If only substack allowed GIFs or Emoji’s…you’d get a better sense of how hard I am laughing at this.
Because while Trudeau clearly commands the RCMP and their investigations, has the ability to call them away from actual investigations and sweep CSIS information under the rug…
Apparently, the TPSA has had enough of JT and his bullshit!
Earlier today, the clown prince took to bragging about the amazing success of pulling handguns off the market…
Which, as anybody could tell you, would be a complete farce.
Criminals don’t obey laws…so, adding another law to the laws that they already ignore is not shocking.
And with the bail reform…the criminal justice system has turned into a revolving door of punting criminals back onto the streets on the same day that they’re arrested if not shortly afterwards.
Which is why, in 2022, 256 individuals charged with homicide were out on some form of release (bail, parole, etc.), which represented about 29% of the total homicides for that year.
256 homicides by people who should have still been in prison!
So…following Trudeaus blatant lie that ignores what is actually happening…TPSA took to using the official account and fired a reply…with both barrels, as it were, opening the reply with, “Criminals did not get your message”:
And while anybody can claim to be the anybody else on Twitter…this does seem to be official, given the Blue Check Mark and the rest of the information in their bio.
It’s only a matter of time before somebody gets reprimanded for this and has the Tweet pulled…or, until other police associations continue to pile on more damning stats.
Now…this isn’t the first time that the Toronto Police have openly made statements about Trudeau…but they were a lot more lowkey and may have only inferred that the catch and release program was partially to blame - in regards to carjacking:
But now…seems like they’ve had enough.
And while it’s tragic, the state of criminality in Canada, at the hands of the Liberals and their preference for criminals over law abiding citizens…
I’m still laughing hysterically!
Canadians are not prepared for the level of thuggery and violence the average overseas criminals are capable of inflicting. I immigrated from a crime ridden country incapable of dealing with such situation, under the banner of preserving "human rights" (which is very selectively applied to different folks). And I'm witnessing Canada briskly moving into no-men's-land. The same patterns that I saw emerging some forty years ago elsewhere are slowly taking root here. Bar your windows, folks.
As an involuntary Ontarian, I approve of this message!!!! 😂✔️