.

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Terrain theory is very interesting.

Practically speaking, though, our job is to get blue pilled normies to let a chink of real through. Never gonna do that you bring up 'there are no viruses'. Start with the closest thing to mainstream you can. When they ask 'but why would they do that' dont say 'genocide as planned by global elites to depopulate the west and then replace with more 'amenable' immigrants', DO NOT say that. Say 'government incompetence and greed' explains the vaccine failure. And inertia.

Normies gonna normy.... you need to give as much space as possible. If they comprehend the jabs are dangerous well that is step one. Drip drip drip, just one small bit at a time. And even then it is next to impossible to redpill a normie.

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You'll need more than several months of stocked items my friend. Try years. And that's if the government hasn't already taken whatever you were storing. So far they are using the "gentle" approach. That won't last.

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No need to convince me of those possibilities. Most are still in denial about the magnitude & depravity of what's truly happening.

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I just heard today (from a fair source) that the next 'current thing' that Just in wants to do is have backyard gardeners/farmers to require permits. That's right, if you want to grow some tomatoes, you'll need some kind of permission, I'm guessing on some kind of 54 million $ modified arrive cant app. I'd appreciate confirmation of this if there's any civil servant who has any info.

I'm not so afraid of people faking vaxx injury, there's enough real stuff around, yes, I realize it will hurt the truly injured to some extent, I'm more afraid by what some numb nuts in labs are cooking up e.g., Boston Uni and now a university in the UK have come up with new strains of sars-cov2 that are potentially more deadly, more transmissible and why are they doing this?

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US Dept of Ag has already started efforts to log home gardens. It's all about control of food & energy, as a means to coerce us into their digital slavery system. Everyone should know this by now.

If not, please dig into the topic & encourage others similarly. Ice Age Farmer & Health Ranger are two good starting points. If what they publish seems "radical", it's because you're not grasping the magnitude of what's unfolding.

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Yah Mike Adams is pretty good. Has been right about a LOT of stuff. As an ex normie myself he seemed pretty radical initially but as time passes and truth accumulates he is looking prescient not insane....

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Australia is trying to do the same to home gardeners , or, they want to illuminate growing your own vegetables completely. I apologize, I can’t remember the exact story but I believe that once again, they’re in lockstep. It’s all part of the plan.

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Activist Post had a good article,


You can do a search on "USDA Garden" for other articles.

Pure speculation or paranoia on my part, but my first thought was that drones will be used to spray those gardens with something awful, and/or to destroy the gardens. Can't let the cattle become independent of the slaughterhouse...

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Thanks to both of you Terry & TML: even though your sources are American, it's been blatantly obvious that we're all in lockstop worldwide.

I must admit, I wasn't expecting this so quickly.

More and more I truly believe we're heading into the end times. I'm sure I'm grasping the magnitude of what's coming but I can't help but be surprised when I see it actually happen. More like incredulous I suppose. I can't believe I didn't see this before covid. I also can't believe that I believed in the narrative for even 1 minute (I did for the first few months in 2020 but realized something was not right by the summer, quickly enough to remain shot free).

I owe a huge debt of gratitude to zerohedge and all the substack writers and posters for my quick education and to brave doctors and scientists who refused to cower or sell out.

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And what about us poor atheists? Actually some years back I started pondering the sayings of Neil Bohrs, Einstein and other preeminent scientists who pointed out that you were never gonna figure the world through science. And that to assume you could was a black hole for the spiritual reality of the universe. So I was primed.... but overdrive given the last three years. I cannot explain what is happening without using words like 'evil'. And pondering whether an actual transcendent struggle between light and dark is ongoing. How can people be so very very bad? Logic doesn't explain it, nor do facts.

I remain at best a 'spiritualist' but I envy my wife her solid assurance that things are obvious, and what to do is simple. And this is not always what the church elders are proscribing either......

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I have often wondered how atheists get through all the trials and tribulations of life. I wholeheartedly admit that religion is a a crutch...but I NEED MY CRUTCH!!! A faith in God (or a supreme being if you will) allows you to have someone to lament to, someone to hope in, someone to have faith in and yes, even someone to blame and yell at.

Once, I was in the middle of the regular tasks of cleaning my house and my mind was wondering and it hit me: 'what the heck am I believing in???'. I thought my religious beliefs were just too crazy, impossible, no way, but then in an instant, the alternative hit me: 'nothing' - eternal nothing, and that was too horrible to contemplate so I immediately went back to my crazy beliefs.

I really believe we are in the end times. Maybe I'm watching/reading too many negative things but it seems to me that there is a plot for one world government, one world religion, one world currency (digital), transhumanism etc. And that is how the end times arrive so I don't know what else to think.

Perhaps for now, spirituality is OK. Don't worry about religion but instead just try to have faith in God, the Supreme Being. Mentally ask him for help or guidance...you have nothing to lose. Remember that when Moses met God in the burning bush and God gave him the 10 commandments, Moses asked 'who are you' or 'whom shall I say sent me'. God answered 'I Am who Am'. In other words, God is Existence, eternal Existence.

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Atheists are Agnostics without the benefit of spirituality.

We're all the same, Vanda.

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A friend of mine who used to be atheist once said:

We all have a God hole. We can try to fill it with whatever else (sex, drugs, rock & roll) but it will never be full until we fill it with God.

She was right.

With that in mind, yes, we are all the same.

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Well that is just black news. I will not comply, needless to say. But still a black news bit. What is the rationale? I mean they have to sell it somehow, dangerous uninspected potatoes I guess? With viruses..... all over those non inspected potatoes.... the horror! Inspectors to the rescue..... and the normies will lap it up as the shelves empty out..... just duh and triple duh. What it is I guess.

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I think even the normies will stop lapping it up once food supplies dwindle. I just watched a George Gammon video where he speaks of the US diesel shortage. He's in youtube, it's the most recent video. If that wasn't doomsday enough, I followed that up with a Jordan Peterson video titled 'wicked globalists are causing starvation and poverty under the guise of environmentalism'. That title about sums it up. It's just my usual fun way to end my evening!

I agree. I don't plan on complying...actually I'm getting quite good at not complying. Practice over the last few years makes perfect!

Australia banned farming in some places under the guise of trying to protect bio diversity. I didn't understand the logic but somebody somewhere will fall for it. It really will take the stuff to hit the fan for the 'normies' to come to their senses.


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Nov 2, 2022
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Yes, I agree: I think best we can do is pray for the kids, resist and remain steadfast as much as possible, protest etc.

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We know this will never end until we make it end!

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After the past two and half years, I have little hope for humanity. Too many stupid and/or spineless people went along with the tyranny.

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it’s been so disappointing eh?

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Hard to forget two years of trying to go about my business and being the only one without a mask. Not to mention being bullied, harassed, denied service, and having the cops called on me. Even friends who knew it was baloney would strap on their mask to buy home building supplies. Gotta get that kitchen remodeled! A lot of minimum wage clerks loved their new found power to prescribe a (non)medical device to anyone and everyone.

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Never forget, never forgive and enjoy their suffering. Some want justice. I won't settle for anything less than revenge.

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I got the kill shots, so did my kids, to protect my immunocomp husband. I've regretted it ever since. Not all of us are AHS.

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I am thinking 3 ropes on parliament hill. Trudeau in the middle, Free?land to the right and Singh to the left. Next day Mendocini, Tam and Duclos. Next day....please fill in your favorite.

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Every Provincial CMO + 2 layers down in their staff.

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Dear Sir, Here's the thing. According to the Nuremberg Code (1947!)... those responsible for this deserve CAPITAL PUNISHMENT! Guess what? Those bigshots who profited from the covid fraud have blood on their hands. Millions of people have been maimed or died of these lethal injections. Furthermore, think of this. Humanity's blood-pool is now contaminated with mRNA! This is a real disaster. Cordially, Luc Lelievre

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Amnesty? HAHAHAHA.

God forgives. I don't.

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All they need to do is wait. The latest demographics from Hungary show a 20% drop in the birth rate after the jabs. If that trend is universal, entire countries will disappear. Taiwan is even worse off.

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Ex neighbour very healthy (grew most of her food - organic - that kinda healthy)... heart damage from initial jabs - told that was a genetic problem lurking... more jabs -- problem with her one hand a day after a booster... initially doctors thought might be jab related ... but then the problem spread through her entire body so for some reason they dismissed the jab hahaha

Anyhow... spoke to one of our other ex neighbours earlier - it's motor neuron disease (is that mad cow?) .... she's been sentenced to death.

Still not connecting it to the injection ... so all the neighbours and friends will continue with the boosters.

It's a bit sad ... but then it's not -- did I mention the son is a doctor... and when covid hit they refused to leave their home for months...

Sucks to be a sheeple - then you go to pieces and then you die.

I feel f789ing great! Did a bike ride on my bike and some weights earlier --- heading off to Aussie for 12 days of diving tomorrow....

It is GOOD to be unjabbed... so f789ing good! No stress... no heart issues... not brain damage... what an amazing feeling it is to be healthy!!@!

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I'll be happy to give them a ride to the clinic for their next booster which I'm sure they need soon. Very soon. Just trying to show that there's no hard feelings on my part.

They could put on an act but that might be hard to fake in large numbers since insurance would have to pay for it. There would be zero liability from the pharma cartel.

Fact is those who were calling for emergency medical care to be withheld should fear for their safety. These people need to look at what happened in Austria. Lots of doxxing and harassment. They will be looking over their shoulder to see who if following them which will be part of the price they will pay for their advocacy of literal war crimes.

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whats's happening in Austria? Would love to see this!

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If you search for "Austria" and "doctor commits suicide" and "anti-vaccine" you will see the story the press tried to milk as a sob story. Fact is that lady doctor was publicly in favour of forced injection and refusing emergency treatment to unvaxxed people.

When the government did the "Full Monty" and passed laws allowing forced injection and was hiring the goons to enforce it the gloves came off. We finally found the breaking point where humans will get violent. Forced injection.

They were using Irishman Michael Collins' tactics of going after the locals not the higher ups. Follow home, dox and do whatever you want to them. The lady doctor got special attention due to her public support of war crimes. Protests outside her house, blocking traffic in her neighbourhood, setting off car alarms in the middle of the night etc. Her clinic had to close because nobody would work there. Bomb threats were phoned in, cars sabotaged and threats and intimidation to the employees (Hello Mr/Mrs SoAndSo. Nice home you have at such and such address. Nice kids you have). It got ugly in a hurry.

The cops refused to enforce it not out of morals or ethics but because they found out the self defence tactic that was going to be used on them. In a country with gun control the idea was to carry a container with a couple ounces of gasoline in one pocket and a lighter in the other. The reasoning being that once they get the cuffs on you they will take you to a medical facility and you will be injected.

If people can rationalize and justify a literal war crime then others can rationalize and justify self defence. "Aren't we versatile - George Carlin".

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The virus itself is real. It is man made but it is real. Everything else is a lie.

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It's totally useless falling for deception. It's also totally useless to adore phonies like Musk, the new Baphomet. Musk is by no means a hero. He's working just as hard at the Great Reshit as the WEF with his Twitter purchase. See here a video that explains it well:


And other than that, remember he is the satellite man for Bill Gates.

Read also zonderreden.substack.com "Geoengineering and consent" if you want to know more about the injection and what it does and why. You, too, can become a successful GMO in the NWO. Just keep taking the injections.

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