
The Liberal Party Still Has Vaccine Mandates on their Party Platform...

But don't just assume this is for the COVID Jabs...

If you’ve been keeping up with the news…you’re probably aware that there is a New Vax in town…welp…not in Canada yet but if we learned anything over the last 3 years, FDA approval of vaccinations means that Canada will be quick to follow suit.

And…because the bar has been lowered on what it means to vaccinate or gain immunity from vaccinations, this version also does not prevent transmission of RSV.

Those data showed that the shot reduced the risk of people aged 60 and older developing lower respiratory tract disease from RSV by 82.6% and that of developing severe disease by 94.1%.

It only “reduces risk” and lowers “severity”…of the disease.

Where’ve we all heard that before?

Now…this is a protein version…similar to what Pfizer also has…but Moderna is working on an mRNA version, under expected review at the FDA.

With or without mRNA technology…and even though these have been in the works for 60 years, I am equally not excited about the proposition of getting one of these before I am allowed into a restaurants, on to a plane or to go to the Christmas Crafts fair at my community centre…not for a gym membership, not to see a movie and not to eat in a food court.


And while the Liberals haven’t specified which vaccines they will be mandating, given their track record, I think it’s safe to assume that you could be lining up yearly for COVID, Influenza, RSV and why not Monkeypox as well, right?

This doesn’t scream out to be a winning strategy in Canada…but with NDP support, government controlling the media and nobody wanting to be called a racist, misogynistic, homo-phobic, islamaphobe…and with the ease that they’ve duped 80+% of the population into the COVID jabs, what resistance will they face?

Health Canada finally updated their Vaccination Coverage page and not surprisingly, the percentage of Boosters given out over the last 6 months continued to fall, right now hovering at around 13%:


Meaning that…throughout respiratory virus season (November-February), 87% of Canadians rejected the jabs…

In Alberta, this number, second lowest in the country following only Nunavut to HALF of the Canadian Average…


With NDP Province of British Columbia, being absolute highest in the country!

This doesn’t scream out for support from Canadians on getting jabs for the sake of getting jabs…but it doesn’t need to.

Once they have this penned in place…we’ll be as helpless as were against the Climate Tax…Overspending of Billions on International bullshit…appointing Liberal Supporters to investigate Liberal Crimes...

Alberta is the last bastion of hope for Canada right now…and if Rachel (Got boosted and the Flu Vaccine in the same Week) Clotley, wins…we’re all fucked!

And with an election looming mere weeks away…We need to all send a strong message.

Get your Lawn Signs delivered!

A SEA of blue is what we need to see in Calgary.

We don’t support this mandate…just like we didn’t the last!

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