
The Spike Proteins from mRNA Vaccines Never Leave Your Body...

But get boosted to keep your protection?

“High Anti-Body Response” and “Training Your Immune System” and “It does its job and then leaves your body” turn out to be completely false.

They haven’t found anybody who’s actually cleared the spike proteins from the COVID Vaccines…and we’re a solid 2 years from start of Vaccine Trials and this shit being pushed on 80% of the Western World.

Do you remember when some of us were “Hesitant”, because there were no ‘Long Term Studies’?

And others just dived in the the Koolaid…

Welp…as it turns out, those of us who were reluctant will now need to spend the rest of our lives avoiding so much as the sweat from the jabbies…where they never have to worry about another Long Term Study for the rest of their Shortened Life Span.

Not sure who actually wins in this case…because it seems like we all lose.

However…those who took this on, full boar, should have an appreciation that introducing MORE Spike Proteins through Additional Boosters are a complete waste of time, in an already shortened life span…that gets smaller with each subsequent jab. Their bodies are already toxified to a point that it cannot be determined if or when they can ever clear their first jab(s).

It’s really no wonder that this isn’t a part of Autopsy Reports…and if it is…why nobody is talking about it.

And it’s now no longer a mystery why the Boosted Population overtook the Double Jabbies on the Canadian Death Toll from COVID:

Yakk Stack
Now it's Official - More Vaccinated Have Died from COVID than Unvaccinated...
Read more

And why the Boosted are now more of the Hospitalizations and Deaths than those who only finished their ‘Primary Series’ - 2 Doses.

And why the 2 or more additional doses was the FASTEST gaining on hospitalizations and deaths, until Health Canada decided to Stop updating this report:

They literally want you taking more jabs until you are DEAD…because this shit never leaves your body and adding more gasoline to the inflammation fire in your body is reducing your bodies energy and immune energy to fight off simple respiratory viruses….and why the massive resurgence in Influenza and RSV…and Packed Hospitals and ICUs while we haven’t really even hit a major Cold Snap in Canada:

We are going to get to a point where the confess that they never really typed the genome of the ‘Predominant Strain’ of Influenza…because they don’t want to admit the blatant failure of Flu Vaccines, where they can instead chalk this up to…less effective to the H3N2 as they have done historically.

I honestly open mouth guffawed at just listening to this…but after that, realized how fucking serious this actually is.

And when they are talking about controlling the weather through a reduction in CO2…and you realize that every species on the planet exhales CO2…they don’t give a shit about Cow Flatulence…this was just more ‘Let me put the tip in, to see how it feels’, politics.

And Holy Fuck…

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