[Spoiler Alert - it’s a World Economic Forum Idea]
Happened onto a Tweet yesterday, that was retweeted by the former Queen of Alberta - Rachel Notley, that opened me up to wondering what a ‘Decarbonizing World’ actually is and where these ideas come from.
Apparently, last year, Rach did a podcast and Samir Kayande thinks that we need to expand on this for Alberta Energy:
And apparently, getting drunk and railing on UCP policies on Twitter, according to Samir, is an impressive grasp of policy minutiae…
But it’s this next sentence that had me curious as to what a decarbonizing world actually is, where’d the idea come from and why we are looking at doing this…because, welp…we are carbon based life forms and there’s a lot of other really important stuff that also has carbon in it…so why are we decarbonizing the planet and what are we looking to replace it with?
This does does precede the “Just Transition” idea recently introduced by the Liberals, supported by the NDP…to close down the Oil and Gas sectors in Alberta and transition our province into a ‘Have Not’ province by focusing on reducing our cheap energy and thousands of jobs, billions of dollars in revenue…with wind and solar plants, that haven’t proven to be a viable source of energy anyplace they’ve been attempted and it doesn’t matter how much taxpayer money was thrown at them.
They are energy and taxpayer sinkholes.
They cost too much…generate too little…and are completely unreliable. We’ve already proven this in Alberta Specifically, in the sunniest city in the province - Medicine Hat, by throwing $12 Million dollars at Solar Energy and closing this project down after 5 years. Link
$2.4 Million Dollars per year thrown away for something I could have told them over a cup of $2 Nespresso.
At current…Alberta finds itself in a surplus situation. This is due to a number of factors but one of them being that we have an oil rich province and when not pissing away all of our money on failed or destined to fail ideas, can amass a little savings.
And what does the Liberal Government think we should do with this money?
Invest in Healthcare?
Lower inflation?
Add it to infrastructure?
Give it back to taxpayers? lol ←as if JT thinks we are smart enough to spend our own money wisely.
No…none of these things.
JT and the Liberal Bandits came to the province with their hands out asking for our Provincial Surplus to be flushed down the Carbon Capture toilet.
To summarize…a man that has spent more time in air-travel, burning more fossil fuels than any other PM in the country in the history of Canada…thinks that Canadians heating their homes with the same energy efficient carbon based fuels is a bad.
Who coincidentally comes to the Province for a handout with his failed ideas because we have a surplus of cash when his government for 7 years has completely decimated industry and forced Canada into generational debt, waiting for the ‘Budget to Balance itself’.
Let’s get back to what a Decarbonizing World actually is…
So, like what Trudeau needed to do with a definition on Budget Surplus…
I dumped Decarbonizing World into the Google and found this→ Link
It’s about Climate Stabilization…where they note that we can change the weather if we use less Fossil Fuels…targeting specific metrics on reducing bad guesses with unachievable benchmarks and impractical goals.
They believe that the climate of the planet cannot tolerate a 2.4°C change.
While forgetting that in places like Alberta, our climate changes by a variance of 60°C, +30°C in the summer to -30°C in the winter.
While also forgetting that the number one thing that impacts global climate is that large fucking ball of fire in the sky, we all refer to as ‘The Sun’.
These people are all lunatics.
With the largest achievement on changing this to date is reducing the amount of grocery bags, plastic utensils and straws that we use…which has absolutely zero chance of achieving anything - except to make life less convenient.
Just like when the WEF casually sauntered into Alberta Health Services at the beginning of the pandemic, undoubtedly making life and our Health Care Services a lot worse with their ‘Dial a doc’ ideas, allowing more of their ideas into our energy sector will turn the ink from black to red…put more undue pressure on everybody working with an infrastructure for Green Energy that doesn’t exist, costs too much and has already failed to work in the sunniest city in Alberta.
No Thanks, Rach.
No Thanks, Justin.
No Thanks, WEF.
Never Notley!
Never NDP!
*I got a freebie for you Sheldon - I was thinking - I just read a Substack on this same topic - um, no, I had just started writing one about a news article I had read this morning. A whistle-blower type MD revealing details about a study when she was younger that never got published and left her suspicous of money motives in the health industry. It seems the insurance company involved squelched the study with her superiors instead of making improvements that would save patient's lives. She is not recommending it, she is revealing it. “Perverse Economies: Who Is Worth Saving? — It's often cheaper to let people die”, by Judy Melinek, MD January 5, 2023, (https://www.medpagetoday.com/opinion/second-opinions/102515)
I recently watched a video where Russell Brand interviewed Graham Hancock. Mr. Hancock is a journalist who has studied archeology and perhaps ancient history a lot. He talked about the last ice age, which I think was called the Younger Dryas and occurred around 14,000 years ago. At the end of this age, about 12,000 years ago, the temperature rose very quickly - according to the NOAA - about 10 deg C in 1 DECADE. The result was a drastic rise in sea levels and a near extinction event including humans. I personally think that this is the Great Flood from the biblical Noah story. Watch the video, it fits.
I don't know specifically what the population of the earth was 12,000 years ago but I think we can assume it was lower than today. I also don't think that 'fossil fuels' were used much at the time.
Any rational person can see that the climate can change catastrophically (or wonderfully) and we humans have absolutely nothing to do with it. Nada, zilch, nothing.
What may be going on right now is a combination of gross financial mismanagement, greed, control freaks/narcissists, hubris etc. Not to mention the cult of Malthus and Machiavelli.
Gross financial mismanagement because the entire global financial system is a huge mess that keeps getting kicked down the road. It may even be that the people in charge of central banks see the mess and are trying to take steps to make the collapse less painful. Those steps however involve draining money from wherever they can find it, i.e., your pocket and mine.
Greed and control because the very rich and powerful probably think they can only remain where they are by keeping us on a very short leash.
Narcissists & hubris because they won't admit error.
Malthus & Machiavelli because that's where the theories of (1) too few resources and too many people and (2) the end justifies the means came from at least they were the originators in the recent past.