This seems to be similar to the UK which has 92% of deaths among the vaccinated. The UK decided to hide its breakdown of deaths by vaccination since March 1.

Thanks for posting this

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Provincial Health Care providers have started to remove a lot of the statistics in Canada as well. All to better hide the failure of their emergency services, quality of care and vaccine ineffective rates.

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This is my....shocked face.

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Sheldon Imagine My Surprise! :(

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This doesn't even cover the 8k COVID deaths that are missing from the PHAC reporting on Vaccine Deaths - Table 2. For months now, vaccinated COVID deaths could have superseded unvaccinated but PHAC is still hiding this data.

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We Should Be Building A Gallows!

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Thank you for doing this.

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We all know the emperors have no clothes. But the media keeps dressing them. But reality always wins.

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I don't have the April 03 but an earlier document. One thing I spotted. There is a Total deaths on the first page. The difference between the Total deaths numbers on those 2 reports is almost twice as big as the difference between the total deaths numbers in Table 2. If you then calculate the percentage of deaths among unvaccinated against that top total deaths, the percentage will drop to something like 12-14%.

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I saw in your article you stated PHAC documents are getting deleted. I can send you instructions how to get these docs by using wayback machine. If you are technical just take the path and go one directory up. look at URLS. ex. canada.ca/covid19/docs/vaxstats.html just search on canada.ca/covid19/docs click on URLs tab on results and look for what you want. Good luck this is a common issue with them hiding. Setup a free account and backup doc before publishing article to reference regardless of what they do.

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Wow! How come the hospitalizations almost match the deaths in ALL categories?

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Would it be possible for you to give a breakdown by age? I suspect that 12-year-olds are less likely to be vaccinated (or boosted) and less likely to die of Covid-19 than 82-year-olds.

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Strange that the case numbers didn’t change at all

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Your numbers are oversimplified. They need to be recomputed as odds for each vaccination status population. Then you'll get what you need. - See how this is done here: www.ivim.ca and discussed here: https://twitter.com/Gorodnichy_Dm/status/1520781277930082309. If you still have questions, please join us at weekly webinars - https://ivim.ca/data/seminar/

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