In a couple of years, plot staff shortages against MAID. I bet more of one equals more of the other.

“The right to die” is but one propaganda campaign from “the duty to die”.

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Yikes. Your last sentence " The right to die" is but one propaganda campaign from " the duty to die" is truly frightening but I think you may be right.

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Next Stop "Soylent Green"!

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My thoughts exactly. Was thinking of adding it to my previous comment but didn't want to take the time to check the spelling of Soylent Green. I watched that movie years ago and it still resonates with me. We are getting closer and closer to that reality. It won't happen over night. We are just a tiny blip in history given our current lifespan.

When you think about it we have embraced the philosophy of " for the greater good" and it has been a runaway train for the current agenda.

So the inherent message in Soylent Green is we do it for the greater good.

As a contrary 72 year old and still protesting the injustices of life I have no plans in my lifetime to adopt this insane departure from reality. The reality is I am old. I won' t have to deal with this insanity for the last part of my life. My children and grandchildren will and I am helpless to protect them from this medical technology assault on their lives. I actually feel quite helpless watching the juggernaut of the marriage of technology and health. I fail to see a positive outcome in my lifetime.

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Unfortunately It Is Downhill From Here Without Kickback From The People!

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At this point I am not convinced there will be a kickback from the people. Wait until the school year kicks in in Canada. It's going to be a bloodbath. If the stats from other industries are accurate I forsee a hugh absentee level with the teachers and the school children. They will be shilling for masks and asking for ventilation in the schools. Should be a very interesting fall.

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It’s pretty damn horrific. We were cynically commenting back in early 2020, that someone designed this virus to take out anyone who is older or a “burden” on the system. And by “system”, I mean anything medical or pension related. What initially started as a dark joke now seems somewhat more prescient, as I think this is exactly what’s happening. Canada is the jewel in the crown for the vile globalist death cult. Between vaxx depopulation amongst all age groups, virus deaths amongst the vulnerable, and now this “nudge” towards assisted suicide.. there should be WAY more alarm bells going off. All I can say is stay the hell out of hospitals, and if you must go in for some reason, have a patient advocate with you & recording at all times.

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Great piece. Shared on Twit and Truth.

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If any of you can watch Tucker Carlson on Fox News tonight do so! All about Fauci!

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The climate lunatics are now conflating #NetZero and #healthcare - so people are being evaluated on their 'carbon footprint' - not their medical needs (though I have only see this written openly in Geriatrics in a time of Climate Change. As you point out, the system is overwhelmed and broken. My brother chose MAiD in 2017 and I supported his decision - but foresaw the slippery slope...and now we are on it. #lockdown was the straw that broke the spiritual camel's back for many...many more who did not get timely care during lockdowns will end up having MAiD as a 'choice'. Pls see our presentations. https://blog.friendsofscience.org/2022/01/17/conflating-climate-and-medical-care-is-dangerous-public-policy/

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Great insight. Youtuber VivaFrei, a fellow Canadian who relocated to Florida, has been covering this aggressively over the last couple of days. I reposted your analysis to his Locals board, www.vivabarneslaw.locals.com, so that it gets some amplification.

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Have to disagree with you on this one. Of the two people I know who have accessed Maid, both were in advanced cancers with no hope for anything but an extremely painful deaths. The one old gal had cancer several years ago and it came back with a vengeance in her throat. There was no reasonable treatment except a deforming surgery and a lot of pain before death.

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I'm a strong advocate for MAID, Gail. Having watched others needlessly suffer, I can appreciate wanting to have a safe way to exit, should I find myself in the same terminal conditions. What we have seen over the last 2 years is an outright failure in medical treatments, procedures and fear driving people to STAY HOME instead of going to the doctors/hospitals. These have worsened conditions and shortened the life expectancy of many.

Too Many.

Too Fast.

All brought on by a failing health care system that has made exactly ZERO improvements over the last 2 years.

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Gonna be real helpful then, with all of those rapidly accelerating and suddenly recurring cancers associated with the safe and effective virus cure.

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Quebec. Of course. And Quebecers are going to re-elect Legault. They don't seem to be bothered by the death and mayhem in our second-rate public health system. Meanwhile, Bill Gates University (aka McGill) continue to ignore all this squawking, babbling and whining about needing more masks and boosters.

What. A. Disaster.

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Sorry to hear that, unfortunately the same shit-show is happening everywhere: in Ontario, University of Toronto has mandated boosters for anyone living in residence, and Western University just announced they will require boosters to attend classes. It's hard to believe how insane and evil they are.

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I know. It's astonishing how stupid Canada is as a whole.

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Thanks for covering this in detail.

It's a very troubling trend for sure, and sadly people in this situation likely don't have many advocates.

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as the piece mentions the netherlands, my home country:

maid is a blessing and not a curse.

in fact it should be made much more accessible.

as things are now, it is not enough just having had enough and wanting to quit, but one has to actually be suffering from an incurable disease.

no one should be forced to jump in front of a train or some other unreliable or inhumane means of ending one's life.

everyone should be entitled to decide for oneself whether life is worth living.

they shoot horses don't they?

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"In 2021, 2.2% of the total number of MAID provisions (219 individuals), were individuals whose natural deaths were not reasonably foreseeable (non-RFND) (in Quebec since 2019 and the rest of Canada after the passage of the new legislation on March 17, 2021). The most commonly cited underlying medical condition for this population was neurological (45.7%), followed by other condition (37.9%), and multiple comorbidities (21.0%). The average age of individuals receiving MAID who were non-RFND was 70.1."

I can't disagree with you, Jan. I've always been an advocate for medically assisted suicide...what we are seeing and creating in our health care system is driving this...not working to slow down the deaths, reduce suffering or heaven forbid, cure anybody.

It's a slippery slope...and the damages that have been done to the aging population over the last 2 years is criminal.

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So you believe poor people should be euthanized because they can't afford to manage their health issues...because that is what is happening in Canada.


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To be fair, there are also people like my father, who has developed terminal lung cancer since his two Moderna jabs. He's not (yet) open to euthanasia but is suffering so terribly that I'm grateful it's an option for him if his quality of life gets worse. (He's not rich, but comfortably retired.)

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I am not opposed to euthanasia per se, I am opposed to using it to get rid of poor people so you don't have pay the cost of providing adequate health care and social services.

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It's a real question though. I know a relatively poor man, alcoholic...that conservatively estimated here...used up probably between 10 and 15 million dollars in various medical services and repeated prolonged hospitalizations over a period of 12 years. No exaggeration here whatsoever. The hospitals had to admit and treat him everytime he went off the rails. By the time he passed, nearly everyone of his organs required some kind of intense, ongoing speciality medical care. But he would never have considered assisted suicide anyway.

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there is not that much difference between euthanasia to save costs and not providing an expensive life saving treatment to save costs.

the result of both is the same.....

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I'm glad you clarified. I agree that it shouldn't be forced upon people, for whatever reason.

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Playing right into their hands.

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I will share on GETTR....much appreciated.....

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Thanks, Stella.

I often forget to post my articles on GETTR...mental block.

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Hi Sheldon

Do you happen to know if MAID numbers are included in statcan’s figures for suicide in their annual tally of the different causes of mortality?

I don’t see MAID anywhere on their charts., so I’m wondering how they are officially categorized at statcan.

Also, noteworthy that medical error is not listed by statcan as a cause of death despite it causing aporox. 28,000 deaths per year here. Any thoughts about how those deaths are categorized and ranked in terms of lead causes of death?

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All I've seen is the Health Can Page:


I've tried to drill more into this, via provincial and federal stats but it's easy to get lost in the submission requests and lack of available information - as in, I can't find it.

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You forgot the poor! They are euthanizing people whose poverty limits their health care options such as access to suitable housing...


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Good thing we can just print money like it's endless! There are larger issues here that affect all society rather than just the rich and poor lens. Deep issues about how these things came to be so entrenched in our society anyway and better ways to address root causes. Until we take a good hard look at those things, it's just throwing money into fires until it's impossible to help anyone anymore, imo.

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Hey but think of all the money it saves for the government! Great solution to staffing shortage too; just kill them all and you won't need carers anymore.

(This is of course sarcasm for anyone overly literally inclined)

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That is exactly what the Parliamentary Budget Officer said in their report on MAiD (though they added no one should treat it that way...)

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Yeah as if... the slippery slope is real. Of course it is exactly how they're treating it.

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My Father Chose This!

Never For Me!

God Will Take Me When He Is Ready!


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