In what has to be the largest story in Canada today and what you’d probably already heard…is that Trudeau has announced his “intention” on resigning…and in case you’ve missed his statement and so you don’t have to watch the entire blithering statement…here’s the clip:
Over the holidays…his reflection came when he blew through more Taxpayer Dollars on a Ski-Trip to BC, where he got railed on…that gave him a moment of pause…
As for his list of achievements…let’s go through this.
- ArriveScam;
- SNC Lavalin;
- WE Scam;
- Winnipeg Lab Investigations;
- Ignored All Ethics Violations.
- Out of control spending by the GG;
- Climate Scam Projects Globally;
- Gender Equality Programs, Globally;
- Funding Abortions in other countries;
- Offshoring Taxpayer cash into the Ukraine. Not forgetting to mention;
- Mass immigration; which has caused a
- Collapse of the Healthcare system;
- Increased rent pricing by double;
- Over-inflated cost and prices of purchasing a home;
- 11 Million Canadians needing Food-stamps;
- 2 Million Canadians relying on foodbanks;
- Highest interest rates in 3 decades;
- Highest inflation rates in the same 3 decades;
- Tent Cities in every city;
- Highest rate of Drug Overdoses;
- Highest rates of violent criminal activity;
- Catch and release of minor criminal offenders;
- Generational Debt. Where throughout a supposed 'global pandemic':
- Illegally tracked your movement through your cellular device;
- Left Liquor stores, cannabis shops and Fast Food Chains open;
- Closed down gyms;
- Closed down Schools;
- Closed down playgrounds;
- Closed down churches;
- Killed Extracurricular activities for children;
- Watched young adults threaten to be TAZED for outdoor skating;
- Arrested Priests for holding service;
- Arrested people for giving Homeless people Food;
- Deemed people 'Non-Essential' by there job;
- Requested that you Rat out your Neighbors;
- Shuttered small businesses; causing
- The largest bankruptcy rates in the history of Canada;
- The highest homeless rate also in the history of Canada. Where they created the most divisive country based on calling you names if you disagree with their policies naming you as;
- Anti-Science;
- Anti-Vaccine;
- Racist;
- Misogynistic;
- Homophobic;
- Islamophobic. Because you rejected their policies on;
- Actual Racism through DEI;
- Vaccinations;
- Refusing to give Special Rights to champions of the 'Oppression Olympics. And because you were selfish for wanting to pay your bills and have you and your family socialized because you would 'Kill Grandma', all while:
- They enforced/recommended mandatory handwashing, masking, social distancing, tapping elbows instead of shaking hands, arrows on floors of grocery stores, reducing capacity limits inside of 'essential businesses'
- They locked down Long Term Care Centers;
- Kept you away from dying loved ones in Hospices;
- Refused you having a wedding, funeral, graduation, family celebration, mourn losses; celebrate seasonal and religious events. While they segregated 15% of the population of Canada for not getting a vaccine from: - Employment;
- Employment Benefits; - Employment insurance;
- Summer Camps for Children; - Affordable taxpayer funded tutoring; - Before-care and Aftercare programs;
- Extracurricular activities; - Restaurants;
- Movie Theatres; - Concerts;
- Sporting Events;
- Travel by plane and public train. Encouraging others to shun you from society and threatening;
- Special Triage to Exclude the Unvaccinated;
- Refusing your rights to shop for Groceries;
- Seeking for Extra taxes to be paid;
- Generally be afraid of you, whether you were sick or not, while still encouraging additional 'Booster Shots', and masking. They've:
- Shut Down the Economy;
- Lied to you about COVID;
- Lied to you about "Safe and Effective", Vaccines;
- Lied to you about the weather. They've shredded the constitution and have been found guilty of enacting the "Emergency Measure Act", which:
- Deemed dissent as terrorism;
- Classified Canadians as Terrorists;
- Had Bank Accounts Shut Down;
- Seized Assets; - Stomped on Citizens;
- Lied about the threat of actual unity. All to plunge us into being;
- A Global Embarrassment;
- Impoverished;
- Reliant on Taxpayer Funded, Government Handouts;
- Scared;
- Alone;
- Victimized;
- Generational Debt.
Where…According to the most recent data, in 2023, approximately 22.9% of Canadians in the ten provinces were dealing with food insecurity. This translates to about 8.7 million people, including 2.1 million children, living in food-insecure households.
In 2023, a total of 128,043 insolvencies were filed with the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB) in Canada. This represents a 23.6% increase from 2022. Of these, 123,233 were consumer insolvencies, and 4,810 were business insolvencies.
For the year 2024, specific annual figures were not provided in the search results, but quarterly data indicates a continued trend of increasing insolvencies: In the second quarter of 2024, 35,082 Canadians filed for consumer insolvency, marking a 12.4% increase from the same period in the previous year.
Where…over the last four years in Canada, crime rates have skyrocketed with the Liberal - Hug a Thug, Catch and release program:
Violent Crime: The police-reported violent crime rate increased from 1,095 incidents per 100,000 people in 2013 to 1,427 incidents per 100,000 people in 2023, marking a 30% increase over the decade, with significant jumps in the last few years. Specifically, the rate of incidents of violent criminal code violations in Canada increased by 3.71% in 2023 compared to the previous year.
Property Crime: Property crimes, which include theft, have shown a general increase, with rates in 2023 being 7% higher than in 2013. However, specific crimes like motor vehicle theft have seen fluctuations, with a 5% increase from 2022 to 2023.
Homicide: The homicide rate in Canada has seen increases over the years, with a notable rise in 2023 where the rate was reported as 1.94 homicides per 100,000 residents, up from previous years.
Other Crimes: There have been significant increases in specific crime categories like extortion (357% increase since 2014), child pornography (52% increase in 2023), and hate crimes (32% increase from 2022 to 2023).
Overall Crime Severity: The Crime Severity Index (CSI) increased by 2% in 2023, marking the third consecutive annual increase. This index considers both the volume and severity of crimes, showing a trend of rising crime severity.
Where…in 2022, 256 people were murdered by people on parole or early release programs - which represents 30% of the 882 Homicides for this year.
Where the cost of affordable housing - ownership and rentals have Doubled, over the last decade…a lot due rampant spending increasing the costs of borrowing money…but the vast majority created by a lack of supply of available and affordable homes, due to the mass and unsustainable immigration from the last few years.
Where we still have somewhere between 11 and 46 (according to Sam Scooper Cooper) Compromised members of Parliament - through foreign interference…
Where $256 Billion Dollars in Foreign Investment has Fled the Country…
Where the Liberals have spent us into More Debt than the sum of All Governments prior…despite collecting 60% more in Revenues (taxes), since they began in 2015…
Where CPP has underperformed so poorly, based on Liberal Direction into the Green Climate Scam Economy, that it too is up an additional 60% since 2015 as well as adding in CPP2 in 2024…
Where there is more public spending in hands of the Auditor General than their department can manage…
Where, despite the fact that the Federal Public Service has grown by 42% since 2015, when population growth only being approximately 9%, the Liberals still spend $20 Billion Dollars on Consulting Services…
Basically…Trudeau’s accomplishments is creating the most impoverished, divided country - were families, communities, friendships and small business have been destroyed…
We’re more unhealthy, have less money in our bank accounts, less optimism for the future…
And what makes this the most disgusting…is thinking that these same Liberals have to walk past or know people who’ve had their lives destroyed…they can see the state of the economy…all with absolutely ZERO compassion for what they’ve done.
The worst part about Trudeau’s announcement today…is that when Trump takes office in 2 short weeks from today, he’s vowed to hammer Canada with a 25% Tariff on all goods…while Trudeau will be proroguing parliament until March 24th, 2025…so that they can find a New Liberal Leader.
They will keep Canadians hostage, while watching our economy continue to swirl the bowl…thinking that replacing the head of the snake of a Liberal Party…will somehow change the voter intentions:
An easy laundry list to send people - lest they forget like goldfish . Thank you .
Indeed, the job of YGLs (Manchurian candidates) is to sabotage a country at its core. As you described, Trudeau has been very effective at this.