This week, I was honored to receive an email from Doctor Steven Pelech, Department of Medicine, University of British Columbia - Senate Representative for Faculty of Graduate and Post-doctoral Studies, President & Chief Scientific Officer, Kinexus Bioinformatics Corp, Co-Chair, Scientific and Medical Advisory Committee VP, Canadian Citizens Care Alliance.
That’s a mouthful, hey?
Really made me ponder what I’ve been doing with my life…seeing his credentials and helps you understand why I was honored to receive an email from him.
The letter was to let me know that he and 23 scientists, physicians and other health practitioners…had assembled some information, that they’ll be publishing in book form, collaboratively…on COVID-19, in working with the Children’s Health Defense.
In this, he’d asked if I would be interested in reviewing the pre-print and having some of these Medical Health Professionals on to a livestream for discussion.
So…I’m going through the book and hope to have some things worked out to either do some sort of Townhall - via Zoom, or just conversations with those who want to cover their contributions, via Livestream.
Due to the nature of the content, I will NOT be able to post these on YouTube, but will have some links set up for viewers outside of, the still highly censored platform, YouTube.
I figured that it should only take me a couple of days to make it through this content…and I was absolutely wrong. In going through the online version, I’ve toggled through information that I’ve gathered to compare to the content in the book…and have learned quite a bit, given the open nature, content, authors and editors.
It is pretty high level, but there is a lot of information that you’ll be able to wrap your head around, without getting everything…I feel very comfortable in saying this. If not, because the mercury is dropping and we are surely to have snow soon…might be a good time to do some evening townhalls as a sort of Book Club to openly discuss.
The book will not be released until November 19th, 2024…and is on sale right now as a pre-purchase. BUY IT!
Anyways, one of the pieces of information that I came across in the book was this:
Dawson’s Creek writer Heidi Ferrer committed suicide after her Moderna vaccination dramatically worsened her long COVID symptoms. Her husband stated in his eulogy for her:
“Then in March we were able to get the vaccine with the hope it would help you get all the way back. Within weeks it was clear something was very wrong. The tremors started in your hands. Small at first. You told me other people in your groups were getting them too . . . I’ll never forget you literally collapsing in my arms as your whole body shook, but only lasting for a minute or two, they seemed manageable. But then the vibrations started in your chest every night, robbing you of your sleep almost immediately . . . I could see the shift in your outlook when this went on for more than a few days. A light was starting to dim. You were doubting a cure would come in time. I told you to hang on. That you, just existing, on our couch was enough for us. I didn’t care if we ever left our neighborhood again. You were enough.”
From what I gather…and this is in relation to Long-COVID, is that Heidi was suffering immensely from the prolonged impacts of COVID. When the Jabs became available, they had believed that immunity from them would help in both, keeping her protected from future bouts, as well as mitigate her suffering from Long-COVID.
As it turns out…this exacerbated the problems to the point where she could no longer deal with it and took her own life.
And to me, this is not only Tragic…but disgusting as well.
You see…there’s been a period of my life when my health was really terrible. I trusted myself to the medical community only to see problems get persistently and progressively worse…
I went from mostly functional, to mostly bedridden for 5 years back to being functional by doing a few things:
Stop trusting doctors, potions, pills and pharmaceuticals;
Educating myself with hundreds if not thousands of hours of research;
Addressing root causes of my illness.
Today…however, I am reminded that if I ignore my studies and fail on my body, I can quickly resume a path where pain is so immense that I am nauseated. I can barely form thought or sit still without writhing in pain and will soon be taking something to help me sleep through this, hopefully to wake in less of a state of pain.
My pain today, brings me back to when I was sick…and though I wasn’t suicidal, I was absolutely in a state of mind that welcomed death.
I had to remove myself from field work, take to a desk job, just to be able to work throughout an entire day and feed the family. In this, trying to occupy my mind so as not to watch the clock.
A watched kettle never boils
Because keeping an eye on what time it was, only seemed to extend the suffering and days were so much shorter when I could focus on anything other than the pain.
Moving right along…
This all seemingly coincides with a story that was just released today, about a man in Ontario, where the Medical Geniuses threw up their hands…shrugged their shoulders, realized that they could no longer do anything of value…and offered their patient, less than 50 years old, Medically Assistance in Dying (MAiD), due to his JAB INJURY.
Those charged with assessing his condition, attributed his health decline as “post-vaccine syndrome”.
Took CONVID Jabs;
Had an Adverse Reaction;
Issues persisted and got progressively worse;
He was afforded Medically Assisted Suicide;
End of story!
Troubling about this…he’s not alone.
I’ve seen testimony from others who’ve made decisions based on the same timeline, following jabs, some with attributable diseases either brought on by or worsened by the jabs…others for not being able to PAY RENT!
Commonality is the same.
Faith in the system to a point of desperation where dying makes more sense than living.
How did we ever “progress” here as a society?
Truth be told…and if you’ve been a YakkStack Subscriber long enough…you know that I’ve personally and selfishly had to step back from being involved with the vaccine injured. Given the information that I’ve needed to process over the years…given the tragedy that we’ve all seen unfold since this all began, simply is something that’s hard for me to process and even talk about.
But the more I see…
The more I think about where I was…where I am today…where I could have been had I not taken a step back to assess things for myself.
I don’t believe that those who have been physically injured by the jabs will be as fortunate as I have been in evading the pain, most days.
Not overcoming the damages done to their bodies, minds and spirits.
There are no simple quips - “Listen to your Body”, magical potions or protocols, that will help you recover from a gunshot, nor what has been done to the bodies of those who had been forced into becoming a lab rat, in the worlds largest experiment and are now suffering because of it.
All I can think about, on days like today…
It never had to be this way.
I can’t hate these people enough for their part in destroying the lives of others.
It’s all just…too disturbing!
Sheldon. This is one of the best you’ve ever written. You have a way of reaching the truth with revelations of your own experience that keeps me hooked. Thank God for your gift and thanks for sharing it.
Nenshi and our Calgary mayor posted pictures of themselves getting jabbed this week. My only prayer for these vile humans is that the more they are jabbed the greater the chance they’ll be seriously injured. I am not someone who wishes ill on anyone, however enough time has lapsed for them to know how dangerous these products are. Nenshi developed Bell’s palsy on his first shot…..he’s due for something more serious.