
Trudeau: New Vaccines Coming out This Month

80-85-90% up-to-date with their vaccinations...or MANDATES!

For the last 21 Months, since Vaccines rolled out in Canada, they’ve been an abysmal failure on all levels up to the point of having to re-define the word ‘Vaccination’ and the term ‘Herd Immunity’.

Canada, as a country has had the most incredible time with the lies put out by these no-minded politicians under the guise of, “Trust the Science”, for the last 2+ years with all of the measures implemented. We’ve found out that there never was any science behind the distance used in social distancing, found out that they knew there was no benefits to masking and that they actually caused more harm than could have ever provided…but what else?

Lockdowns that crushed the economy - Did Nothing!

Closing schools - ZERO Value!

Paying people to stay home under CERB - Created a Catastrophic Labor Shortage!

Mixing Vaccines - you remember…the best vaccine you can get is the first one available and that mixing them was perfectly okay…No Science to support this and when Health Canada had to issue warnings on both Pfizer and Moderna for Myocarditis and Bell’s Palsy, as well as completely remove J&J and AstraZeneca from use in Canada…Moderna limited in use to those above the age of 30…it was all BULLSHIT!

The vaccines were intended to provide “Immunity”, and stop COVID from being transmitted, but by June of 2021 we knew that this was not the case and in fact, as people were still dying from COVID after being vaccinated for COVID that the new definition of Immunization meant “Reduced Severity”, was also bullshit because you’d have to have rocks in your head to think that the consequences of COVID following vaccinations still meant DEATH, that there was any actual reduction in severity.

2 Doses? Nope, we’re at 5 now.

Safe and Effective? Nope…there are actually more Vaccine Injuries than are COVID Deaths…with over 50k injuries, 10k of them Serious…

Compared to 44k deaths…COVID - 30 Months, Vaccines - 21 Months.

Meaning that Vaccines have injured more people in less time than COVID has…

Where 72% of the vaccine injuries are in people under the age of 60…

And 93% of the mortality from COVID is over the age of 60…

When people were still dying from COVID following 2, 3, 4 and possibly 5 doses of the Vaccines:

This was as of June 2022…where a year earlier, we’d learned that the vaccines didn’t provide any protection against infection and spread and that 4-5 jabs still meant that DEATH was a Reduction in Severity of COVID.

Yeah…that’s what they’ve been saying - this is “the SCIENCE”!

They same science that couldn’t be supported by Health Canada in the now almost 1 year old Vaccine Passports being rolled out in Canada…

Yakk Stack
Vaccine Mandates - It Was All Politically Motivated Bullshit
Read more

And when Boosted Deaths (3 Jabs) finally surpassed the Fully Vaccinated (2 Jabs), Health Canada removed the data from their Epidemiology update:

Yakk Stack
The Boosted Deaths in Canada just Surpassed the Fully Vaccinated.
Read more

I won’t even get started on how stupid putting arrows on the floors of grocery stores was…bumping elbows instead of shaking hands - WORTHLESS!

How many gallons of Anti-Bacterials and Hand-Sanitizers have absorbed since the start of the pandemic? Anybody looking at long term data for health impacts on this?

For a virus that’s spread by “Speaking Moistly”…

But a 3 foot Plexiglas window in front of your cashier would stop it…especially when they drilled holes at mouth level because, as it turns out, you can’t speak through Plexiglas and that what is in the air will circulate around 3 feet of crusted plastic….

Firing people was incredibly moronic as was restricting travel by those who refused the clot shots…and now that there are still a number of Health Care Professionals who are still benched because of their vaccine skepticism…what’s the new plan?

Same as the old plan?

Yup…but with a New and Improved version - Bivalent Vaccines.

And what does science actually say about them?

For this, I will defer to Igor Chudov, where he busts into this very thing:

Igor’s Newsletter
Bivalent Booster's "8-Mice Trial" Actually FAILED
So, the FDA just approved the new Ba.5 bivalent booster, based on a trial of exactly 8 mice. Steve Kirsch, in a reply to my previous post about the Ba.5 booster being medical quackery, asked a question, what happened to the 8 mice in the trial? Did they die…
Read more

But…guess what.

Come this fall, when there is still a strain on the hospital system by compromising immune systems with vaccines that fail to prevent spread of COVID and actually cause injury to people who never needed them, during respiratory virus season…

If you aren’t up-to-date and if Canada isn’t, as Trudeau Says, “80-85-90% vaccinated”, we’ll be back into lockdowns and calling the control group ‘Grandma Killers’, again…Will there be another convoy?

And if there is, will the Emergency Measures Act be invoked again?

At current, only about 50% of the population is Boosted and of those, how many are outside of their 6 month recommended window?

There’s only going to be one path out from COVID and back to normalcy and that will not be through compliance.

When we finally start to address the fact that pharmaceuticals are not a sufficient substitute for true health and that vaccines that don’t provide the old definition of ‘Immunity’ are not going to solve this, will we see change.

Until then…the old plan is the new plan and given the lack of official opposition party response to a Liberal Minority Government, you better believe that we are going to be restarting all of this same nightmare over.


Because Trudeau just said so.

That’s why!

Read this and share it…with your community, on your social media feeds, with your friends and family. Compliance with the Justin Trudeau Lunacy has been an abysmal failure and everything that we’ve seen posted by way of stats from Health Canada shows this exact thing…but you won’t see any of this on the new Bivalent Consent form.

We are our only line of defense now.

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