Sheldon, I see 'Exposing the Darkness' sub stack noticed your post. Keep up the great work!

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Thank you for your dedication in finding the truth!

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Thankyou Sheldon for your research and explanations. I live in BC so it would be awesome to see these statistics for BC and other provinces. I realize that this would require a full time commitment. Perhaps there are those in other provinces that could do the research and link to your page.

I am among the unvaxxed ( I expect that word will be entered in Googles dictionary soon) criminal element. Sadly most of my children have been pricked. They have no side affects that I know of yet.

I notice a lot of anger from some of the comments and though I totally understand the frustration I think it is imperative to understand who our real enemy is. I hope you are a believer in Christ as this is totally related.

Scripture tells us our enemy is not flesh and blood but powers and principalities in heavenly places. In other words Lucifer, the god of this age, and his army of demons are the real enemy.

As long as we see those who disagree with us and those who are lying to us and those who are literally trying to kill us, as the enemy we cannot win. In fact our anger and frustration and unforgiveness will keep us from the whole truth and from the hope of every person which is life after death with the God and creator of all mankind.

I am soon to be an old man, though my kids say I have already arrived. When I was about 12 years old my mother gave me an awesome lesson. My dad always seemed angry at me and when I did things he didn't like he responded very aggressively. One time he went as far as to break a 2x4 over my back.

One day when I was helping my mother wash clothes in an old ringer washer I asked her why dad was the way he was. She explained my dads life to me in such a way that I began to understand why he was the way he was and this changed my feelings toward him.

Dad was the only child of my grandparents. He was born in 1928 in a small town in Southern Ontario. He had severe scoliosis, curvature in the spine. In those days one like this was looked down upon in school and society in general, no thanks to the Hump Back of Notre Dame movie.

At 18 he was working in the bush and cutting a tree down it fell on him and broke his hip. He had surgery and received a steel pin to hold his broken bones together. This tortured him all of his life.

At 21 he married my mom and they started having kids. 8 boys eventually. He was not able to get work because of his condition and soo had to be creative to earn a living. He tried many ways to make a living honestly. He built his own shop and made souvenirs and peddled them around the area. In about 1965 he sold the house he had built and bought a 300 acre farm and planted potatoes for a few years. When this didn't work out he built another shop and started making mops and peddled them.

So my point is that there were many reasons why my dad was the way he was. Things that I could not understand. I would lay in bed at night listening to him rail at himself and curse himself while my mother consoled him and tried to build him up as he always did what was right and always provided for the family.

When we moved there was a river on the back of our property and I was told never to take my younger brother near it as there was a rapids and dad feared my brother might fall in and drown. Well I couldn't understand this because the first house we lived in was built on a river and we lived in the water every summer. So one day when out walking the bush with my brother I ventured over to the river.

When I returned my dada was wroth. He grabbed a 2x4 and chased my until I fell and he beat me with the 2x4. Anger is hard to control sometimes.

Anyway, I learned the lesson from my mom that we do not know why some people are the way they are. None of us are perfect. Some are more fortunate financially but have a past that has shaped us into a beast, like Hitler or Bill Gates or Clouse Shwaub etc. Others are rich but have a heart for humanity.

There are millions of reasons for why we are the way we are. Our task is to love and spread the truths we have been given to a lost and dying world where Lucifer reigns in every opportunity he can. He is reigning in the hearts of these liars and they don't know it or in some cases know it but think he is God.

Jesus said forgive them for they know not what they do. That is our calling.

But shine the light as we go.

You are doing a wonderful job shining the light.

Keep up the good work.

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Great story, Bill. I've looked back at some of my now fallen family and tried to understand what has made them who they are. I learn more from those who have struggled and failed than have from those who were the most successful without the trials and tribulations.

Maybe had I learned from the latter, I wouldn't have had to have learned lessons from the former.

While I have my own personal regrets, one of them will never be in regretting learning from those who taught me the most.

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for BC stats see my post or use this site (vax dount chart tab) http://www.bccdc.ca/health-professionals/data-reports/covid-19-surveillance-dashboard

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It is actually counterproductive to despise the injected... yes they are MOREONS and petty imbeciles for the most part.... but without them The Plan would fail... and heaven help us if The Plan fails https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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Once medical fraud is documented it will be used against these WEF lizards as all governmental immunity from harm will be negated. Then watch the big pharmaceuticals run for cover. They'll never admit their role in this murderous scheme.

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A vaccinated death that occurred prior to the 14 day period where a person is not considered to be vaccinated counts as an unvaccinated deaths. So if a person goes for their second shot and dies before 14 days are up they would be counted as a single vaccination death - correct?

Do they have data on vaccination date and deaths? It would be interesting to do a distribution where it is shown to be exponentially decaying after 14 days but the pre -14 day data is missing. I was doing a hard stats course before all this began, but when I saw everyone wearing masks, and read about masks I figured we would all be dead in a year.

So what kind of group of people could be behind this happening all over the world? E. Michael Jones said its now illegal to question the holocaust in Canada - new law since the truckers protest and the Libs hired someone to walk around with a NAZI sign.

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We are literally in the greatest good vs evil battle ever friend, sadly most of our society has become infatuated with the left of center in politics.

This has blinded far too many in our society to the evil that is afoot.

I can tell you very honesty from a guy who has been spreading the truth from almost day one, many many people are waking up, justice is coming from the darkness enveloping humanity.

Not a few days go by where I don't say, I can't believe its got this far and or I can't believe what is happening.

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I think most of us were in shock when this lasted past February 2021.

How did it get this stupid?

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Sorry friend been busy. How did it get this way? Brainwashed masses and evil trying to control said brainwashed masses.

It is not hyperbole, we are tru7ly in a battle of good vs evil, perhaps even biblical in nature.

Way back in the summer of 2020 after I asked where the common cold and flu went and shortly after learned about the massive importance of vitamin D...this is when I learned of other experts warning about vaccinating during a pandemic and the harm it will cause.

I have only learned much much since then, its truly a depopulation agenda as there can be no way they did not know what was going to happen.

You saw that site correct? About the different batch/lot numbers of the injections and how roughly 5% are the 'hot' ones at any one time.

There is no doubt they know what they are doing, perhaps they don't mean to kill people but they know damn well these 5% are absolutely being experimented on without their consent.

I think well at least want to believe that if these brainwashed masses knew that over 1200 people died out of 47,000 in the pfizer trial I am certain this would have been over by now and of course they would not have taken the shots.


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The people were frightened, vulnerable and confused and didn’t have time or access to information. They were bombarded by fear porn then before you can think, the “vaccines” were coerced then suddenly rolled out. No time to think. People were threatened with the loss of their livelihood, if they did not comply. They wanted their freedom back. The unvaccinated are going to die and it is the pandemic of the unvaccinated. They are to blame. Pfizer sponsored the MSM news.

Sadly for them, they are beginning to experience anti body dependant enhancement. Their immune systems have been repeatedly down regulated. Their immune systems are becoming exhausted, immune exhaustion.

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They knew!!!

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Alberta briefly showed this data - https://metatron.substack.com/p/alberta-just-inadvertently-confessed?s=r

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The last B&W graph reminds me of the polio shots. Polio shot up, then died down, people got the vaxx and it shot back up. Of course the Kovid 19 diagnoses don't mean anything because of PCR invalidity. I think Kovid is pure fiction, normal death rates didn't change from flu. Flu is fake too - Vit D shortage seasons, not flu seasons. 100 % pure BS.

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The number of healthy people that have died "from" COVID is closer to zero than any of the top docs and experts will ever admit.

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My 94 year old mom beat Covid19 in 2 days with Ivermectin.

She had been taking vit D etc.

People didn't need to die at all.

That's called premeditated murder isn't it?

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Old people died from just getting sick and dying - its what old people do. They just diagnosed everything with Kovid.

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I would guess by just the number of sports stars and people on TV keel over and die from the shots that the number of people that are dying from the shots is higher than any of the numbers indicated, and the numbers indicated for the trials were quite high. I think it was 1200 people that died in a 40K person experiment - I've looked at some numbers but don't recall exactly. No one will know. Bolsheviks don't count bodies.

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Isnt that what the original survival rate covid 19 was? No reason to give a jab with a long lasting poison spike protein damaging and killing many or all.

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Given the recent studies published in the Davidson report one has to wonder if the death spikes in the elderly between days 4-8 among the jabbed but not “officially vaccinated” by the 14 day lag requirements designed to keep anaphylaxis and other severe sudden jab death numbers out of the official “death post vaccination numbers, were actually severe vaccine induced strokes or infarctions related to myocarditis, pericarditis, vasculitis, capillary leak syndrome, DVT, blood clots, or some

I sincerely doubt that the bureaucrats in charge of hiding data from the COVID task force would have wanted any testing or autopsies done to see whether the “death spike, rainbow graph” correlation was in fact representative of all of the people who were tragically VACCINATED TO DEATH!

Jeffrey R.W. Rath

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And this is just Covid deaths. Anyone counting all the heart attacks, blood clots and cancer deaths that look to be related to the vaccine?

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This is a really great point, Mary. Increases in All Cause Mortality are increasing and without some of us starting to drill into this, there will be some that try to get away with mass homicide.

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For every actual death caused by the poison injections I'd bet there are a thousand injuries, many of them lasting, severe, and life-changing. I'm among that unfortunate cohort.

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Sorry to hear that. A diet of anti inflammatory foods etc. I bet they are working on how to mitigate or cure this. 🍀💕

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My heart goes out to you. I find Dr. Ana is probably most brilliant at addressing these issues as she is doing incredible research and explains very clearly what they have done to us. Some of her posts can only be seen by paid subscription. I'm a free subscriber and found amazing amount of info. Click on her name at the top of her page to find lists of her posts. https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/detoxification-strategies-united

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Sanber, how is it that you are replying to a comment on a post from over two years ago?

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Doing some catchup reading on the Yak Stack, came across this post and wasn't really aware of the date. I always read through comments. That would make these numbers far higher now which is frightening. Sorry if I troubled you.

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Did you take the covid vax, and if so, how many doses? Did you experience negative effects from it, and if so, what were they?

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Thank you Sheldon. Reposting it….Excellent work.

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Fantastic analysis. Thank you.

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Not sure they will do anything about it. They're actually gearing up for the fall.

What do we make of Moderna's announcement that they will have an Omicron-specific vaccine in the fall (which will fail is my bet)? I get the feeling the Feds are going to use policy to try and pull another 'mandate' scheme.

Hope countries follow Denmark in ending the campaign.

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Sheldon do you have Ontario stats that I can post on LinkedIn?

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Unfortunately, I do not, Diane.

The reporting that I've seen from Ontario is PDF downloads and these are refreshed with each new update, making it impossible for me to do historical comparisons - I won't be able to get their exact data.


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Awesome! Thank you for your hard work! The Ontario data looks scary too - https://covid-19.ontario.ca/data

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great link, looks like similar data provincially and prob worldwide. funny how unvaxxed always includes 1st shot up to 2 weeks after, if you die from the shot it is considered unvaxxed! How is that even considered science?

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Are you able to select a homogenous group among the 3 vaccination statuses (no injection, initial full set typically 2 except for J+J, boosters (3+)) for example age 50-70? We need an age band where there is enough death happening (hence I start at 50, we could try 60). I'd like to make sure we don't have overrepresentation of the vulnerable 80yo+ population in one group compared to another and we are just comparing age cohorts when we mean to compare vaccination status.

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There are no homogenous groups between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. And it is unclear which group more vulnerable patients turn to. That's why unbiased and long term RCTs were critical at the beginning. We got warp speed instead.

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Please define “vaccinated” because official stats are saying a person is “unvaccinated” after the injection for a period of 14 days. Only after 14 days are they “officially” vaccinated. The first two weeks is also a period when many deaths are occurring after the injection (probably from the injection). If you normalise the data to say deaths post injection vs non-injected person you going to see another story. If a lay person looks at the current data you presented they will look at the cumulative totals and conclude that it’s better to be injected, which is not really the case. It only seems like it because of the definition of “vaccinated”. Please could you explore if this is the case in Canada too?

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Do Ontario next!

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I'm more behind the data on Ontario than Doug Ford...and he's been trash!

There's so much changing, still, and so quickly, the pandemic might actually be over before I even got caught up.

The National Level should allow some insights and whatever I see that looks sideways, I'll definitely post on.

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Excellent expose Sheldon, keep up your momentum to further (fatally) wound this Whore - Beast !

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Isn't it 227/228 = 0.9956? I came up with 227 vaxed deaths, plus one equals all deaths. Or did I miss something? Anyway, could just be an outlier in the reporting methods? Has this shown a clear trend over several weeks?

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