Whatever your belief on the current situation in the middle east, Gaza & Lebanon & Iran vs Israel…of the one thing we should all be able to agree on, it’s NOT a Canadian issue and it’s NOT our Problem.
However, for the last year and not by watching mainstream media, we’ve seen clips like the Celebration event in Toronto, over this weekend:
Of other things we can hopefully agree on…
People that celebrate the Massacre that took place in Israel on October 7th, 2023 and who continue to line the streets of cities around the globe calling for genocide, are not people who are actually seeking peace and in fact, may not be the “Good Guys”.
And specifically when, they openly state that Diversity is Not Our Strength…
“Our issue is not just Palestine, our mission is to kill every infidel. We will follow Jews and Christians all over the world. Either they convert to Islam or we’ll kill them!”
I understand that there are some tender feelings from a sordid past, between terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah with the Jews…
And I get that this got a little wild after October 7th, 2023.
As well as Israel retaliating hasn’t been thought of as being neighborly and kindly…
But common, now…
First they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for the Christians
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Christians
Then they came for the infidels
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a infidel
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me.
When Canada decided Justin Trudeau decided to take in people from war torn countries, students from 3rd worlds - and didn’t bother checking nor vetting them correctly and we ended up with terrorism by literal terrorists in Canada - who was surprised?
And when the Conservatives questioned Marc Miller - Minister of Immigration - How this unvetted terrorist arrive in Canada, under a student visa…
What they actually should have been asking is…HOW MANY MORE ARE THERE?
Because thinking that this would be an isolated incident, would be foolish. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t…but shouldn’t we be investigating this?
And then when Marc Miller also committed to taking in 5000 families from the HOT ZONE - Gaza - under expedited circumstances…what could possibly go wrong, hey?
Listen guys,
I don’t want to turn things into mass hysteria and panic…
And this certainly isn’t a racist posting…
It is my belief that there may be some cause for concern over something terrible that happened on October 7th, 2023, (Not in Canada), where protests (in Canada) continue to grow, with potentially an unvetted mass of people who are rallying around groups that are Known Terrorist Organizations, in Canada, calling out a chant for genocide.
Just spit-balling here, really.
I may say this wrong but I don’t know how else to say it. If you can’t come into our country and follow the rules of our country, then don’t come. We have Catholics, Protestant , Jews, as well as Sheikhs, Muslims and others. We can all live in harmony and respect but we don’t force our values on others. If you want to protest what is happening in your country, then do so overthere. Please don’t bring your wars to our country. I know we have had problems but I want to believe we are working together with 1st nations, blacks, whites and other nationalities to make Canada one of best and peaceful places in the world. I will continue to say Merry Christmas, celebrate Thanksgiving, Halloween, Easter, etc and others can celebrate theirs. This is Canada
The only good part of all that is when the Free Palestine parade ousted the Gay Pride parade. 😁