I’ve talked about the testing of the Pfizer COVID vaccines and was only working off of a single nugget of information, where it pretty much showed that before there was a single COVID Death in Canada, Pfizer was already testing their Vaccines on PEOPLE.
This isn’t in lab rats…it was in people!
When looking through the documentation, anybody can see what it says…but often times there is a lot more to the story.
Much the reason that a lot of you are reading this now…because while I am not an Investigative Journalist…I’ve got a bit of an eye for shit that doesn’t look right, right?
So…when the first documents from Pfizer Dropped and I was able to have a look through them, of course after wrapping my head around them, I had found something that stuck out like a sore thumb and started to have this same conversation.
Check it…
From the Post-Marketing Experience - Approved on April 30th, 2021, using clinical data obtained to February 28, 2021…
Indicates that the Relevant onset latency, of getting COVID 19, following the jabs ranges from less than 24 hours (which is amazing) up to 374 Days.
Meaning that 374 days BEFORE the end-date of this data, they had already jabbed this shit into PEOPLE in a CLINICAL TRIAL.
374 days before February 28, 2021 is February 20th, 2020.
And the first Death in Canada - reported by CBC, March 9th, 2020 as in almost one month AFTER Pfizer was ALREADY jabbing this shit into peoples arms in a Clinical Trial.
An Estimated 80% of those infected with COVID-19 will have mild symptoms, according to the WHO.
So, then why the fuck was Pfizer already testing vaccines the month prior?
Now…in case you forgot…we were testing and in some places still require testing for COVID in people who are NOT SICK and show NO SYMPTOMS…as in, you needed to be told if you were sick or not.
Yeah…and up until October 1st, 2022 - if you didn’t have the jab and you entered into Canada, you not only had to Test, but also had to quarantine - for not being sick.
Aaaaand, because in the above reported information from the Post Marketing Study, Canada showed 12 cases…Pfizer might have even begun testing here.
Could have been after December 14th, 2020 - when PHAC indicates the Pfizer Jabs rolled out…Could have been almost an entire year prior.
I mean, it’s great that Euro-Parliament is digging into this fiasco and that some of this is getting out…but it’d be a lot better if our Taxpayer Funded Media actually reported this!
It’s truly criminal what goes on inside of Canada and…
Yes…I am very repetitious in some of my posting, especially when it becomes current again…and this is not for the sake of selling Merch…like this amazing gift idea, which will be available online tomorrow…in various colors, sizes and with different messaging…
No…it is because thanks to you sharing my information, I get a lot of new subscribers and with so much that has happened over the last couple years…it’s hard to remember it all, and sometimes a reminder is a good thing.
Maybe some of it is just a pure…
But the most important thing here is that if you weren’t here…I wouldn’t still be doing this. My voice is only as loud as you help me make it…and I want to thank you all for all of your support!
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