The ‘Didn’t Earn It’ folk got dealt another serious blow, yesterday…when big-box retailer - Walmart - told them all to kick stones.
Because…as it seems, people want affordable groceries and sundries and really don’t give a single shit about their DEI efforts…because, while they state:
“We’ve been on a journey and know we aren’t perfect, but every decision comes from a place of wanting to foster a sense of belonging, to open doors to opportunities for all our associates, customers and suppliers and to be a Walmart for everyone”.
They absolutely realize that giving preferential treatment and having programs to coach people into this hive-mind concept…this idea of “Inclusion”, is wildly exclusive.
Whuda Thunk, hey?
When people are coached that their immutable characteristics mean more than their performance…
When mental illness - by way of Gender Dysphoria - are preached over sanity and science…
When special programs are implemented for financing, and the store continues to have to ramp up security to limit theft…
When these people screech louder than unions - which Walmart also hates and has closed down distribution centers over…
And in a world that’s been coached to be highly divisive that coins the term ‘microaggression’, to anything they can’t get along with…
The bottom line will always be, the bottom line.
If it doesn’t turn a profit and doesn’t improve a work force…like a few other companies have previously done…it gets shitcanned.
We’ve already seen Tractor Supply, Lowe’s, Ford and Molson Coors wake up to woke and walk this toxicity back…and good on them and Walmart for making these public statements.
It’s really important for people to see these statements made and know that large and profitable companies aren’t willing to sponsor divisive policies nor sponsor parades and like Walmart - refuse to profit off of children’s items - disallowing third-party sellers from carrying transgender youth items like chest binders.
In addition to this…
Wallyworld has also been working on:
Ending the Center for Racial Equity - started in 2020 after serial criminal and drug addict George Floyd was canonized;
Phasing out supplier diversity programs; and even,
Using the term DEI;
I full on suspect that as the Liberal Financing for these programs comes to an end…a lot of other companies will look at the ash-heap that these have created and without that sweet cash forked over for lunacy…they’ll either quietly walk these same things back or be brazen enough to come out swinging, in a:
“We’re done with this nonsense!”
Type statement.
Hopefully will start a trend in reverse for all other companies coerced into this crap!
Walmart, Austin, Texas (Feb. 18, 2016) Selling Fluoride "Supplements"
CUSTOMER: Ok, and for peace of mind because I'm still
nervous about giving this to my son, is it FDA approved?
PHARMACIST: Yes, the prescription is controlled by the
FDA. Any of the Rx items...
CUSTOMER: Are all FDA approved? So, those are FDA
approved because Walmart wouldn't sell anything that was
not FDA approved, would they?
PHARMACIST: Right, right. Yea, the prescription stuff all
has to, under restrictions by the FDA.
CUSTOMER: Ok, so I can relax about that, that at least
the FDA says it's going to be fine?
PHARMACIST: Right, right. And when we're dealing with
something like the mineral fluoride, it's pretty
straightforward, we're not dealing with a lot of funky
chemicals. It's the fluoride ion, which is naturally occurring.
They just package it into a pill.