A large portion of Canada's working population and especially civil servants, have take to working in remote or hybrid situations - not mentioning those that require physical or on site presence - roadcrews, garbage collection, maintenance workers and the like.
And as of a policy introduced in May, by September 9th, there will be a new "expectation", that instead of only showing up to the office for 2 days per week, civil servants who man phones and desk-jobs, will be required to show up for 3 days per weeks.
Oh, the horror.
Of course the public unions are bucking on this policy because working from your pajamas is a lot better than having to get dressed up, fight traffic or hop on a bus and head into work and honestly, having worked from both an office and home office, there is a lot more freedoms that are afforded through a hybrid or remote position, so I do understand, however...
Public service under the Trudeau Liberals has increased by a whopping 42% since 2015 by over 10,000 employees in just one year, pushing federal public servants to around 367,772 by the end of the last fiscal year.
Now, a part of the reasons, given by the unions, for these employees wanting to stick to a 2 day instead of 3 day - work from the office model - is because they claim that they are more 'productive', when they work from home.
According to them, anyways.
But, is this actually the case?
With somewhat of a finger to the pulse of the situation, I've seen and heard from multiples of people who've tried to contact Service Canada, for various reasons and comments are universally in condemnation of the quality of service received.
Throughout COVID lockdowns, when a great part of this remote work began, we'd become accustomed to parents having children in the background, dogs barking and various other sounds. Zoom Meetings weren't uncommon place for pant-less participants sipping their potent potable de jour from a coffee mug to mask the actual contents. Life was a lot more relaxed in these early remote-work days and people were taking to a slower pace, a little less by way of expectations...we were in no hurry.
A lot of businesses deemed essential had even slipped a little by way of quality of service and performance as well, due to short staffing through 14 day quarantines on suspected cases of 'The Ro'...we'd even come to accept this.
But the world has moved on from it's fear of the sniffles.
Majority of mask supporters have ditched their facial diaper, for science actually showing that ZERO benefits were ever realized by this insane practice as well as were other ideas, steeped in lunacy, that we were expected to believe, promoted by "The Experts", echoed by legacy media:
3 foot Plexiglass barriers in warehouse environments;
Disinfecting hands every 4 feet;
6 foot bubbles;
Arrows on the floors of retail outlets;
Daily COVID Testing...
All Gone!
And given the cost of living today, our expectations have resumed to pre-pandemic, while we're not seeing the increase in value meeting with the increase in costs.
So, even though you may have to resume a normal fulltime schedule from your place of employment, the bloated, ineffective and still slipping service, provided by civil servant employees, have a large number of them that are put out by struggles with transportation and work-family balance.
For an additional "expectation", of showing up to work, an extra single day per week.
My first question on this is, who is going to be managing this expectation to begin with?
Is it the same people who've watched quality of service continue to swirl the drain?
Because if it is, our expectations of improvement will certainly not be met.
And if we don't get to see this, my second question is, are those who don't meet this new expectation going to be terminated?
The belt is tightening for All Canadians and we're all having to do things that we'd prefer not to have to do to maintain our employment...but, if we have to, shouldn't this be actual "expectation" of those who we provide a paycheque to?
T.W.A.T.'s Tuesday, Wednesday &Thursday's. That's how the P.S. are labeled in the UK.
To be fair, aren't contractors hired to do the "work" because they can't find anyone with skills amongst the civil servants? Or hire a civil servant to also be a contractor? The system is broken, but I didn't realize how much until Covid and ArriveCan.